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Reuters: Trump admin considering separating women, children at US-Mexico border

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In today's edition of Friday at the White House

Every weekend they float some dumb shit out there . Every time.
Thats straight up what Nazis would do to the Jews as soon as they got to the concentration camps. Separating families apart.

I always saw that in movies and thought "why would the soldiers carry along such inhumane orders" but now I know people will do anything if the order comes from a superior without giving it any thought. Its happening right now in "The Land of the Free".

They have actually done psychological studies on this (I think one was actually turned into a movie). Basically they sit someone in a room with a device that sends electric shocks to someone on the other in another room. Their commander/teacher/authority figure has the person in front of the machine ask the other questions and if they get it wrong, they shock the person, increasing the voltage each time. On the other end, the person is heard crying and pleading to stop, but the people in front of the machine keep going because the authority figure tells them to keep going. In the end, there is actually no one on the other side. What the test proves is that people will do things that they might not feel is right in order to appease authority.
Milgram Experiment
Coincidentally, the genesis of the original test was to see why Nazi soldiers followed through on the atrocities they committed.

Zen Aku

This sounds familiar. I'm pretty sure the last time a government separated a minority group of people at a checkpoint. Millions of people died. Way to go America.


You know a lot of these people just end up in slums at the Mexican side of the border right? They have no life in Mexico, they have no support there. No one is waiting for them. Drug infested slums on the side of a highway is their future. And Trump wants kids to go there alone?

L Thammy

They have actually done psychological studies on this (I think one was actually turned into a movie). Basically they sit someone in a room with a device that sends electric shocks to someone on the other in another room. Their commander/teacher/authority figure has the person in front of the machine ask the other questions and if they get it wrong, they shock the person, increasing the voltage each time. On the other end, the person is heard crying and pleading to stop, but the people in front of the machine keep going because the authority figure tells them to keep going. In the end, there is actually no one on the other side. What the test proves is that people will do things that they might not feel is right in order to appease authority.
Milgram Experiment
Coincidentally, the genesis of the original test was to see why Nazi soldiers followed through on the atrocities they committed.

I like that the modern German armed forces actually gives soldiers an obligation to disobey orders if they violate law or human dignity. I dunno if that actual works though.

You know a lot of these people just end up in slums at the Mexican side of the border right? They have no life in Mexico, they have no support there. No one is waiting for them. Drug infested slums on the side of a highway is their future. And Trump wants kids to go there alone?

Somehow I don't think Trump cares.
What the fuck is wrong with you


You make me laugh. No explanation just..."that". Are you looking for trouble?

Why people say shit like this and don't offer an explanation about why they feel this way in the same post is beyond me. You know people are going to ask for you explain yourself, or was that the point? To see how many people would quote you?

Necessary? To accomplish what? To rescue the richest and most privileged people in human history from their immigrant oppressors?


If you knew anything about economics -- especially as they pertain to the United States, these sorts of policies are not only not necessary, but counter productive to the economic safety and security of its citizens

And THEN we get into the ethics or morality of it.

Elaborate? in what way is it absolutely necessary?

It's necessary to separate mothers from their children? You being serious right now?


You cannot just say this without explanation. At least back your shit up.
it was a joke.


Like who out there is clamoring for mothers to be separated from their children? How long before Trump's base become conditioned to thinking this is a good idea?
They have actually done psychological studies on this (I think one was actually turned into a movie). Basically they sit someone in a room with a device that sends electric shocks to someone on the other in another room. Their commander/teacher/authority figure has the person in front of the machine ask the other questions and if they get it wrong, they shock the person, increasing the voltage each time. On the other end, the person is heard crying and pleading to stop, but the people in front of the machine keep going because the authority figure tells them to keep going. In the end, there is actually no one on the other side. What the test proves is that people will do things that they might not feel is right in order to appease authority.
Milgram Experiment
Coincidentally, the genesis of the original test was to see why Nazi soldiers followed through on the atrocities they committed.
Good post for the "just following orders" apologists.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Like who out there is clamoring for mothers to be separated from their children? How long before Trump's base become conditioned to thinking this is a good idea?

Many of them may immediately think this is a fantastic idea. Anti-immigrant individuals already reason that "anchor babies" and children who come over the border with parents are just little parasites and should be ejected immediately.

For comparison I've already seen Trump supporters reason that an undocumented immigrant being torn away from their American-born children and deported only means that the immigrant was an abusive parent for allowing children to be born - since their criminal existence meant the child was destined to be orphaned.


The child abuse enquiry in about 20 years arising from whatever solution they have for this will be some dark fucking trials that's for sure. No good can come of this.

Time for people to put an end to this vile administration.
How the fuck do you even think of this stuff. Like, what kind of evil mind do you need to have to even think: you know what, let's split up kids from their mom.


This cannot be accepted. You guys need to bring out the pitchforks and torches if this is implemented.


This is the Republican plan to reverse the democratic trend by kidnapping children and raising them to be republican voters. Didn't the Germans have a Hitler youth breeding program.
Shifting Overton window with a bad call for a reference.

Very well, but watch yourself, McCoy.

Fuck Trump and his admin and everyone that voted for him and every Republican and every conservative fuck them ALL.



It wasn't fucking funny.

Like, not even a little bit funny.

You're on my shitlist from this day forward.

Ah, a joke

Awaiting comments from Downhome on this latest hit from his beloved Trump

You have shit timing playboy

Sorry, guys. You're right, I fucked up.


This is terrifying. There's no bottom for these deranged fucks is there, they are absolute goddamn psychopathic monsters.


Whats,next? Camps? This guy is a monster and needs to be stopped. Hell aren't there international humanitarian laws about this kind of shit?


get some go again
wonder when they will put a revision in there about these kids earning their keep and being forced to work. no time for school for these kids.


Literally "We will steal your kids if you cross the border."


Implementing policy like this makes Donny feel good about himself after the big bad IC and the media go after his peeps for lying about Russia.
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