Danny Dudekisser
I paid good money for this Dynex!
That's me.
I don't have sound, does the video mention where he gets money to buy all those games? Lol.
Looks like a spoiled kid to me.Mzo's favorite kid
Hong Kong or Mainland China? they are wildly different in term of electronics, videogames and export stuff.
I was hoping maybe there'd be like a rebranded genny or something. I guess I'll just have to check out everything if I get the chance.
I was wondering on where to get a cheap surge strip that could handle the task of four clunky AC adapters, when I realized I already had one in my front room. Since nothing in the front room needs the wide slots, I'm going to swap it out with a standard strip soon and put this bad boy in the retro game room. It will carry my NES, SNES, Duo-R and X-Eye adapters with breathing room.
I looked it up online to share with RetroGAF.
Here's a newer version, looks a little nicer (?), but it's a few extra bucks too.
I don't understand the wide slot power strips. You can always buy something like this and just use a regular cheap power strip.
I don't understand the wide slot power strips. You can always buy something like this and just use a regular cheap power strip.
LOL this kid said nostalgia. What the fuck does he know about nostalgia?Mzo's favorite kid
Oh?You should always turn off the power strip for your retro systems when not in use, though.
Maybe you'll find good hardware clones like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poz3yzcYPfo
good luck
Mzo's favorite kid
You don't want 20 year old power adapters to get burned out from being plugged in all the time.
Are retro-gamers slower to dive into current generation hardware? The last consoles I bought day-one were Dreamcast, PS2, and GameCube. Xbox and Wii were gifts I received way after launch, and I bought the 360 and PS3 about a year after their launches. I have yet to go current-gen, but will probably pick up a PS4 by year's end.
The most recent purchases I've made have been for a PS2 slim and a Neo-Geo CDZ. The latest consoles aren't a huge priority for me. What about you guys?
I didn't get the SNES at launch. I think I waited until SFII came out. But the Genesis? I got that bad boy right away! =)The last system I bought at launch was SNES.
Never? Man, I have fond memories of lining up overnight with complete strangers for some of those systems. Don't think that will ever happen again. lolI have never purchased a system on launch, lmao.
Are retro-gamers slower to dive into current generation hardware? The last consoles I bought day-one were Dreamcast, PS2, and GameCube. Xbox and Wii were gifts I received way after launch, and I bought the 360 and PS3 about a year after their launches. I have yet to go current-gen, but will probably pick up a PS4 by year's end.
The most recent purchases I've made have been for a PS2 slim and a Neo-Geo CDZ. The latest consoles aren't a huge priority for me. What about you guys?
Khaz said:only if I manage to build a decent list of exclusives I may want (besides Bayonetta I can't think of any yet.)
The 360 has a very good selection of GREAT Japanese action games (with Cave STGs at the center) if that's your thing.
Wii U is really only where it is at for next gen. Other systems are DoA for good japanese content. That said, still bought a One, largely because I loved J-360 so much last gen...and there are a few interesting titles out or on the horizon from japanese developers. PS4 has gotta be one of the most mind-numbing new console launches ever. Ugh.
The 360 has a very good selection of GREAT Japanese action games (with Cave STGs at the center) if that's your thing.
Coulda been sweet if Sega's dumb ass would bring over Yakuza Ishin, but noooooooo.
I forgot about that. I'll have to pop in 360-GAF to enquire about CRT support, etc. Last I heard, it made the subtitles in Dead rising to be rendered way too small, etc. That's when I gave up on the console honestly. And I'm not playing a shmup on an input-lag delayed modern flat-screen, that's just asking for trouble.
I often set up my 360 on an old VGA CRT computer monitor. Awesome for tate stuff. The original model 360 and first slim revision support VGA out so it looks great. The newest 360 "E" model only does composite and HDMI though.
^it's a good call; if anything jump in towards the end when shit's cheap & the gems are largely known
hey, i have a $5 best buy certificate expiring soon, can anyone check their website and tell me if any of the copies of Duck Tales remastered that they have are physical ones? doesn't matter what system.
I remember hearing a lot of people extolling the virtues of VGA on the 360. Is it actually better than component and HDMI? I've been meaning to replace my aging US 360 for a while now, so if VGA is actually better, I'll go for one of the models that supports it.
Only physical copy where it came on a disc is the WiiU version. They have it for $16.
I've heard people say it's less laggy, but most TVs with VGA input switch to a "PC mode" with no/less post-processing when you go to that input, and that might be clouding their judgement.
I have never compared it side by side with component and HDMI on the same TV. I just think it's an easy way to play stuff on my old tate VGA CRT computer monitor that I already use for DC games anyway.
didnt PS3 get one later though? either way if WU one is for sure, grabbing that -thanks man!
didnt PS3 get one later though? either way if WU one is for sure, grabbing that -thanks man!