Is this the actual game or Xbox Money code?
Pretty sure it's the latter, but I ain't complaining, hahaNot sure if great game design
Or Capcom being Capcom
On further reflection, I think it might be intentional, since there's an achievement for clearing that area without using the fire trap......
okay firstly, that's either ingenious or a crazy oversight... pretty great that that's an option though
secondly, what the fuck is up with those outfits?!
- Play missions at or below recommended level. You can adjust your character's level before a mission.
- Upgrade a weapon specialization early. This gives you extra ammo capacity... so you're less likely to run out during the mission.
Pretty sure it's the latter, but I ain't complaining, haha
Also, the cheesecake in this game
Willem Dafoe is the OverseerClaire still lookin' like SM3 Tobey Maguire. It's horrific.
You mean Claire. That's Claire in the rodeo outfit.Moira looks a lot like Helena in that cowboy alt. For a second I thought she was a raid character (helena).
Can someone please explain to me the five completion medals on Raid mode. I know I must have missed their explanation in the game. I want to know what I need to do. I have them all for some missions, and not others.
Can someone please explain to me the five completion medals on Raid mode. I know I must have missed their explanation in the game. I want to know what I need to do. I have them all for some missions, and not others.
Just finished getting every full completion medal in Raid, I'm really impressed by how many unique enemies they snuck into the mode.
That said, there is nothing worse than a speedy, disarming. They're so grossly overpowered.Scagdead
How's the general combat feel relative to Revelations 1 and RE6? I wasn't crazy about the combat in Rev 1. Every weapon felt piss weak and the enemies were too hard to stagger. Generally it felt very much like it was rooted in it's original handheld design, where the developers didn't have much to work with in terms of raw processing power and force feedback. I did, however, love the implementation of raid mode.
That said, RE6 combat feels fucking stellar, so I was hoping Rev 2 would be the best of both worlds in terms of game design and combat feel. Looking forward to starting it soon next week.
It still feels closer to Revelations 1. I was also hoping it would play more like 6 with a Raid mode but it's not. Staggering enemies is pretty easy though, especially with weapon attachments that increase stagger rate. The game feels kind of...slow. That's the only way I can describe it. The default movement is slow and the transition between that and running is long. You just don't feel very agile. Still sort of fun though.How's the general combat feel relative to Revelations 1 and RE6? I wasn't crazy about the combat in Rev 1. Every weapon felt piss weak and the enemies were too hard to stagger. Generally it felt very much like it was rooted in it's original handheld design, where the developers didn't have much to work with in terms of raw processing power and force feedback. I did, however, love the implementation of raid mode.
That said, RE6 combat feels fucking stellar, so I was hoping Rev 2 would be the best of both worlds in terms of game design and combat feel. Looking forward to starting it soon next week.
Just finished getting every full completion medal in Raid, I'm really impressed by how many unique enemies they snuck into the mode.
That said, there is nothing worse than a speedy, disarming. They're so grossly overpowered.Scagdead
I thought it's inclusion at the end of the Queen Zenobia Hall stage was a reference, because I remember those things making me groan every time they appeared in Raid Mode in Revelations 1.
I've had several game freezes/lockups playing this on Xbox One. I didn't run into any problems with the campaign, but I started playing Raid tonight.
I got through the first four missions without a hitch but then after mission 4 the game froze when loading back to the vestibule. I launched a different game that loaded fine and then re-launched REREV2. The game booted to the menu with no issue but when I chose Raid mode it froze the game again during the loading screen.
I went to Xbox settings and chose "energy-saving" and then "restart now". Once the system booted up I loaded REREV2 and got into Raid without a hitch. And I didn't lose any progress or items.
Got through two more missions,and it froze loading the vestibule again. Tried rebooting twice and it still wouldn't let me back into Raid. So then I tried unplugging the One, waiting a few minutes and launching again. Still no dice.
So then I uninstalled the "compatibility pack", reinstalled it, launched the game, and still no dice.
Anyone else running into this?
It still feels closer to Revelations 1. I was also hoping it would play more like 6 with a Raid mode but it's not. Staggering enemies is pretty easy though, especially with weapon attachments that increase stagger rate. The game feels kind of...slow. That's the only way I can describe it. The default movement is slow and the transition between that and running is long. You just don't feel very agile. Still sort of fun though.
Game gets pretty fast. While I miss all the combat maneuvers and options of RE6... this is far and away the best controlling RE to date. True left-stick strafe controls and a free camera that you can fully rotate around the character (unless your flashlight is on). It's muuuuch better than the weird "modern" control hybrid in Rev1.
Personally I'd love to see them take this and then add all the cool stuff from RE6.
Terrible designs for REV1, (except for final boss) good to hear they are improved, even if it doesn't seem to be much of a difference, likely the designs of Revelations were limited for being a handheld game.Playing through Raid Mode and having enemies from RE6, RE5 and REV1 appear makes me realise just how shit Revelations creature designs were. Thank fuck Capcom didn't go the same route with the enemies for Revelations 2.
In fact, I'd go as far as to say that fighting the Revenants has been one of the funnest things in Raid Mode. And as I've mentioned before, their introduction was sublime.
And umm I think they ruinedface in Raid mode.Chris'
Revelations 2 just seems to to everything Revelations 1 tried to do but better. And it's trimmed almost all of the fat that made Revelations 1 so shit (like it's entire shitty supporting cast)
Terrible designs for REV1, (except for final boss) good to hear they are improved, even if it doesn't seem to be much of a difference, likely the designs of Revelations were limited for being a handheld game.
Then again i disliked the common enemies of RE6
Can anyone clarify where the pig-dogs and the blob-throwers from Raid mode come from? They're the only enemies I don't recognize from other RE games, and it's a bit weird to think they'd debut in Raid before appearing in the main story.
The dogs in particular are very Silent Hill-esque.
Hey guys, so Im trying to pick this up on the PSN store for PS4 , the complete season. It says its an add-on though? Is it not the full game?
Yeah, but it's only $25
One medal for no herb, one for doing a challenge at or below recommend level, one for killing all enemies, one for simply finishing the level, and one for getting all of the previous stated in one sitting.
Character level. Your level has to be at or below the mission level. You can change your effective level just before starting the mission.I'm confused. What do I need to do to get it at recommended level? Certain time limit? I hate that they don't tell you... I've gotten the second one to 4:30 something and still nothing. What am I doing wrong.
Character level. Your level has to be at or below the mission level. You can change your effective level just before starting the mission.