Trying to find a good CRT on craigslist. What should I be searching for? People are dumb and just list stuff as like "old Sony TV" with few details, if any beyond the screen size so I feel kinda lost in trying to find any. There's a listing for a 36" Trinitron but the pics are shit.
I am in the same boat currently....looking for a Trinitron. You need to ask the sellers for the model number so you can lookup the weight of the TV and determine if you have a TV stand that support these behemoths. A 36 inch Trinitron will run from 225-275lbs. If you find something you like then you may want to check it out first and see what kind of condition the picture is in...among other things. All of the TVs i have found thus far have issues with color bleeding or geometry issue which can't be fixed from the service menus. I am using 240p test suite on an SD2SNES cart to check for problems in the image.