They really should have moved Skyward Sword to Wii U as a big launch game. It really helped the Wii take off among core gamers.Its still kinda sad that the WiiU never got its own Zelda
They really should have moved Skyward Sword to Wii U as a big launch game. It really helped the Wii take off among core gamers.
Then again it should have launched a year earlier, been called the Super Wii, come with a better Wii Remote instead of pad, ditched backward compatibility to move to new architecture, had 100% of the virtual console day 1, been $250 and come with Wii Sports 2...
Man they had such an easy sold 50+ million consoles if they too that route...
I think it will be the most expensive console of all in ten years. It's a main Nintendo so will maintain value just because of that. It has a bunch of exclusive excellent games and not all will get remasters.WiiU will be forgotten once Switch gets enhanced ports of all its best games IMO. Which is fine.
They really should have moved Skyward Sword to Wii U as a big launch game. It really helped the Wii take off among core gamers.
Then again it should have launched a year earlier, been called the Super Wii, come with a better Wii Remote instead of pad, ditched backward compatibility to move to new architecture, had 100% of the virtual console day 1, been $250 and come with Wii Sports 2...
Man they had such an easy sold 50+ million consoles if they too that route...
I think it will be the most expensive console of all in ten years. It's a main Nintendo so will maintain value just because of that. It has a bunch of exclusive excellent games and not all will get remasters.
It will be PC Engine/Saturn on steroids as a retro console.
Even RetroGAF's gabbing about the Switch?
Good. It's basically made for weirdos like us, from the looks of it.
WiiU will be forgotten once Switch gets enhanced ports of all its best games IMO. Which is fine.
from a retro gaf perspective, I'm curious how Switch will handle games like Link Between Worlds, which was clearly a lower budget game meant for a handheld.
I feel like trying to sell people on a $60 2D Zelda for a "console" may be a difficult sell. Up until now, Nintendo had a good thing going with "console experiences" and "handheld experiences", where the latter would sometimes jump back a few gens (think NES games on GB, SNES games on GBA, N64 games on DS and 3DS)
then again, Nintendo had no problem releasing similar looking NSMB games on DS, Wii, 3DS and Wii U... so I'm hoping they won't be deterred from trying to deliver a 2D Zelda or Metroid for their new "console".
One thing that might be a boon of using cards as your physical medium in 2016 is that you could sell games at different tiers dependent on size (which, frequently, is proportional to budget). A game like ALBW could retail at 30 or 40, while BOTW would be 60. And Nintendo would save money on production costs.
Oh, did you find out if the hama 100s was causing such issues with your setup?
I think it will be the most expensive console of all in ten years. It's a main Nintendo so will maintain value just because of that. It has a bunch of exclusive excellent games and not all will get remasters.
It will be PC Engine/Saturn on steroids as a retro console.
GOAT theme tune on the Atari ST version by Tom Follin.Having a bit of trouble finding out any info about this retro game since its fairly obscure - at the moment I'm playing Capcom's "LED Storm" (or Mad Gear as its also known) and on the 7th level (Thunder Road). It seems like there is a series of jumps early in the level that are impossible to clear unless your in the F1 car (you can't jump far enough).
Pity that there is so little info out there about the game - its a fun little racer/platformer hybrid. Much better than Capcom's last two efforts in the genre in the '80s - Speed Rumbler and Last Resort. Also, LED Storm has a beta that changes things up pretty drastically, seems like its the better game (pity they stripped so much from the game). As of this day, its only contribution to the wider Capcom games library is its title - Mad Gear which ended up being reused fairly quickly as the gang from Final Fight.
*edit* Figured it out, there are some platforms hidden to the sides of the ones I was trying to reach, great design there Capcom...
c) Lastly, I'm looking for the best games Sega Saturn has to offer. Any suggestions? I've already heard that the Panzer Dragoon Saga is hot shit - but otherwise, it seems mainly to be a console of arcade ports.
Eh, I'm not so sure. I think, among the "home console" market, a game being less than 60$ with a known name (like Zelda) indicates value. Also, I think people kind of underestimate the power of proper resolution. Look no further than Citra to see how easy it is to scale Nintendo's art to more modern hardware.I don't think most consumers will be willing to spend even $30-$40 on a 2D Zelda game when a game of the scale and scope and budget of BotW is on the same platform at $60. People like you and me would, sure, but in comparison to the competition it just looks like a weak purchase for normals. And then trying to sell the same thing at $15-$20 digital only means less profit, and maybe making it not viable to make another ALBW-style Zelda game at all.
Eh, I'm not so sure. I think, among the "home console" market, a game being less than 60$ with a known name (like Zelda) indicates value. Also, I think people kind of underestimate the power of proper resolution. Look no further than Citra to see how easy it is to scale Nintendo's art to more modern hardware.
c) Lastly, I'm looking for the best games Sega Saturn has to offer. Any suggestions? I've already heard that the Panzer Dragoon Saga is hot shit - but otherwise, it seems mainly to be a console of arcade ports.
Everything 2D is a blocky mess though. I don't mind it but I'm pretty sure Nintendo does. It's probably too costly even to redo only the textures.
I think it will be the most expensive console of all in ten years. It's a main Nintendo so will maintain value just because of that. It has a bunch of exclusive excellent games and not all will get remasters.
It will be PC Engine/Saturn on steroids as a retro console.
Yeah, let's get them now!!!I've been saying this for a bit too. I really think GC prices are going to be INSANE in another 10 years.
Gamecube is also a super kawaii console. I'll always love those tiny discs! And to this day that console amazes me, how in 2001 they could get such amazing graphics (highest polygon count in-game of the gen!) from such a tiny, quiet, reliable box, and with super clean IQ. It's an engineering marvel that hasn't been topped.I've been saying this for a bit too. I really think GC prices are going to be INSANE in another 10 years. Ohh talking about Wii U yeah that is definitely going to be nuts in 10 years. Tons of exclusives won't get ported and will be calling for insane prices.
I regret selling my GameCube component cables... (-_-。![]()
When are those coming?hdmi solutions tho
Anyone know of a service to burn roms?
I'm making my own custom Famicom rom hack, and want to make it into a real cart.
When are those coming?
Anyone know of a service to burn roms?
I'm making my own custom Famicom rom hack, and want to make it into a real cart.
a) You guys probably already know this, but just in case: the fan localization of Policenauts for Sega Saturn is done.
b) If you're feeling like a Kojima party - which is every day at my house! - why not check out my discussion of Snatcher during breaks?
c) Lastly, I'm looking for the best games Sega Saturn has to offer. Any suggestions? I've already heard that the Panzer Dragoon Saga is hot shit - but otherwise, it seems mainly to be a console of arcade ports.
how much are we talking for the equipment, total?I don't know of a service, but if you haven't looked into doing it yourself you might be surprised at how easy it can be. I converted a Raimais PCB from the international version to a Japanese version within the past year through a couple relatively cheap Amazon orders.
Anyone know of a service to burn roms?
I'm making my own custom Famicom rom hack, and want to make it into a real cart.
I don't really care where.
I'll finish up my hack and get looking I guess.
My project involves making hypothetical Japanese releases of NES games that were never released there.
Well, it kind of flows on from this;^tight list. Elevator Action Returns & a few im forgetting cause booze
this is actually pretty interesting d lo, i'd dig more details!
From Google;Anyone know of a service to burn roms?
I'm making my own custom Famicom rom hack, and want to make it into a real cart.
GOAT theme tune on the Atari ST version by Tom Follin.
how much are we talking for the equipment, total?
I'm sure I'm capable of it but it's not something I plan on doing a lot of.
My project involves making hypothetical Japanese releases of NES games that were never released there.
Try to find one that takes component and/or scartTrying to find a good CRT on craigslist. What should I be searching for? People are dumb and just list stuff as like "old Sony TV" with few details, if any beyond the screen size so I feel kinda lost in trying to find any. There's a listing for a 36" Trinitron but the pics are shit.
Trying to find a good CRT on craigslist. What should I be searching for? People are dumb and just list stuff as like "old Sony TV" with few details, if any beyond the screen size so I feel kinda lost in trying to find any. There's a listing for a 36" Trinitron but the pics are shit.