Does anyone know what time the Krikzz sale starts?
My 2017 Retro gaming plan is... To play more retro games. It's been tough to find time with a newborn in the house. I think it's going to get a bit easier as she gets a bit older, so I'm hoping to get a bit more time with my setup next year.
Is your newborn that needy? Mine's been so easy. I cleared my calendar for this but I ended up having way more time than I thought. Him being asleep 17 hours a day and feeding most of the rest kinda helps.
I managed to clear REmake in a bit over a weekend spending most of my time with him. Had to pause quite a bit and take some unexpected breaks but still.
Bought this stuff a couple of days ago. Sorting through a wall of GBC games, the majority of which I knew nothing about, was taking too long, so I bought pop'n then a bunch of cheap nonsense. Pocket Densha owns though.
Going to get Beatmania and maybe a Wizardry title later.
I've never seen that GBP color. Pretty sweet match to the more common GBC.
Is Pocket Densha better than the Desha De Go GB ports?
Guys the Krikzz 20% off sale has started. Picked up an SD2SNES,Mega Everdrive X3,Turbo Everdrive and Everdrive N8 NES. Been waiting for this sale for a while now,couldn't pull the trigger on the N64 though,not enough games I'd want to play.
Happy Thanksgiving Retro-GAF =)
i'm so confused, which snes everdrive is the one to get? (never looked into this) so far only brought original carts.
It depends a lot on what games you want to play on it. I think the biggest difference between models is how many chips it includes support for. The most expensive one can play Mega Man X 2 and 3 or things like this.
If you just want to use it so you don't have to dig through your library or some other reason, then the cheaper one is probably good enough.*wink wink*
Happy Thanksgiving Retro-GAF =)
i'm so confused, which snes everdrive is the one to get? (never looked into this) so far only brought original carts.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the Retro threads! Being Canadian, I celebrated Thanksgiving last month, but at least today with the US holiday, my boss is letting us wear jerseys and jeans in the office.
Seriously though, these Retro threads are what make GAF for me. You guys are all so awesome, and I love chatting about the classics with everyone. Plus, I've learned about so many hidden gems this way!
Guys the Krikzz 20% off sale has started. Picked up an SD2SNES,Mega Everdrive X3,Turbo Everdrive and Everdrive N8 NES. Been waiting for this sale for a while now,couldn't pull the trigger on the N64 though,not enough games I'd want to play.
i see, i guess megaman x2 x3 are special. thanks man!
So what are your 2017 retro gaming plans, retro-GAF?
Bought this stuff a couple of days ago. Sorting through a wall of GBC games, the majority of which I knew nothing about, was taking too long, so I bought pop'n then a bunch of cheap nonsense. Pocket Densha owns though.
Going to get Beatmania and maybe a Wizardry title later.
I never actually heard the MSU-1 in gameplay, the music is awfully loud compared to the sound effects, which you can barely hear. Kind of disappointed.
Aw, I never knew how sweet that japanese Kirby tilt cart looked. Too bad it was never released in europe.Just got these this morning
Fleet Commander VS. ownz.
Dear diary,
Metal Slug 5 is awesome.
Automatic region patching is a huge plus compared to the cheaper version on the SD2SNES, fast loading and more game support sealed the deal to me. Later I've also used the MSU-1 patches but the aforementioned points were most important to me. (but both super metroid and link to the past patched are friggin' beautiful.)
What does automatic region patching mean? Does that mean it applies translation patches?
Sweet, bought a Turbo Everdrive and an Everdrive 64 v3.
So this is better everdrive? =) is it on sale?Automatic region patching is a huge plus compared to the cheaper version on the SD2SNES, fast loading and more game support sealed the deal to me. Later I've also used the MSU-1 patches but the aforementioned points were most important to me. (but both super metroid and link to the past patched are friggin' beautiful.)
So this is better everdrive? =) is it on sale?
What does automatic region patching mean? Does that mean it applies translation patches?
Man my credit card company thought this order was so shady.
Apparently even though I've ordered from Krikzz before, as well as a lot of online international orders, a several hundred USD order from a Ukrainian site tripped a lot of red flags on their end.
Yes, all of Krikzz' flash carts are on sale.
it will let you play PAL games on NTSC systems and vice versa.
I have a 50/60hz modded PAL SNES and in some original carts I get the "this game pak is not designed for your system" etc. errors having to reset and flick the switch, which the automatic region patching removes completely. I can play games from every region on the right speed without doing anything extra. (this on SD2SNES) Most of the game roms I play are SFC or NTSC so it's useful.
Oh, I see. It's for 50 Hz peasants.
Says someone who can't afford a premium product.
But really, you're paying for convenience. You'd think something like faster load times is something you don't mind, but it's surprisingly annoying waiting around. It was a no-brainer for me, I mean, I was already buying three flashcarts at the same time, might as well get the best ones I could. But again, YMMV.
I would suppose that the SD2SNES might get Super FX support in the future too, if Krikzz can work it in.