This is odd advice if you're talking about NES. The OSSC only accepts RGB and component, right? You'd need a modded NES, which will cost you more than the OSSC. I'd much rather do that myself but that's a big price jump.
I don't think the NES Mini is very good, though, to be honest.
oh man! Digital Foundry here =)
Not trying to be incendiary. I have been playing NES games for the last two months since moving back to the states, eating them up
But this is the retro thread and was wondering where people kinda draw their line. Does it begin where you started playing? Or another point? I will never touch 2600 ever again. Just can not do it. NES I only love the twenty or thirty games I always go back to. And those are the ones I played as a kid. But my true love begins with the PCE/Super Fami/Genesis. Only a decade ago did I finally really learn to love the Genesis as much as the Super Fami. And I am blown away by the Master System games with the FM sound.
I'm the same. I cut my teeth on the Intellivision and then the NES. Things clicked for me with the Genesis and still do. My favorite console by far and that is my opinion. I respect people loving the NES, I can see why. It just doesn't click with me, not sure why. I played it a lot when I was younger, but there really isn't any nostalgia there. I'm not trying to be a hater, plus it's interesting hearing others least favorite console.
Have you ever tried RGB nes over BVM? it's awesome =P
just need to advertise it a bit!!!
just kidding!
i know myself what i like and not like. I talked to Peltz when i was over debating if i should post my impressions of the framemeister bc of the love for the device.
i honestly believe, setup and presentation factored into my opinion. i'm sure if we had 60" tate set up i'd have a different impression of the framemeister. likewise: i was replaying some of the nes titles over composite and PC emulation(gasp!), i really wasn't feeling the nes.
i just couldn't get myself past a few boards before turning it off. just felt flat and thought man!!! the nes was so much better when i was a kid.
after buying 7DollarHagane's RGBnes.... omg
the nes is insane.
graphics do count in making a game fun (what i mean: seeing the change to a proper presentation where i can really appreciate the graphics) i swear by it that it took me back to the love i had for the nes when i was a kid. the first few hours i flipped life force, zanac and played section Z, double dragon for hours without stop. currently playing Zanac every week where i couldn't get past the first stage playing composite over my Kuro.
damn... the graphics are amazing and bring out the gameplay. having the right setup made the difference from dust collector to weekly usage.
that said, i can understand where you are all coming from in terms of preference of consoles you like or not. i think everyone has their own niche preferences.
i myself have a particular niche preference: i'm pretty superficial and if the graphics are not sharp i tend to lose interest. reason i really hate N64 games. aside from waverace 64, it's so blurry so i lost interest. perhaps if i had a better presentation i might love it.
though look at this vic viper, it's so crisp =P