Also, based on sampling some mp3s today and the 2 previously released Eps/singles, I will say with some confidence that the critics will blow loads over The Go! Team debut album. Check out last years single, Junior Kickstart.
I don't really hear much NMH in Fire Arcade. The only similarity between the two is probably their very eclectic sound. NMH managed that by using fuzz and a variety of borderline weird instruments. Fire Arcade really doesn't use a huge array of instruments, and it's not particularly fuzzy. Sometimes I get an almost Talking Heads-ish vibe. I dig the vocals an awful lot. I'm on my second listen. After this I'll probably do a third, closer listen, and then I'll put it away until tomorrow. Every song is at least good, and every song sounds different. I also hear a bit of current era Modest Mouse, but I guess that also falls under Talking Heads. It might be a 9.0. Definitely worth buying for indie rock/pop heads. It's definitely poppier than it is rock-y, hich kind of surprised me after checking out the mp3s on their site. Just some scattered thoughts here.