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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City |OT| A New Chanllenge by CAPCPOM & SLANT SIX

There is absolutely no way that this game was actually play tested on the higher difficulty modes. They must have just set the enemies health and damage to 4x normal and shipped the game. It's not that it's too hard it's just so fucking STUPID. The last level with the snipers is like some sort of joke.

It's awful besides that though. Worst Resident Evil game by a long way and Capcom/Slant Six should be ashamed they even shipped it the way it is.


After the initial negative report from Max, he keeps on playing the game. The Co-op looks fairly basic but fun. It might make way more sense to run through co-op first to upgrade your character and then start to play MP stuff.

I would have preferred an Outbreak sequel, since that would have been closer to the feel of Resi evil but since the series is all about gun combat from Resi 4 onwards, this feel right at home. Seems like it follows the films more than the games though.

Personally, I hope it sell well enough for Capcom to try another one. It has potential, it just needs way more thought and polish put into it. Or just make that Outbreak game instead. :D
Anyone know what the hidden data does besides concept art? cameras and typewriters also, don't even see a trophy for them.
had people in my game earlier saying it unlocks other costumes/colors.

Personally, I hope it sell well enough for Capcom to try another one. It has potential, it just needs way more thought and polish put into it. Or just make that Outbreak game instead. :D

Other fans will hate me but I would love a 4 player remake of RE1. with the canon ending this time.


Other fans will hate me but I would love a 4 player remake of RE1. with the canon ending this time.

Ohh, that would be nice. Maybe they could do a new Outbreak and it be split among the best parts of the Resi series but 4 player co-op? All I want is a Resi game built around co-op, where you play various characters that posses different abilities. I don't want everyone being some SWAT Ninja Assassin. Make some awesome puzzles and mechanics for co-op. Hell, even the basic Resi stuff with "Solve this puzzle or someone dies." would be pretty cool in co-op. Of course, you would have to play with friends. :D


Alligator F*ck House
After the initial negative report from Max, he keeps on playing the game.

Just the singleplayer. I don't think I'll be touching any of the competitive MP again. Being a Lost Planet 1/2 fan...those games fell like gold in comparison.

I'm also just going through the SP right now since it's my first Lets Play on my channel, and I'd prefer not to give it up halfway through. But after playing it, the game's pretty disappointing and I agree with the majority of the reviews.
If this game was better, I'm sure I would hear more about the horrible day 1 dlc. They released a shooter with little enough content, but then try to sell you costumes and weapons and crazy ass prices.


Just the singleplayer. I don't think I'll be touching any of the competitive MP again. Being a Lost Planet 1/2 fan...those games fell like gold in comparison.

I'm also just going through the SP right now since it's my first Lets Play on my channel, and I'd prefer not to give it up halfway through. But after playing it, the game's pretty disappointing and I agree with the majority of the reviews.

Just sitting down to watch Part 8 now. I think the game had potential but after one outing, people are already soured on the idea of more games like this. With Resi 6 on the horizon, Raccoon City will get quickly forgotten. I do hope they at least try a new Outbreak game.


Alligator F*ck House
Just sitting down to watch Part 8 now. I think the game had potential but after one outing, people are already soured on the idea of more games like this. With Resi 6 on the horizon, Raccoon City will get quickly forgotten. I do hope they at least try a new Outbreak game.

Yea man. I played the game a lot at E3 last year, and the finished product feels almost identical featuring the same problems I had with early builds. Uninteresting characters, crappy controls, terrible shooting, nothing feels like it's doing damage, and I can't tell if I'm taking damage, then overall lack of polish.

I don't mind Resi 6 being more actiony like RE5, but, I really hope Capcom doesn't go for that "we want RE more like COD". The only reason COD is popular is because of the addictive multiplayer. Unless they try to match or improve upon that experience using the RE franchise, it's a fools errand and will just piss off the already upset fanbase.

News Bot

Other fans will hate me but I would love a 4 player remake of RE1. with the canon ending this time.

The first game was never meant to have a "canon" ending.

Hope this game bombs, and bombs bad.


I'll never understand how a studio like slant six was given the opportunity to make a Re game. What was capcom thinking? A great idea killed by horrible execution.


I complained about the partner AI in RE5, with Sheva basically being useless only except when given a sniper rifle. After renting this for the weekend, she seems like a damn genius compared to the CPU AI in ORC. They seem to be overly eager to run into danger and get themselves killed. You end up babysitting them more than actually getting the objectives done throughout the levels. For example, environmental hazards like fire for instance. The AI can't seem to get enough of it. Loves it even. Runs right into and through it. Repeatedly. Would have been nice to at least be able to give them basic commands like "regroup" or "take cover". Would have also been nice to be able to call them over to me so I could fix their wounds with a first-aid spray, instead they act no differently as if they had a full vitality gauge, and run headlong into enemy fire. Also, equally frustrating, a random bug that seems to make it so no button inputs at all work. You can still move your character with the analog stick but shooting, reloading, switching weapons, picking up things, they just don't work for a good while.
I'll never understand how a studio like slant six was given the opportunity to make a Re game. What was capcom thinking? A great idea killed by horrible execution.

Same feeling I get about Ninja Theory and Devil May Cry.

At least Platinum games makes good games!
Wow the resolution is horrible. I had to check and make sure my TV was getting an HD signal.

As a competitive shooter this game is a joke although it is kind of fun to shoot the zombies with the pump action.
I finished the campaign of this game, COMPLETE UTTER SHIT. The last level blew my mind with the complete utter stupidity of it all. There is so much wrong with it from glitches to poor level design. The game is incredibly repetitive with areas that clearly had no thought put into them, it is just a big area with monsters and guys shooting at you. Everything is a bullet sponge with almost no reaction animations so you cant even tell if you are hitting some of them nor stagger them. The story is a complete mess, it actually feels incomplete as some areas just magically jump to a new section with no explanation what so ever.

Maybe multiplayer can save me. I decide to try the standard team deathmatch. In this mode you get points for everything you kill, so killing zombies and BOWs gets points as well as killing the other team. Obviously the tougher the enemy the more points. First match goes by ok, its kind of a free for all as you just shoot everything that moves. Skills can come into play so there is some potential.

On the second match there was some lag, everyone from my team left so I was all alone, I then quit. Next match went well enough though the amount of times you get stuck in an endless animation loop is crazy, someone hits you with a grenade launcher and you are knocked down, as you get up they can do all sorts of things to keep you in animation so you cant do anything. The next match had some bad lag. Slowly the match was getting worse, I couldnt use my grenades anymore. Then I flew through the floor into glitch hell, then it respawned my entire team and our score was reset and finally the game just frooze, I had to turn off the 360. And it stayed off.

Can't believe how broken this game is. I must me a masochist or something coz I keep playing, but it's a heap of dung to be sure.
I do wonder how such a mess gets released....especially when part of such a big franchise.
People taking a character I have been using round after round just to make me angry is really getting on my nerves. happened in 3 different games last night.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Played through most of the campaign over the live stream on Sunday with friends. I don't care what any one else thinks, with friends this game is a lot fun to play. We only encountered minor glitches, but nothing that ruined the experience.

Game is fun period. Can't wait to write up the review and taste the hate from it. Screw the haters.

Smelling farts can be fun with friends. Still doesn't make it recommendable.


Can't believe how broken this game is. I must me a masochist or something coz I keep playing, but it's a heap of dung to be sure.
I do wonder how such a mess gets released....especially when part of such a big franchise.

I took a flyer on this game as well, and have not touched 1p at all. Played about 2 hours of multiplayer, and once you get your bearings, it is decently fun. The maps are fun and the theme of Raccoon city is a nice moody backdrop.

So with that said, it is fun if you plan to play any form of online (either coop or multi). It isn't going to be put in any 'best of' lists for any of the mode types, but it is servicable and fun online. I have a feeling most of the reviews for this game were only regarding the 1p mode.
Smelling farts can be fun with friends. Still doesn't make it recommendable.

Professional is really a pain but im having the best time with co-op in recent memory.
Took a break from Heroes and tried Survivors its also alot of fun.

Davey Cakes

Hope this game bombs, and bombs bad.
Me too.

I honestly don't give a shit if some people are able to have fun with it. There are other games like this to have fun with that aren't Resident Evil games. People who like the gameplay can move to those. The more a game like ORC sells, the more Capcom is going to think that releasing these types of games is acceptable.

No more guilty pleasure/apologetic enjoyment bullshit. People, stop supporting this game. I'm a big Resident Evil fan too, but I put my dollars towards games like Revelations.
Me too.

I honestly don't give a shit if some people are able to have fun with it. There are other games like this to have fun with that aren't Resident Evil games. People who like the gameplay can move to those. The more a game like ORC sells, the more Capcom is going to think that releasing these types of games is acceptable.

No more guilty pleasure/apologetic enjoyment bullshit. People, stop supporting this game. I'm a big Resident Evil fan too, but I put my dollars towards games like Revelations.

Whatever... would much rather have ORC2 over another Gaiden, Dead Aim/Survivor, or Chronicles game.
We got this and the best Resident Evil in a long time released within 2 months of each other, don't see this hurting the series.
Hey! The Chronicles games were excellent, actually. RE:UC is one of my favorite games this gen!

I'm giving this guy a pass, though. It looks tooooo bad.
Same feeling I get about Ninja Theory and Devil May Cry.

At least Platinum games makes good games!

In defense, the previews that the press have given DmC have been great. While ever since the beginning ORC has never viewed or played with positive reception in previews. DmC just isn't exactly in line with what hardcore fans want (i.e, 60 fps vs 30 fps) but all considered what has been shown has been seen much more positive than some naysayers in the fan community would care to admit.

Davey Cakes

Whatever... would much rather have ORC2 over another Gaiden, Dead Aim/Survivor, or Chronicles game.
We got this and the best Resident Evil in a long time released within 2 months of each other, don't see this hurting the series.
I hear ya on that front. But I'm not asking for any of those other games either. I have UC and while I enjoyed it somewhat, I would have preferred anything that resembled a main line Resident Evil game. I've posted before about how questionable the direction of the Chronicles games was, since RE4: Wii Edition is the game that had a definite Wii audience. UC was only successful because it tricked the average Resident Evil-aware consumer; why else would the sequel, DC, have failed so hard?

Not every RE game has to be on the level of the numbered games. We're all anticipating RE6, but like I mentioned before, supporting Revelations is good too, since it's a quality Resident Evil game that isn't a throwaway cash-grab spinoff. More high-tier side games in the future, less guilty-pleasure ones like ORC!


Alligator F*ck House
Oh my god I just beat the game with both endings earlier. My brain seriously couldn't handle it when they cut to credits.

I'll post a the live reaction video from the playthrough after it's all up.


I got the game day 1 finished it in 2 h and I must say it was the very first game I've ever sold.

I did it ASAP, just minutes before other people realized how shit it was. Phew.


Played through most of the campaign over the live stream on Sunday with friends. I don't care what any one else thinks, with friends this game is a lot fun to play. We only encountered minor glitches, but nothing that ruined the experience.

Game is fun period. Can't wait to write up the review and taste the hate from it. Screw the haters.

hahahaha , damn , what game are you playing ?

screw awful reviewers


Probably the whoring out of the RE name and putting out a mediocre product.

Mediocre? This game wishes it was mediocre.

I wished I listened to the reviews, it felt ok at first but the further you got the worse it got. Felt like I'd been robbed, they lure me in with the cool sexiness that is RC and its bioweapon inhabitants and then the game kicks me in the balls with its overall shitness.

Such a cool idea that needeed atleast another year of dev time. Or hell maybe a better dev.


Are there any different extras or whatnot to the game, like costumes? Or is it a relatively small package?

Well, you can unlock concept art but who cares, because you must play the game a bazillion times to unlock them all.

It's not like the game is bad, it's super bad it was obviously rushed.
Your statistics screen lists characters you can't even play yet(coming as a free dlc later).
You can't change the difficulty/level without backing out and inviting players again.
Level system is useless because it isn't tied to anything, it's just a number
Weapons lack punch and they all feel the same
No unlockables(secret weapons bla bla) after finishing the campaign!
Buying weapons is pointless because they don't differ much and you're better of just picking them up from fallen enemies
AI teammates are dumb as fuck(had to revive them countless times because they ran into laser bombs/fire, in return they don't revive you, they just stand beside you idle animation)
Being followed by 100 zombies and have spec ops shooting at you? Just run to the next checkpoint, area cleared, like a boss
and many more issues
wtf Capcom, how can you release the game in its current state

Your statistics screen lists characters you can't even play yet(coming as a free dlc later).
I thought that was for the Spec Ops characters in MP?

I thought it was decent for a 87 cents rental from redbox...I'd buy it if it was $10. The dumb AI ruins single player, so down the line this game will be unplayable.

EDIT: #14 in XBL top 20 for last week. People bought it.


Video's up, a live reaction/mental breakdown to the end of ORC...super spoilers

HE REAL ENDING for Resident Evil: Raccoon City by Maximilian

I love how this is the exact same way a friend and I reacted to the ending. Saved Leon, replay the last level, Leon kicked the shit out of us a ton of times and we got so annoyed by having to rewatch the cutscene and how overpowered he was. When it finished, we were both like "...oh, is that it? I guess....oh"


What the fuck!? I'm playing campaign on Casual and I can't beat Birkin!

I take it you're supposed to hit the eyeball in his right shoulder? Would help if the bastard would stop waving his arm about and SPRINTING towards me! The A.I. barely shoot their own guns, instead they run all the way up the hallway, leaving me to fend for myself. When I join up with them at the end of the hallway with the locked door where we're magically supposed to hold-off Birkin, they just stand around gawking whilst Birkin hits them with his pipe.

I've tried staggering Birkin earlier in the hallway, like trapping him in the steam/flames, but that doesn't seem to work.

The rest of the game when I was fighting soldiers (and have seen later gameplay footage of zombies, bio weapons etc.) seems fun enough, but the scripted event boss battles such as Birkin and any that follow a simillar formula are complete ass.


I get to the door, but it just says to hold-off G-Birkin.

This seems impossible, as he just charges up the damn hallway and corners us (my unhelpful A.I. teamates who seem to have forgotten how to fire their guns, and I).
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