Here's what I ordered..
Assembled the dust covers and paired them with loose carts. I'll have to order some more.
Here are my boxed NES games. I realize some of these are shit. They aren't from my original collection, but acquired from my cousin. I left Sonic 2 in that photo. Oops!
Got out my boxed famicom games (some of them aren't pictured, as they have custom box sizes that won't fit in any of the protectors. Also, the Namcot games for example, have their own genesis like cases.. Very nice. Sunsoft games too.
I'll have to show off my cartridges sometime. I've got hundreds and hundreds of games in loose cart form. Boxed is definitely nicer, but when I started my collection in Japan, I picked up my games in the junk section. Almost always got everything for 105-315yen.
All of these Superfamicom games, I got for the same 105-315yen prices. In fact, most of these were the former. I didnt go out of my way to get any of these, just picked them up as I found them. That's why I have some multiples. Hard to not purchase a CIB Chrono Trigger when it's only 1 dollar.
I bought N64 and SNES box proctectors too, but realized I actually have no boxed SNES games, and but a single boxed N64 game. Looks like I'll have to expand my collection...
My boxed Japanese N64 games and Gameboy games don't fit any of these protectors, so they'll have to wait till another day.
I also got manual protectors for NES, SNES/N64 manuals. I had some loose manuals I slipped into protectors, but I haven't gotten around to getting the ones in the boxes. Not sure I want to actually. We'll see.
Anyway, I LOVE what these box protectors do for these cardboard boxes... They make them look so beautiful and you feel confident in their protection. I highly recommend these to anyone with boxed games. You will feel at ease the moment you put youryour crumbly boxed copy of TROG into a shiny, solid box protector.