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Revenge Stories

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Have you ever gotten sweet, sweet revenge on someone who wronged you? What were you getting revenge for and how bad was the fallout after you got your revenge?


Copied and pasted from another forum....

Subject: FW: Mastercard Moment

Revenge is best served cold!!

This is a true story about a recent wedding that took place at Clemson University. It was in the local newspaper and even Jay Leno mentioned it.

It was a huge wedding with about 300 guests. After the wedding at the
reception, the groom got up on stage with a microphone to talk to the
crowd. He said he wanted to thank everyone for coming, many from long
distances, to support them at their wedding. He especially wanted to
thank the bride's and his family and to thank his new father-in-law for providing such a lavish reception.

As a token of his deep appreciation he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift just from him. So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair, including the wedding party, was a manila envelope. He said this was his gift to everyone, and asked them to open their envelope.

Inside each manila envelope was an 8 x 10 glossy of his bride having
sex with the best man. The groom had gotten suspicious of them weeks
earlier and had hired a private detective to tail them.

After just standing there, just watching the guests' reactions for a
couple of minutes, he turned to the best man and said, "F--- you!".
Then he turned to his bride and said, "F--- you!". Then he turned to
the dumbfounded crowd and said, "I'm outta here."

He had the marriage annulled first thing in the morning.

While most people would have cancelled the wedding immediately after
finding out about the affair, this guy goes through with the charade,
as if nothing were wrong.

His revenge... making the bride's parents pay over $32,000 for a 300
guest wedding and reception, and best of all, trashing the bride's and best man's reputations in front of 300 friends and family members.

Best revenge ever! :)

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'm not really into revenge.

I'll try and think though....

No, I don't think I've ever gotten revenge on someone. We can't all be Tazz.


Has problems recognising girls
Mate, wait till you hear this..

Whilst I was growing up in my very colourful childhood, I played revenge. This is a two-part mini-story of sorts.

The first one was when I was roughly 9-10 years old, my sister was 6-7. She had just farted in the lounge room and fuck it was a stinker, so of course stupid old me decided to grab her off the lounge, sit on her face and proceed to fart.

Then comes the beauty:

I was probably 11 and was about to have a bath, waiting for my younger brother (5) to hop out. I tell him to not piss in the water cause I seriously can't be fucked filling it up again.. awhile passes and then he goes "oops I just peed!". What did I do? What any normal warm-blooded brooding boy would, whip his willy out and proceed to piss all over his brother's face. I will never ever forget the moment of surprise on my brother's face, especially the part when he was so shocked, he opened his mouth.

Disgusting, yes, but at the time it was sweet revenge.


Has problems recognising girls
I was a kid and kids do very crazy things.

As Billy Connolly says - they fart, shit, eat, sleep, talk and shout all at the same time. Heck my littlest brother climbed a tree once, slipped and had a whole stump stuck in his arm. I would've screamed like a girl then pass out - he just shrugged it off like it was nothing and wanted to just get it out and climb the tree again.

We were all fucking nut cases.


Unconfirmed Member
One story, and one alone, but worth sharing :)

There used to be an individual, he was a rascist, sexist, nasty piece of work, and because he was quite large and violent, few people used to call him to task over things he said/did, for example one time he was in a car with a friend, stopped to nip into the shops and asked his friend to get out so he could lock up, his mate said he was listening to a track on the radio and would stay in the car & wait, He took exception to this, pulled a bat from under his seat and hit his mate repeatably until he needed over 30 stitches to his head. Like I said, a nasty individual.

One day this individual decided to tag along with a friend that came over to mine, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to get one over on him, fortunately the opportunity came that very afternoon. He had decided that having a skinhead wasn't enough, he wanted to be totally badass bald, he'd tried disposable razors and wasn't happy at the result.

I suggested "Immac" (Hair removal) cream, and offered to do it for him.

I read the instructions and pocketed them quickly, my opportunity relied on him trusting me so the instructions had to go missing, I put the cream on his head, telling him that he wasn't the first to resort to using cream, and then instructed him that he'd have to wait about an hour for it to work.

Thats right, I said an hour... This cream takes minutes to do it's job :D

After 10 Minutes he started to say it was itching badly, I told him he didn't want patches so be a man and deal :p

After 25 Minutes he said it was hurting & burning, I reminded him that girls do their legs often, and bitch less, he dealt with it. :p

After 45 minutes he was literally screaming, could take no more and rushed upstairs to wash it off. When he came back downstairs his head was more shades of purple than Princes bathroom., and this usually violent man was in tears because his head was burning.

I'm lead to believe he had a hat/bowl shaped scar on his head for the entire time it took him to grow his hair out, I say "lead to believe" because my circle of friends never saw him again, although we did hear from others that the scar remained long after that afternoon, and that this individual wasn't going to come within 10 miles of me if he could help it.




Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Mine are pretty weak but here goes...

A few months back, after drinking about a case of beer, two of roommates decided to piss off the balcony onto the hood of my car. Later, one of them was feeling guilty so he came and offered to take my car and wash it the next day. Seeing as how the other one seemed to feel no remorse, I took it upon myself to make him. After he went to sleep, I went upstairs, got a bottle or ranch dressing, and proceeded to empty it all over his car.

Another thing my roommates liked to do was constantly flush the toilet or turn on water while I was taking a shower. This is one of my major annoyances and I would always scream out in anger. So, to get back at one of them, I waited until he was taking a shower. I then filled three buckets of with ice water and stationed myself outside the bathroom. Then, I went downstairs and flushed the toilet. The plan was, the shower would immediately get scalding hot and he would have to stand back while waiting for it to cool. After this, I proceeded to dump all three buckets over the shower curtain. Sadly, it didn't really bother him. In fact, he said it was pretty refreshing.

It seems like I've done some other things but nothing is coming to mind right now.


When I was about 14 this bastard from another school stole $50 off me, he was a lot older than me so there wasn't really anything i could do...so i went to my older brother. My brother drove over to his school and beat the shit out of him, and ripped out his eyebrow ring. I never got my money back but it was worth it.

White Man

A few years ago, an ex of mine and I were going to go to a show. He ended up not picking me up, and giving some excuse. I later find out that I was ditched because he was going with someone that I didn't like/didn't like me. Anyway, I sort of brushed it off, we were moving apart, and exes typically aren't friends.

Fast forward to about a year later. My ex (let's call him Zachariah, because that's his name) just quit the band which my friend fronted. My friend (named Stanny) seeks some avenue of revenge without getting his own hands dirty. So Stanny takes me to a party, get me blitzed on vodka, and starts to turn me against Zachariah, using a year old incident which was no big deal to me to begin with. Being filled with vodka, I couldn't see that I was being manipulated.

Anyway, we ended up crashing Zachariah's house that night. He was having some sort of party for his new band or something. We drank all his beer and I pissed in his bed. The end.

So it's not really a "Me getting revenge" story as much as it is a "Me being used as an instrument of revenge" story.


Zachariah is now a depressed chemical dependent living in northern Jersey. Stanny is homeless in Toronto (last I heard). I'd like to think that my urine caused this.


I work in a hotel as a linen porter and one of the cleaners whom I thought was a friend has turned out to be an obnoxious and spiteful back-stabber who listened to my problems then used them to hurt me on a later date (a subtle bully) as well as slagging me off behind my back. A nasty piece of work basically.

Since then, every day when I've been collecting the dirty linen I've been trashing his rooms and making them a complete mess. He's always the last to finish now and comes whining to me about being tired and how awful his rooms are. And because the cleaners get paid by how many rooms they clean and not by how many hours they work, he gets no extra money for all his hard work. :)

Is what I'm doing wrong? I don't believe it is. Some say just walking away makes you the stronger person, but my job doesn't allow me to do that and quite frankly, that wouldn't make me feel better, while this situation is hilariously fun! I don't believe "I'm stooping to his level" as he's just a bully who hurts people who've done nothing to him, while I'm just treating people the same way they treat me.


quadriplegicjon said:
one time this guy stole my pizza so i punched him four times in the face.
quadriplegicjon said:
this other time.. this other guy snatched 20 dollars from my hands.. so i punched him a couple times in the face.
quadriplegicjon said:
so this other time this guy came up to my face and yet, "you fucken faggot!!" so i punched him in the face a few times!!

I'm getting more and more reasons to punch you in the face (a few times)!!
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