Danny Dudekisser
I paid good money for this Dynex!
I think that pixelated explosion is just a ghetto thing in the port.
Probably also emphasized by the little excessive zoom. At least judging by the amount of screen cropped at both sides.I think that pixelated explosion is just a ghetto thing in the port.
Need your help guys.
I have a toaster nes and model 2 nes top loader
This model 2 does not have the av ports sadly
I would like to know did Nintendo ever make composite cables for the model 2? I'd like not not use a RF cable anymore for this thing. I'm having a hard time finding them (I'm at work ATM)
And yes I'm aware the clarity isn't as great on the model 2
That's not really possible with a CRT of that size.
Sorry, top loaders have to have a mod installed to use composite or svid.
Woah. Looks amazing. I need to get me one of those.This is as big as I go for tate on a CRT...even then, only because it is a cube so very convenient. Any more then 29" and it becomes more trouble then it is worth. Meanwhile, I always have a few large extra HDTVs for quick easy gaming setups.
Woah. Looks amazing. I need to get me one of those.
Probably also emphasized by the little excessive zoom. At least judging by the amount of screen cropped at both sides.
This is as big as I go for tate on a CRT...even then, only because it is a cube so very convenient. Any more then 29" and it becomes more trouble then it is worth. Meanwhile, I always have a few large extra HDTVs for quick easy gaming setups.
This is as big as I go for tate on a CRT...even then, only because it is a cube so very convenient. Any more then 29" and it becomes more trouble then it is worth. Meanwhile, I always have a few large extra HDTVs for quick easy gaming setups.
Which version are you playing?Not using any zoom on my TV but I do typically use 5x profiles on my framemesiter so some pixels get cut off.
Monster Lair is Wonder Boy III and the the run and gun slash shooter title in the series. PCE port is more accurate to the arcade. Sprites in the MD lost their charm and the sound...the sound is just dreadful. They do give you a little parallax in the MD but not worth it.
This one:
As mentioned above don't forget about the Monster World collection on XBLA...which also in fully backwards compatible with XBOX One. This is the M2 release with all of the good games.
The Sega 2000 disc for PS2 is also amazing. (Also available on J-PSN for PS3)
Forgot that stuff was on XBLA, does any of that work on XBONE?
This arrived today, never actually played this game but hoping it's fun!
My saturn came in today!!
You don't have a Saturn???congrats guys on the pickups! i need a saturn at some point.
You don't have a Saturn???
congrats guys on the pickups! i need a saturn at some point.
No Dreamcast? No N64? Dude, you need to get on them as soon as possible!!!no, i'm missing a saturn, dreamcast, turbo grafx/pc engine, n64 and neogeo.
congrats guys on the pickups! i need a saturn at some point.
In missing Turbo grafx too. Never even played one before.no, i'm missing a saturn, dreamcast, turbo grafx/pc engine, n64 and neogeo.
Dreamcasts are so cheap...I don't have a Dreamcast (never played one). Don't have a turbo 16 (never played one) Don't have a Master System and sure as hell don't have a NEO GEO. Out of all of these, I would like to dive into the Master System library. Out of all of my consoles, I think my least favorite is theNES. It has great games, but overall it just doesn't do it for me.
First sorry for the multiple posts on my phone. That is crazy awesome! I uses to keep a second setup with a 19 inch cut on its side but that dwarfs that. How heavy is that?
Hope you don't mind not having a retirement with the price of saturn games.
I got to wait for someone to get out of the bathroom
I'm always intrigued by other languages other then Spanish cause i've taken it since middle school
I can finally put my USA Sega Saturn into a retirement home. It an't staying in that box
(asking again)
Where did you get such a pristine Saturn? My V-Saturn is getting old and I'd like to have a second one "just in case"
Get outOut of all of my consoles, I think my least favorite is theNES. It has great games, but overall it just doesn't do it for me.
I started with the 2600 (gross) and did every single system through the present. NES/Fami is bar none my least favorite of them all. Never understood the appeal even though it was my formative system. Far more interested in the SMS these days. NES is just dated. I find it hard to understand how folks even have fondness for that system these days. Only marginally better than the 2600 if you take into account the dozen decent games. I don't understand it,
(Those NA carts are just nasty)
That's some low-quality bait right there, and in the Retro thread, of all threads.
I really like the NES, but I think it is also way over-hyped by retro enthusiasts and especailly the "preservation" crowd.
Least favorite Nintendo system is the N64. I'm trying to give the system another shot, though. Favorite is always going to be the Gameboy Color; such a briefly lived but wonderful platform.
Outside of that, of the systems I have until recently my original Xbox easily got the least love. I gave it another shot and like it. So maybe now the Saturn? There's good stuff there but it's pretty thin in my kind of genre. I should really play Shining Force 3...
Are you trolling? Slightly better than 2600? IMO the leap from VCS/Intellivision to Famicom is the biggest ever in the history of gaming. It's also the system that saw the most improvement in graphics over its lifetime. Donkey Kong to Batman Return of the Joker is hard to believe. The SG1000 was actually released the same day as the Famicom, it's equally as powerful as the top system in the world at that point (Colecovision) and the Famicom just crushed it in capability.Man,
I started with the 2600 (gross) and did every single system through the present. NES/Fami is bar none my least favorite of them all. Never understood the appeal even though it was my formative system. Far more interested in the SMS these days. NES is just dated. I find it hard to understand how folks even have fondness for that system these days. Only marginally better than the 2600 if you take into account the dozen decent games. I don't understand it,
(Those NA carts are just nasty)
That's some low-quality bait right there, and in the Retro thread, of all threads.
Are you trolling? Slightly better than 2600? IMO the leap from VCS/Intellivision to Famicom is the biggest ever in the history of gaming. It's also the system that saw the most improvement in graphics over its lifetime. Donkey Kong to Batman Return of the Joker is hard to believe. The SG1000 was actually released the same day as the Famicom, it's equally as powerful as the top system in the world at that point (Colecovision) and the Famicom just crushed it in capability.
i am well aware of why, but it doesn't mean those games are not on the platform when evaluating its library. It's one of the major strengths of the Fami design, and almost every system after it used extra hardware on carts too, the SNES was specifically built with it in mind and on that even a launch game had a DSP on the cart (Pilotwings).That the NES is capable of anything beyond super Mario Bros 1 And legend of Zelda 1 is thanks to mmc and other chips added to the cartridges.
If there were no mmc chips added we wouldn't see anything beyond the graphical fidelity and complexity of Mario and Zelda 1. They actually benefited from the disc system in Japan and needed some workarounds to be put on a cart in the us.
Look up the book "I AM ERROR" for a fascinating dive into the technical aspects of the NES and how games were made on it.
This is odd advice if you're talking about NES. The OSSC only accepts RGB and component, right? You'd need a modded NES, which will cost you more than the OSSC. I'd much rather do that myself but that's a big price jump.If thwy want to play their system to its full potential then yes, you tell them to spend 150$ on an ossc instead of complaining about not beeing able to secure a limited emulation box
Are you trolling? Slightly better than 2600? IMO the leap from VCS/Intellivision to Famicom is the biggest ever in the history of gaming. It's also the system that saw the most improvement in graphics over its lifetime. Donkey Kong to Batman Return of the Joker is hard to believe. The SG1000 was actually released the same day as the Famicom, it's equally as powerful as the top system in the world at that point (Colecovision) and the Famicom just crushed it in capability.
I started with the 2600 (gross) and did every single system through the present. NES/Fami is bar none my least favorite of them all. Never understood the appeal even though it was my formative system. Far more interested in the SMS these days. NES is just dated. I find it hard to understand how folks even have fondness for that system these days. Only marginally better than the 2600 if you take into account the dozen decent games. I don't understand it,
(Those NA carts are just nasty)
I don't think anyone should be calling out Boss! on his opinion.
I too find little of interest on the NES/fami and I think its mostly because I was far more interested in what was happening in the PC space at the time.
Looking at the NES now I can look back and see/play some true classics but because I never cared for it at the time I've got no nostalgia for it.
I'm not talking about anything on specs or power or anything like that. Just simply on a catalog and titles that I would personally still like to play today. In that sense in fairs only marginally better then the 2600. And just personal opinion. I know most here adore it. For most, classic gaming starts with NES. Kinda baffled on that. Very little pleasure from that system. 16-bit systems is more fun and interesting.
Will simple composite and s-video av switchers cause input lag to my crt?
I'm up to 4 devices now and wouldn't mind organizing the cables a bit.