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Riddick would be a great mahjong game if you could play mahjong

Oh no, forgive my sarcasm. :rolleyes:

Yes, you are indeed bitching about the game not playing like every other FPS. Riddick was indeed very innovative in how it played (at least imo, as well as the majority of other people who played it). I had a gun through the majority of the game. Perhaps you just weren't looking hard enough?

The parts of the game where they didn't allow you to have a gun, we're enjoyable to me, since it forced one to sneak around, and not just run and gun it like every other FPS. Plus, certain parts of the game have multiple paths. Depending on which way you went, the game became more or less difficult. The trick was finding the path of least resistance (if one wanted to though, you could give yourself a challenge and take the hard route).

I loved Riddick. If you didn't that's your prerogative, but honestly, I feel not liking it, simply for not playing like 99% of the other FPS's out there, is a dumb reason. Perhaps though, it’s just not your bag. Doom 3 should make you happy then.

Oh, and please don't threaten me, simply for being sarcastic. It only makes you look like a crybaby.


Chili Con Carnage!
Mike Works said:
For instance, when you're riding down on top of the elevator, there are two guards in it. They get out, and walk down this giant catwalk. There are no shadows on the catwalk, and there's always a guard there looking in your direction. I eventually passed that area by luring him as close to the elevator as possible without getting shot much, then sprinting at him and performing the suicide move. Lost some health, but there was no other way around doing it that I could see (there was some vent in the elevator, but I needed a vent tool to open it).

I didnt have a gun at that point, im not convinced you did fuck up mike, there where two places to get a tranq gun, you can buy one of some prisoner who killed a guard on your way down the mines, but if you cant afford it (i couldnt) you keep going without a gun until you've found the guy with his lung problem (in the area with 4 guards, the drilling guys and the guy in the mech suit)..whatever his name was, then go back up the mines, i think i found the tranq gun on my way back up to get the bomb, cause i had it when i went to place the bomb.

Yeah that room was a bitch, i think i only had 1 bar of health too, you just have to avoid the mech by entering the room then dodging to the right behind some crates (thats where the lung problem guy is) then sneak through the room, climbing on the boxes and making use of the shadows that the machinery creates when it puts new ones down. I went for the ladder too, but it seems thats a red herring cause the guards can just look up and see you.

Oh yeah, and the guys with the drills dont attack you unless you start on one of them, so best to just leave them alone.
Another few tips Mike, is that once you do get the Tranq gun, it has unlimited ammo, and you can use it to shoot out the lights.

Also, though you can't kill the Mech guy with the Tranq gun, you can stun him with it for a few seconds. And if you keep shooting him, he'll stay stunned.

And in case you didn't know, you can shut off the turret guns (I mention this bacause my brother didn't know, and actualy got through to the Mech guy area without shutting them off)


Mike Works said:
For instance, when you're riding down on top of the elevator, there are two guards in it. They get out, and walk down this giant catwalk. There are no shadows on the catwalk, and there's always a guard there looking in your direction. I eventually passed that area by luring him as close to the elevator as possible without getting shot much, then sprinting at him and performing the suicide move. Lost some health, but there was no other way around doing it that I could see (there was some vent in the elevator, but I needed a vent tool to open it).

Yes this was VERY hard if you wanted to do this with complete stealth but this is how I handled it. Timing is critical. One of the guards walks away to patrol another area. The one that is left will look away. To your left is a chasm but at the top of the chasm, about 2/3 rds down the catwalk there is a small hill. To the inside rail on top of the hill is a shadow. You needed to go there.


Actually, once the elevator stops, just fall through the little hole to your right once the second guard is under you for an easy drop-kill. The other hack will not hear the skirmish, and you can silently stalk the other one, and kill him.


You were "very interested" until just now? Haven't you read any reviews of it? They all mention the large stealth aspect.


Banstick Emeritus
Sysgen said:
Yes this was VERY hard if you wanted to do this with complete stealth but this is how I handled it. Timing is critical. One of the guards walks away to patrol another area. The one that is left will look away. To your left is a chasm but at the top of the chasm, about 2/3 rds down the catwalk there is a small hill. To the inside rail on top of the hill is a shadow. You needed to go there.
Hee hee...you guys missed the way to get through here with as little trouble as possible. Stay on top of the elevator as they leave, then head over to the pipes on the far side. Open them up, climb in, and you'll be able to bypass both of those bozos completely by crawling through the vents. You can take them out - at your leisure - on the other side of the bridge. Going after them immediately is nothing short of suicide.

Deku Tree

MoxManiac said:
Crap, I was very interested in the game until this thread. I hate stealth with a passion. :(

I hate stealth too. And I loved Riddick.
Riddick is primarily and Action title with a little bit of very well done stealth thrown in.


It seemed to me there was more stealth than action. More shiving people than all-out gun fights. It was still a good game, but it's not for everyone. And there's only like 2 different guns in the game. That was kind of lame.

Deku Tree

One of the things that's cool about the game is that you can play it different ways.
I remember a few annoying stealth parts, but it seemed like the way I played the game it was somewhere around 80% action and 20% stealth. But I consider the non-gun fights to be action as long as I wasn't trying to sneak up on people.

And I can think of 3-5 guns in the game off the top of my head.
bishoptl said:
Hee hee...you guys missed the way to get through here with as little trouble as possible. Stay on top of the elevator as they leave, then head over to the pipes on the far side. Open them up, climb in, and you'll be able to bypass both of those bozos completely by crawling through the vents. You can take them out - at your leisure - on the other side of the bridge. Going after them immediately is nothing short of suicide.

And BINGO was his name-O


Wait a minute, so until you got the tranquilizer (but after the dream sequence) you NEVER. GOT. A. GUN?

You, sir, are a true prisoner. Rawk it.
bishoptl said:
Hee hee...you guys missed the way to get through here with as little trouble as possible. Stay on top of the elevator as they leave, then head over to the pipes on the far side. Open them up, climb in, and you'll be able to bypass both of those bozos completely by crawling through the vents. You can take them out - at your leisure - on the other side of the bridge. Going after them immediately is nothing short of suicide.
I didn't miss that at all. The game said I couldn't open it because I didn't have one of those vent handles. Thus I had to go down the catwalk.

Right now I'm past the
area, just finished getting out of le robot, and the game's been an absolute blast. I fucking love shooting out lights in games, and the game got a lot more enjoyable since I got that tranq gun.

Oh, but once you get in the spoilered area, don't turn on your 'riddick vision' if you're playing in a dark room with no lights on.

My eyes still hurt.

back to getting raped by two huge robots!!
Woo, just finished the game, fucking excellent. If only there had been some sort of sign or pathway that would've made me run to my left and get the tranq gun, this thread never would've happened.

The game wasn't perfect, it REALLY could've used a more detailed map, there were a few problems with the context sensitive x-button areas, and the graphics looked damn jaggy in cutscenes, but the game just did so much good to contrast all that. It especially really wants to make me watch Pitch Black again to re-examine the relationship between Riddick and Johns.

Overall, a terrific game. 8.5 - 9.0 out of 10.


Watch Pitch Black again! The game definately makes the relationship between John & Riddick a little bit more fleshed out.
KAOS said:
Watch Pitch Black again! The game definately makes the relationship between John & Riddick a little bit more fleshed out.
I have two wishes now.


2) They release the two COR pre-sequel games a week or two before the movies hit. So if Chronicles of Riddick 2: Riddick Harder is released the first week of June, I want Chronicles of Riddick 2: Riddick Harder XB in my hands in mid-May. If the game takes place inbetween CoR 1 and CoR 2, it would make CoR 2 that much more enjoyable.

Also, I hope Vin's studio gets contracted to take on another big franchise.

I wish, but too many ppl somehow hated the movie.

I thought the movie and game were great.
Ugh, the movie was great. Maybe not excellent, but still really great. I hate to re-use the term, but the universe was just so fleshed out. It's honestly the first sci-fi movie that I can think of like that since Star Wars and Alien(s). They showed different worlds, different races (religiously and other), lots of awesome set design, the character was a badass that you had to like, the costumes were well done, and the potential for the sequel is huge thanks to the ending. I really, really hope they decide to take a risk on making a sequel, or that the dvd's fly off the shelf. It really deserved better.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Mike Works said:
For instance, when you're riding down on top of the elevator, there are two guards in it. They get out, and walk down this giant catwalk. There are no shadows on the catwalk, and there's always a guard there looking in your direction. I eventually passed that area by luring him as close to the elevator as possible without getting shot much, then sprinting at him and performing the suicide move. Lost some health, but there was no other way around doing it that I could see (there was some vent in the elevator, but I needed a vent tool to open it).

Yeah. You solve that area by luring the guard to the elevator before killing them, althouh I did have the tranq gun here, I can nuderstand why you'd get frustrated with it. As for missing the vent tool as well, methinks you may have been following the the blinking lights too hastily without exloring your environment. You get a vent tool very early on in the game - in fact there are quite a few opportunities. Maybe if you took on the quest of finding all the cigarette packets now, it would help you find all the other stuff you missed. And it's a good thing you have the tranq now, because after the bridge you described, the game gets rather painful - hint: small rooms, l robot guards.
boutrosinit said:
Yeah. You solve that area by luring the guard to the elevator and dispacthing them, althouh I did have the tranq gun here, I can nuderstand why you'd get frustrated with it. As for missing the vent tool as well, methinks you may have been following the the blinking lights too hastily without exloring your environment. You get a vent tool very early on in the game - in fact there are quite a few opportunities. Maybe if you took on the quest of finding all the cigarette packets now, it would help you find all the other stuff you missed. And it's a good thing you have the tranq now, because after the bridge you described, the game gets rather painful - hint: small rooms, l robot guards.
gee thanks but i kind of passed the game a couple hours ago


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Mike Works said:
Also, I hope Vin's studio gets contracted to take on another big franchise.

Apparently they did jack bar set up the voice and acting talent. Starbreeze did the rest, though Tigon wouldn't even give feedback on the game while in development, which was odd.*

Hey Mike, sorry about b4. I automatically assumed you were just bitching about the game, after already having completed it. My bad. That's what I get for not reading all of the post.

in the game, how freakin awesome was that chain gun!? I loved that thing!!

If you watch Pitch Black again (good idea btw), watch the unrated version.
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