Most of my retro consoles are tragically not my originals.
master system - sold all my sega stuff when i fell on hard times in the early aughts; replaced it with an ebay one & proper board like just this year
genesis - had an s-vid modded one, traded something with televators for a non-TMSS unit
sega-CD - craigslist haul for a model 1 with a few games & 2 six button sticks for $40 back in like 2013
32X - free on ebay cause dude said it wasn't working
saturn - found a modded model 2 on craiglist in california years ago & have treasured it since
NES - never had one, i was helping a friend move in like 2004 and we found a boxed one in his closet at his grandma's. he left me keep it for helping him.
SNES - traded my dead near-launch unit at a CD trader spot in like '03 for the promo disc you got for preordering wind waker (kinda felt bad)
the one i have now, my old roommate won it from the Super Mario show or something? her brother tried to jack it but it's mine now
N64 - man i think another old roommate jacked my launch unit, i got an RGB one a while back
GC - still have my day 1 pimp-ass grimace colored one
i've gone through at least 3 PSX's and 2 PS2's, so yeah, i love my systems but i didn't really have any of these guys in the 90s
Congrats!!! Also. This makes me happy knowing others are in their 40s
i'm like, right behind y'all - ol' atari-ass playing generation