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Ridge Racer Vita DLC Detailed

posted in the other thread, but perhaps more suited here:

its half the price of a standard game.

I thought some here were open to the idea of a barebones cheap game that expands with DLC, offering a lower barrier to entry?

Half price should be half a game then. What they appear to be offering at launch is a demo for an exorbitant price tag. If it really is only a couple tracks and cars, it's only worth $5. $10 tops.

The model of a cheap platform with plentiful DLC could be interesting, but this is a severe breach of anything approaching fair.


If this:

"On February 16, you can buy a pack with all the DLC through May for ¥1,600. Through February 29, this will be discounted to ¥1,000."

Is true, something tells me we won't be getting nickeled and dimed in the west. All the DLC will have been released prior to the Western launch of Vita. I expected it to be on the game card for Western release.
I guess they think they're clever with this game/DLC pricing.

i don't see the point in not just delay the game until it's ready, I mean I understand that tradition of launching a game with a new PS console but fuck just delay and give us a good fucking incentive to buy. You can see the game is fucking rushed. I won't be buying that tech demo...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
If this:

"On February 16, you can buy a pack with all the DLC through May for ¥1,600. Through February 29, this will be discounted to ¥1,000."

Is true, something tells me we won't be getting nickeled and dimed in the west. All the DLC will have been released prior to the Western launch of Vita. I expected it to be on the game card for Western release.

That's what I'm hoping. I could see the US version featuring all content on the card with a normal price attached to the game card.


hide your water-based mammals


Depending on the actual amount of content the game launches with (there now appears to be some confusion) and if the US launch gets the DLC for cheap or free then the game might actually turn out to be worth it. Eventually.
For this kind of scam to work the game has to be F2P Namco. A sell-through of 100% means that someone will be tempted to buy your overpriced virtual wares. I just don't see the value in a game like this versus say, Wipeout or Marvel vs Capcom.


Just wait till they re-release the game with all the DLC included. Can't believe they release a game with this kind of "content" in this day and age with so many F2P games. And people call GT5P a demo with 6 tracks and 76 cars.
I think they just finally admitted that Ridge Racer is now their launch window trash IP

This was always their case ...
i miss the days of ridge racer type 4
How much is Reiko Nagase?
Be carefull of what you ask for ? Given how dlc is handled , you might just have a surprise

Ouch. Well, there's one Vita game off my list of potential purchases...
It's a shame ..but this wasn't on my buy list, and with this it's not on my "maybe" list anymore


DLC is fine by me if done right. As long as the game has enough content to warrant the asking price, then adds meaty DLC a few months down the line, that's fine my me. Oblivion (horse armour aside), GTA IV, Mass Effect, RDR, etc.

Bullshit like this is, well, bullshit. The game has clearly had content removed to sell as DLC. This is a situation where the game isn't worth the price for the content on the disc. And even ignoring that, the content available, both on disc and DLC, is simply recycled from previous games.

Horse shit I tells ya.


On the one hand, £8.25 for 8 cars and 6 courses isn't too bad a price I suppose. On the other hand, buying this would make Namco think horrible moves like this are actually what customers want.


If the standard price of a Vita game is $39.99, this game should be $14.99/$19.99 in the US. Does anyone know if this 1/2 game, 1/2 price model is set for US release as well? I'm hoping this strategy bombs in Japan, forcing a "full" release in the US.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
You know, I'd feel a lot better about this if they actually created NEW CONTENT. That's really the biggest issue here. They are simply re-using old tracks once again rather than attempting to create something new. That right there kills any value the game may have offered.


You know, I'd feel a lot better about this if they actually created NEW CONTENT. That's really the biggest issue here. They are simply re-using old tracks once again rather than attempting to create something new. That right there kills any value the game may have offered.

It really looks like the Capcom tests. Except if you pass it, it will be even worse.

jax (old)

I hope this game bombs so badly.

next up tekken+soul calibur vita with 6 playable characters+3 stages and everything else is DLC.
I hope this game bombs so badly.

next up tekken+soul calibur vita with 6 playable characters+3 stages and everything else is DLC.

That wouldn't be so bad. Most people who play fighting games only stick to 3-4 characters tops, so just buying the characters you play would probably be cheaper than buying the full game.
If it's an unbalanced piece of crap, then yeah.

Read that again. I mean in general, on a per-player basis.
How many characters in a fighting game do you play as? For me it never surpasses four (regardless of tier) because I feel I'm spreading myself too thin and not learning my preferred characters well enough.


so, using this horrifically broken pricing model, how much would forza 4/gt5 cost for base game and all the tracks/cars? :p to the calculator someone!

forza 4 comparison, £990 of dlc cars, £419 of dlc tracks - £1442
gt5 comparison, £2052 of dlc cars, £224 of dlc tracks - £2276


at least scamco has the courtesy to release this at a lower price point. the razor and blades approach is way less offensive to me than $60 big budget games with map packs, campaign content dlc, extra modes dlc etc.

most dlc is content that publishers force their developers to cut from the retail package with the express intent of selling it through microtransactions, which is an entirely new revenue stream for them. as long as a retail game conforms to the bare minimal of expectations (6 hour campaign, 5-10 mulitplayer maps), publishers can just hold back content for downloadable services. there's too much money to be made, and they're getting away with it.

the only genuine, non-scamish dlc that wouldn't-make-me-completely-ashamed-to-buy that i've seen this generation is the fallout episodes. those are the absolute closest dlc has come to approximating the ideals of pc expansion packs from the 90s. they're thematically different enough that they couldn't be included in the original game and they expand on the narrative and pre-existing game world in a number of ways.

dlc for any given game is one (or more) of five things:

1) cynical attempt at extracting more money out of consumers
2) obscuring a necessary price hike (game budgets are too high, profit margins are too low)
3) a new viable and legitimate business model, provided the game is priced appropriately at retail to reflect the lack of content
4) a new method of delivering expansive/episodic content without releasing at retail, not possible in previous console gens
5) extending the lifespan of a multiplayer game and blunting the used game market by leveraging content over a longer period of time

most dlc falls under the first two and last categories, unfortunately

oh, and namco can get bent. i'm a huge ridge fan, but they are really testing my faith with this. i have so many great arcade racers in my library that i can boot up and have a blast with any time -- wipeout xl, outrun 2, shox, sega rally, wave race 64, ridge racer v, etc. another 30 fps ridge with rehashed content (?) isn't in the least bit exciting to me.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Read that again. I mean in general, on a per-player basis.
How many characters in a fighting game do you play as? For me it never surpasses four (regardless of tier) because I feel I'm spreading myself too thin and not learning my preferred characters well enough.

A $10 Tekken with League of Legends' free character rotation model and $3 characters could be cool.
Love to see how Namco is going to handle online play with folks that don't have the DLC cars.

Probably either paid DLC unlock codes, or the data is included with mandatory title updates, but the content itself are paid unlocks. That way they're free to play against, but you need to cough up the yen to play as.


I'll just probably wait for the whole lot on the cart or maybe not to bother at all (and wait for the sequel).

The Ridge Racer guys just can't work fast for launch eh?
The Ridge Racer guys just can't work fast for launch eh?

Not being developed by NBGI.

Which makes zero sense. NBGI of all people should have had early devkits. Why did they farm this out to Cellius (and on short notice) when they did such a good job internally on the PSP titles?
This crap makes me want to just stop playing games altogether. I don't need to buy and play these crappy products... I will go read comics, go geocaching, build models, read books, or do any other million things this world offers.

After the nightmare I had getting my "free" DLC to load properly every time I sat down to play Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2 on PC, I stopped buying DLC supported games.
I wrote EA in frustration about my experiences as a paying customer compared to pirates that enjoy the products for free with less headaches.
They sent me a form letter response for 20% off Origin purchases.

So done.


Not being developed by NBGI.

Which makes zero sense. NBGI of all people should have had early devkits. Why did they farm this out to Cellius (and on short notice) when they did such a good job internally on the PSP titles?

Do you know who owns Cellius, or what Cellius is made up out of? As well, given RR3D would you trust them?
Do you know who owns Cellius, or what Cellius is made up out of? As well, given RR3D would you trust them?


Pretty sure I know where this is going.

Also: RR3D kind of stank, but they have a good track record on PlayStation hardware. Hence my question.



Pretty sure I know where this is going.

Also: RR3D kind of stank, but they have a good track record on PlayStation hardware. Hence my question.

Okay, Cellius is a Scamco x Sony studio. Guess who happens to work at Cellius? A lot of the Scamco staff who made Ridge Racers on PSP, and the PS3 game. It's the right people to make this game.
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