A great resource for downloading manuals is games databaseAnyone know where to get classic Sega CD / Saturn case cover art? I know coverproject has them for DVD case size, but what about something just to cover the front of an actual Sega CD/Saturn case?
A great resource for downloading manuals is games database
Is PSP retro yet, and do we have a thread for it?
Yep! I wish there was an easier way to play physical PSP games on the TV. Chances of getting some sort of Physical PSP add on for the Vita TV are almost 0. Has anyone made a nice consolised PSP?
Awesome, couldn't find it in the first post. Thanks!
Also, it's a super bummer that the PSP Go is the only model (I think) that can connect to a Dual Shock 3 for control. Would love a PSP with a UMD drive, the great AV output *and* the controller compatibility.
The Dualshock is bluetooth, right? If any other PSP models support bluetooth I wonder if Dualshock support can be hacked into it via CFW?
Hey retro-gaf, are there any retro gaming podcasts anyone can recommend aside from Retronauts and Back in my play? (which are both great!)
I have been looking for something to fill up the rest of my weekly listening time but am coming up short.
On that same note, are there any import focused podcasts out there? I really miss WAHP and red sun gamer.
If you like really bad puns and absurd humor check out the insert credit podcast. They talk about a lot of contemporary games, but the co-hosts play a lot of old games and sometimes do themed episodes like best genesis games of all time or best snes games of all time.
As for import games, a lot of people recommend 8-4 play, but honestly they mostly talk about western games, ios titles, and japan day-to-day life. And Monster Hunter.
Super nice! Gaming on the porch. Love it!
That's summer for you all right! Where in the world are you?
North of Boston, MA
Cool Game Sack episode this week about console mods
What's the scoop on those Everdrive clones i'm seeing popping up on Aliexpress? Are they any good?
Yeah, really enjoyed this week's episode, probably more than their normal ones to be honest.
I really wish I had a friendly neighbourhood Bill who could modify my old consoles, I have had such a spotty history with soldering that I really don't want to risk my consoles.
Anyone from Germany-GAF familiar with this place?
Reposting from the game room setup thread, as I thought you guys might be more interested in my classic setup that's in my basement.
Sony BVM (20F1U) running pure RGB, via scart to BNC for all my consoles. You can't see in these pictures, but I have my snes, nes, genesis, pc engine duo-R and saturn hooked up. This is the result of 20+ years of collecting, as I haven't sold any of my original hardware and am now 34 years old. I am currently focused on my duo and genesis collection.
Is that Nintendo light something you put on just for the photo? I can imagine it getting on your nerves after about 5 minutes.
gorgeous setup, man.
PS2 to Megadrive controller adapter from tototek
The girlfriend got me a SEGA Game Gear. Never had one but pretty stoked to add it to the collection. Came with Lion King, Jurassic Park, Sonic 2, and Sonic Chaos. What's good to play on this thing?
how fucked up is the button mapping though? The Saturn one is idiotic, you have to wonder what they were thinking there.
The girlfriend got me a SEGA Game Gear. Never had one but pretty stoked to add it to the collection. Came with Lion King, Jurassic Park, Sonic 2, and Sonic Chaos. What's good to play on this thing?
The girlfriend got me a SEGA Game Gear. Never had one but pretty stoked to add it to the collection. Came with Lion King, Jurassic Park, Sonic 2, and Sonic Chaos. What's good to play on this thing?
A is the left button (pardon my lack of shape knowledge) , B is down, C right. X, Y, Z are on top, R1 and R2 in whichever order. I think it's good, because I will mainly (only?) use it with an Ascii Grip, and that puts B and C as shoulder buttons.
so beautiful
Some day I will mod the Saturn one so that I can use it on the Megadrive and have the correct button label. Some day.
New Battle of the Ports: Strider Hiryu
I somehow forgot how amazing the soundtrack is. Classic among classics. It's probably nostalgia that makes me prefer the Genesis sound to the arcade.
Oh my god, was the Playstation version really that bad?
I don't know what he's playing for the ps1 version but mine is different than that one.
RGB Playstation 1 Capture - Strider 1 and 2 - XRG : http://youtu.be/hyzUUsoTePk
Have you seen the Hori Grip controller for the PS1? It's tiny. Looks dwarven compared to both the ASCII grips. I belive it was Japan exclusive though, so it's harder to find.