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Reuters: Trump admin considering separating women, children at US-Mexico border

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Just once, I want to hear these fuckers come out and say "we don't care about them" or "they aren't humans to us". Cut the bullshit, and be upfront to the world about why they would want to do this.

The bullies are winning, and it feels like we can't do anything to fight back.
And Trump supporters here won't post, either. I know this gets brought up all the time in Trump threads where Trump and his admin do terrible shit, but it's true. I know you'll lurk, though. You are such fucking cowards.

All we can do is hope one of this man's wild, careless attacks eventually returns to slice his own body in half.
Just once, I want to hear these fuckers come out and say "we don't care about them" or "they aren't humans to us". Cut the bullshit, and be upfront to the world about why they would want to do this.

The bullies are winning, and it feels like we can't do anything to fight back.

I know, it definitely feels like that with this situation especially. With the Muslim ban, there was a clear constitutional conflict that was easy to exploit, but here, I mean technically we are talking about illegal immigrants, there's no real law to fight back with outside human right violation laws of some kind, and I don't know where one would even start with that.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
What the fuck is the matter with this administration? Basic human rights, can't even get this part right.
It's almost as if some really bad people manipulated ugly sentiments in the population to seize power.


Just once, I want to hear these fuckers come out and say "we don't care about them" or "they aren't humans to us". Cut the bullshit, and be upfront to the world about why they would want to do this.

The bullies are winning, and it feels like we can't do anything to fight back.

It's pathetic how much racists are ashamed of their beliefs that they have to hide them. You would think they would wear that badge proudly if they see nothing wrong with it.
100% a necessary evil.


If you knew anything about economics -- especially as they pertain to the United States, these sorts of policies are not only not necessary, but counter productive to the economic safety and security of its citizens

And THEN we get into the ethics or morality of it.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
100% a necessary evil.

Why people say shit like this and don't offer an explanation about why they feel this way in the same post is beyond me. You know people are going to ask for you explain yourself, or was that the point? To see how many people would quote you?


100% a necessary evil.


They really don't want us to talk about Russia.

Yep. And this news drops on a Friday - like all of these Trump bombshells seem to
The timing of the story may be distracting from Russia stuff in theory, but let's not sit around and pretend like this is all some masterful misdirection and that this shit is very plausible. Surely we learned from the last 'fake' leak about the rollback of LGBT rights what this admin is looking to do. They are declaring war on human rights. This shit is real, guys. It may not be exactly like this, but this shit is real.
What kind of shit legal team does Trump have that would look at these proposals and think they should be given any kind of serious consideration? What shit law schools did these assholes graduate from?
Thats straight up what Nazis would do to the Jews as soon as they got to the concentration camps. Separating families apart.

I always saw that in movies and thought "why would the soldiers carry along such inhumane orders" but now I know people will do anything if the order comes from a superior without giving it any thought. Its happening right now in "The Land of the Free".

L Thammy

I'm wondering what cartoons Donald Trump watched as a kid in order for him to model his life after supervillains.
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