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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City |OT| A New Chanllenge by CAPCPOM & SLANT SIX


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
After briefly playing the new Slant6 game, which I refuse to believe is a Resident Evil title, I discovered that it plays worse than the Socom franchise; frame-rate is bad, story is infantile, a practically non-existent tone hovers over the game, and you have a variety of characters that often grunt instead of using dialogue. Okay, maybe those elements are key in the co-op based asinine you're used to seeing, but I digress, there's more...

You'd swear that your character had Parkinson's on top of his perceived blindness when it comes to aiming; maybe it's those generic gas masks that some of the umbrella goons are sporting, in turn, making them look like all the other generic embodiments of pixels gracing us in modern-day shooters, naturally. It's obviously too daunting of a task for the writers to flex their creativity muscles and render some personae of varying fu**ing dimensions. Maybe the masks act as bags over the heads of the protagonists; shielding them from further embarrassment because of their presence in this game? Or, perhaps that which lies beneath the mask is just too ugly and is a hidden plot device needed by the production-team for future installments; as a result, pushing their ingenuousness beyond the company's usual boundaries.

There's practically no fear in the game, besides the degree that materializes when you touch the controller and watch your character strut around like an undead raccoon being grudgingly stuffed up the ass of a rabid giraffe only because he has no say in the matter.

I wonder when SLANT6 will bless us with the aforementioned sequel they prematurely disgorged news of during their spiel on Raccoon City's launch day.

Haha, just kidding, I don't want to know.


What the fuck!? I'm playing campaign on Casual and I can't beat Birkin!

I take it you're supposed to hit the eyeball in his right shoulder? Would help if the bastard would stop waving his arm about and SPRINTING towards me! The A.I. barely shoot their own guns, instead they run all the way up the hallway, leaving me to fend for myself. When I join up with them at the end of the hallway with the locked door where we're magically supposed to hold-off Birkin, they just stand around gawking whilst Birkin hits them with his pipe.

I've tried staggering Birkin earlier in the hallway, like trapping him in the steam/flames, but that doesn't seem to work.

The rest of the game when I was fighting soldiers (and have seen later gameplay footage of zombies, bio weapons etc.) seems fun enough, but the scripted event boss battles such as Birkin and any that follow a simillar formula are complete ass.

'NOW' I get it. You get to the end of the hallway, press A on the door to start a door release timer. I hadn't been doing that, because when you get to the end of the hallway a notification shows up, just saying to hold off Birkin. You're not supposed to get to the end of the corridor, take some lumps off Birkin when he reaches you, frantically turn around to try the door in vein (thus starting the timer), and obviously dying before it finishes and the door opens.

Then of course you just run to the end of the next corridor and the video automatically kicks in. Jesus Christ I've been stuck on Birkin for half a day. They could have made that simpler to understand.


If the game is pretty rough on consoles I wonder how broken it will be on PC. Only 1.5 months to find out
by watching victims from a distance.

Is there any PC footage at all? I mean I do like watching trainwrecks. Morbid curiosity and all that. Its not going to be like Lost Planet 2 where it ran flawlessly and got higher res assets on PC and Capcom babied the hell out of GFWL for it to work.


Can someone explain to me what happened to the rest of the game? I finally played online last night and all the multiplayer maps are just taken from the campaign. It's like what we have now is half of the game, and an extremely unpolished half.

So to sum up, the campaign is six missions long taking about four hours to complete, with the maps recycled for mutliplayer which itself has about four modes that all play almost the exact same. That's all there is? Just how extensive is the DLC going to be? Are they planning on adding the Spec Ops campaign as DLC? Is it going to be paid?

And how lazy were they with the heroes multiplayer mode. On the good side they have Jill, Carlos, Leon and Claire. On the bad side, they have Ada, Nicholai, HUNK and....that dude no one has heard of! Oh, he's a helicopter pilot who was only vaguely mentioned in two games! Oh, and you renamed him too so in those games he was NIGHT HAWK but now he's LONE WOLF! Good fucking job. I mean, you really couldn't have come up with a forth bad character? What about Wesker, for fuck sake. Now is not the time to cry canon, just use him! Hell, even give Birkin or his wife a gun! Or Chief Irons!

This game is just mind boggling. The fact that it exists and was released in this state is just insane.

Davey Cakes

This game is just mind boggling. The fact that it exists and was released in this state is just insane.
Going by this thread, people seem to be buying the game. Some are even apologetic about its shortcomings.

Capcom knows that they can take advantage of the suckers. I'm not surprised that the game was released in its current form.


Heroes Mode should have been Leon, Jill, Claire, Carlos and Ada vs. HUNK, Nicholai, Sergei, Wesker and Chief Irons.

I refuse to classify Ada as a villain, and who the fuck is Lone Wolf?! I see an explanation above, but still.

EDIT: Just noticed the changed title thread. Good show, mods!

Nori Chan

Well I'm starting this game now after I got it from gamefly. Wanna go through the story mode once on normal so I can get a grasp on how this game plays.

Any of you guys play this actively? Would love to hook up with some gaffers and get carried, er I mean play together.


Too late Crapcom, I already sold this piece of shit back to GameStop for 34 bucks. Best deal I've made in a whole. Best of all, I only paid 20 for it. So I actually got paid to play this broken piece of ass. Which granted was fun the first 2 nights, then it just got annoying and the crapitude of it really sunk in.


Spec Ops campaign looks so much better than the USS one from a thematic standpoint. Having Jill around doesn't hurt either.


Too late Crapcom, I already sold this piece of shit back to GameStop for 34 bucks. Best deal I've made in a whole. Best of all, I only paid 20 for it. So I actually got paid to play this broken piece of ass. Which granted was fun the first 2 nights, then it just got annoying and the crapitude of it really sunk in.

You damn well should have made money, playing this game feels almost like working a dead end job.


As in "Heathcliff"
I decided to rent the game for lolz, and played the game with my friend. So I thought the story was little cheesy and too easy. We just rushed to the checkpoint most of time when we are not required to do something.

Sad thing that I only like this game for two bosses.
Leon at final chapter and Nemesis Boss Battle.


As far as I know, ORC was always the story of the USS, the Spec Ops story is just icing and at least they are releasing it for free.


As far as I know, the spec ops DLC will not be free. Only the first mission will be free.
Really a shame considering the Campaign felt like it was missing another half....


So what does everyone think? Is this a purchase?

I'm a RE fan, and I like it. Of course, isn't worth $60.

You need to have in mind that this is a spin-off, so doesn't need to "carry the RE title". I mean, yeah yeah. The campaign has a lot of flaws, and you probably will get frustrated by somethings, but I'm reeeeally loving the online. Watch some videos and decide for yourself.

Is a regular 3rd person "action" shooter. I like the feeling of having zombies and hunters around in a multiplayer match, along with allies and enemies.

I'm not playing for the "survival horror" experience (because there is none), but because I just wanna have little fun, shooting things up.

(I liked 50 Cent Blood In The Sand for what the game is).

Personally, I hope it sell well enough for Capcom to try another one. It has potential, it just needs way more thought and polish put into it. Or just make that Outbreak game instead. :D

I agree.


Thanks for responding, Neogaf community.
Anyway, I picked this up and guess what; it's awesome.
So much undeserved hate.
Yeah there is a laundry list as long as my arm with problems, but it's still fun as hell.
Come at me, man-children.


Thanks for responding, Neogaf community.
Anyway, I picked this up and guess what; it's awesome.
So much undeserved hate.
Yeah there is a laundry list as long as my arm with problems, but it's still fun as hell.
Come at me, man-children.



Snagged this from Redbox yesterday, made it to the
boss fight and gave up. I just can't get into this game; your AI companions are completely useless, going into/shooting from cover is spotty at best, the bosses are boring bullet sponges with waves upon waves of guys you have to deal with, and the guns hit about as hard as Nerf toys. Hell, regular zombies took half a clip to bring down most of the time (yeah I know, shoot em in the head, maybe I could if the aiming wasn't so janky). I suppose I needed to play this online with real people, but that would only eliminate the AI problems.

Despite all that the idea behind the game (Left 4 Dead + RE) is a good one, it just feels like they needed another few months of dev/QA time to polish everything up.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Despite all that the idea behind the game (Left 4 Dead + RE) is a good one, it just feels like they needed another few months of dev/QA time to polish everything up.

More like it needed a different developer from Slant Sux to be good. Alas, Capcom went the cheap outsource route instead of forcing the Monster Hunter devs to make a new Outbreak. So we get this turd. :(


Bought the game used off Ebay for $27.. cannot wait to play (qwirks and all).. alreay got 4 people lined up for multiplayer (who also got the game for cheap)...


Got it from Gamefly, played it to the 4th mission and could not stand it anymore. Just bland environments, characters you don't give a shit about, brain dead AI and awful enemy design.

A shame that Capcom would put the Resident Evil name on something this terrible. I am pretty forgiving as well, but ugh. This game just plain sucks. Come on, Capcom. I love you guys, but please don't give Slant Six a chance to make another game.


So word on the street is that this might be a worse PC port than Resident Evil 4. Is anyone taking the plunge?
Looked competent from what I've seen on streams. The usual graphics options (even increased resolution and better image quality can't keep this from looking quite assy, though), Xbox controller supported right out of the box, button prompts are shown according to the input that's used on the fly.

It's just a bad game and better graphics don't change that.

Video's up, a live reaction/mental breakdown to the end of ORC...super spoilers

HE REAL ENDING for Resident Evil: Raccoon City by Maximilian
yo vidyogames!



After spending some time in singleplayer (online) and the various verses mode... I find my self enjoying the game... its not the greatest game ever, it has flaws, but i find it fun..

Playing this game alone would not be fun...

The DLC missions are pretty good...

A poster awhile back said soemthing like the concept is cool and if a different developer or more time was given to this developer.. game could have been 10 times better... i think that is a valid point...

Davey Cakes

Some games aren't even worth zero dollars, and that's the case with ORC.

Why play a game if it sucks, regardless of the price?

It's the same reason why people forwent Duke Nukem Forever even when it dropped to $5.


Some games aren't even worth zero dollars, and that's the case with ORC.

Why play a game if it sucks, regardless of the price?

It's the same reason why people forwent Duke Nukem Forever even when it dropped to $5.

Because unfortuantly there are no other options if you want (or ar interested in) the following:

• Revisit classic Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 moments and experience the events of the Raccoon City outbreak from a new perspective

• Take on the role of an Umbrella Security Service soldier as you enter Raccoon City to destroy the evidence of a deadly T-virus outbreak and eliminate any survivors

• Battle against a team of elite soldiers dispatched by the U.S. government as well as terrifying zombies and Bio-Organic Weapons (B.O.W.s) in adrenaline-pumping action

(Yep right from the best buy bullet points!!! lol)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This is one of the most garbage games I have ever played. I bought this to recapture the feeling of RE2 and it does not even attempt to do that. Awful gameplay in dark, poorly detailed hallways that might as well have been ripped right out of fear. Jank everywhere, poor visuals, poor animation (when they bother to animate things at all), poor hit response from enemies, poor level design, poor dovetailing with the plot of RE2, poor everything.

I want my money back. This is an unbridled disaster on the scale of Ninja Gaiden 3. I'm insulted that Capcom put this out.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
This is one of the most garbage games I have ever played. I bought this to recapture the feeling of RE2 and it does not even attempt to do that. Awful gameplay in dark, poorly detailed hallways that might as well have been ripped right out of fear. Jank everywhere, poor visuals, poor animation (when they bother to animate things at all), poor hit response from enemies, poor level design, poor dovetailing with the plot of RE2, poor everything.

I want my money back. This is an unbridled disaster on the scale of Ninja Gaiden 3. I'm insulted that Capcom put this out.

Slant Suix is developing it.

I told you, bro. I told you about the pedigree of the developers, bro!


This is one of the most garbage games I have ever played. I bought this to recapture the feeling of RE2 and it does not even attempt to do that. Awful gameplay in dark, poorly detailed hallways that might as well have been ripped right out of fear. Jank everywhere, poor visuals, poor animation (when they bother to animate things at all), poor hit response from enemies, poor level design, poor dovetailing with the plot of RE2, poor everything.

I want my money back. This is an unbridled disaster on the scale of Ninja Gaiden 3. I'm insulted that Capcom put this out.

Holy crap this game is bad. I purchased it for 14.99 at BB and it's still not worth that. Why would Capcom want to tarnish their rep like that?

Probably should have purchased HomeFront :(
I got this for 8 bucks from gamefly. I thought for sure I woukdnt have buyers remorse for that price but...... I have failed to find any online whatsoever during all times of days for the past week on PS3. My Nat is moderate apperently, but wince I had no trouble finding games when i red boxed this game after launch, I'm going to assume this game is just plain dead. I wonder what capcoms dlc plans were because I wouldnt be surprised if they had all been scrapped, even with the good Japanese sales. I wonder what the population is over there?
I got this for 8 bucks from gamefly. I thought for sure I woukdnt have buyers remorse for that price but...... I have failed to find any online whatsoever during all times of days for the past week on PS3. My Nat is moderate apperently, but wince I had no trouble finding games when i red boxed this game after launch, I'm going to assume this game is just plain dead. I wonder what capcoms dlc plans were because I wouldnt be surprised if they had all been scrapped, even with the good Japanese sales. I wonder what the population is over there?

i've been finding games all night no prob
I'm 4 missions into the sp game, and I'm liking it.
Playing it co-op now with 2 other friends.
Def worth the 10 bucks I bought it for from GF.
The co-op levels are fairly long, too.

I've played BAD games (Jumper, Darkest of Days) and this ain't that bad.


I'm about ready to start this but I am having a blast with Homefront and can't pull myself away from that.
I have my expectations set low but I'm not really a huge fan of recent Resi Evil (4 and later) games anyway. I just wish this had splitscreen co-op in it. I started playing online MP games about a year ago after taking a several year break but I don't do co-op over Live. It especially irritates me because I have a buddy who comes over to hang out and play games all the time but Devs don't give a fuck about people with real-life friends anymore. At least he and I have gems like Army of Two and Kane and Lynch that we can play together (one of those is not sarcasm though)...
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