You mean you don't have a printout of your setup showing you the correct inputs and settings for each console? I don't know what I expected from a cat owner...ya'll some lazy assses
all i gotta do is
turn on the TV
turn on the receiver
set the tv to the right HDMI
fuck no not that one fuck no one uses that one you dumb TV
set the receiver to the right channel (it's my roommate's setup)
turn on the XRGB
plug in the SCART
wait is that coming in mono and green? fuck clean the SCART with whatever's nearby right quick and try again
okay now just click the XRGB remote and load the right profile
wait don't you have this one over component? i think that's D in wait, yeah i think it's SCART, okay
okay now turn on the system
awesome while you got up the stupid cat sat in your chair, so either toss a bottle cap so she chases it or just forcibly evict her
that's not the right game, who even plays Sneak King really
sort through the drawer of controllers
okay now you've spilled a spot of whiskey on the disc, clean that too
should be good wait fucksake cat stay on the sofa or something jesus
and boom, ready to go - couldn't be simpler (assuming you didn't change your mind about panzer orta at this point and decide to shit man let's just play sneak king, in which case you repeat the last few steps)