Wait, so you DON'T want your hockey team to be made purely of minority players? You bigot!
(Which by the way brings up a purely logical/common sense point: an organization or medium of any sort made up of mostly "minorities" is by DEFINITION, not made up of minorites, since the "minorities" are the majority at that point...)
I think one of the best examples I can think of a "minority" character done really well was that PS4 game inFamous: Second Son. The main character Delsin and some of the side characters were of Native American heritage. It didn't feel forced, it felt very organic in the way it was portrayed and woven into the story. Clearly his heritage mattered to Delsin, but it was not something shoved in the player's face every 2 seconds. Hell, the main villain was a chick and even she was well done. More games should take note...