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Rings of Power Season 2 Trailer Released

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
Why do ya'll continue to torture yourselves by watching this garbage? I'm a massive Halo fan, but I dropped Season 1 just over halfway through.
Trainwreck shows are entertaining for a time. I enjoyed laughing at arrow for a couple seasons past 4 but eventually it does lose its luster. For now RoP is still cringe funny to me. The latest episode had some truly hilarious parts especially how the battle is the most unepic and sloppiest choreography and can be directly compared to helms deep to show just how crap it is as they clearly wanted to emulate that.


Gold Member
Amazon is paying a lot and they said the magic words “these changes, believe you me, are necessary to appeal to MODERN AUDIENCES!”… and they are paying a lot of money.
That's the key. It's that they made these silly changes because they THOUGHT there was an audience for it, when clearly there is not.

Of these folks had just kept their traps shut and foregoed the need to virtue signal then I coykd have just chalked it up to incompetence, but what they are doing is outright malicious (to the words of Tolkein).

Melon Husk

Celebrimbor getting worked over is from the books

Doesn't make it right. But it's funny
One third sad self-sorry Bilbo, one third Denethor, one third Theoden under Saruman's spell

What's sad is that none of his underlings have any agency. Numenorians are at least capable of independent thought unlike the brainless goons of Eregion.
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Celebrimbor getting worked over is from the books

Doesn't make it right. But it's funny
I know it’s from the books. But the books didn’t go into this level of detail on how Sauron the deceiver pulled it off.

Celebrimbor is a FOOL! My favorite part of watching this show is remarking on Celebrimbor’s stupidity and imagining what would happen if the fat wife dwarf met Galadriel.
Last episode was terrible:
  • "Gandalf...that's what they will call me" reveal. Like we didn't know from season 1 already acting like it's grand reveal loool.
  • Dwarfs suddenly show up from everywhere, even on the walls like they were teleported. Nobody saw them beforehand?
  • The orcs just fucking off after killing their 'dad' leaving galadriel and sauron.
  • Sauron fighting galadriel and pretty much killing her and still asking for the ring instead of just taking it... fucking stupid
  • Galadriel surviving a 500meter fall...
  • The end scene with the king, cringe.
  • And probably a bunch more that I already forgot.


Last episode was terrible:
  • "Gandalf...that's what they will call me" reveal. Like we didn't know from season 1 already acting like it's grand reveal loool.
  • Dwarfs suddenly show up from everywhere, even on the walls like they were teleported. Nobody saw them beforehand?
  • The orcs just fucking off after killing their 'dad' leaving galadriel and sauron.
  • Sauron fighting galadriel and pretty much killing her and still asking for the ring instead of just taking it... fucking stupid
  • Galadriel surviving a 500meter fall...
  • The end scene with the king, cringe.
  • And probably a bunch more that I already forgot.

Yup, pretty much agree on everything.
At least the Balrog scene was sort of visually nice, though I found it funny how towards the end there's a scene of the Dwarfs talking about the upcoming problems they have and no one bothers to mention the massive fire demon living under their city lol.

Also this is getting into new Star Wars territory of getting stabbed not being a big deal. The black Elve dude got stabbed at end of the last episode and this episode he is running around as if nothing happened. Galadriel gets stabbed and jumps off a cliff and the only dangerous part about that was apparently some magical wound lol


Last episode was terrible:
  • "Gandalf...that's what they will call me" reveal. Like we didn't know from season 1 already acting like it's grand reveal loool.
  • Dwarfs suddenly show up from everywhere, even on the walls like they were teleported. Nobody saw them beforehand?
  • The orcs just fucking off after killing their 'dad' leaving galadriel and sauron.
  • Sauron fighting galadriel and pretty much killing her and still asking for the ring instead of just taking it... fucking stupid
  • Galadriel surviving a 500meter fall...
  • The end scene with the king, cringe.
  • And probably a bunch more that I already forgot.
The writing, acting and overall direction is so amature and downright bad it's just 🤦‍♂️

Also you forgot the hilarious scene with Elendil hiding behind the wall from the guards who just let it go for no solid reason.
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I’ll credit them that I managed to make myself watch the whole of season 2. All in all it was marginally better than season 1 but it was still horrendous.

The endless aping of the PJ trilogy is just unbearable. It runs through even the littlest scenes like when Elendil draws Narsil. Does anyone really like it when shows do this. It’s cheap and desperate. Just fucking stop.

Also, I read a bit of an interview with the show runners and they denied setting out for the wizard to be Gandalf, it just evolved that way. What an absolute load of bollocks.


Neighbours from Hell
I honestly thought this season was worse than season 1. It was more boring to me, aside from the battle in episode 7. Everything feels anticlimactic. At least season 1 had a modicum of world building.

I was cracking up at how they tried to make you think Arondir died in episode 7, Adar delivers the final blow, and then he falls to the ground and then in the finale he just shows up like nothing ever happened. Not injured, nothing. I started laughing it was funny.

You pick up on a habit with this show, they love cutting away from parts of the story and then cutting back later and some major plot development happened off screen, they just want an excuse not to show it to save budget or time or from having to write it in.

They cut away from the dwarves... later cut back to them and they arrive at Eregion.

They cut away from the Orc confronting Sauron. Cut back later and they have turned on Adar and been flipped by Sauron.

Cut away from Celebrimbor in episode 7. Cut back in episode 8 and he's already in the middle of being tortured.

Cut away from Arondir in episode 7. Cut back to him in episode 8 and he's just magically alive. Not even as some epic reveal either, he just strolls in casually with the rest of the army.


Gold Member
Trainwreck shows are entertaining for a time. I enjoyed laughing at arrow for a couple seasons past 4 but eventually it does lose its luster. For now RoP is still cringe funny to me. The latest episode had some truly hilarious parts especially how the battle is the most unepic and sloppiest choreography and can be directly compared to helms deep to show just how crap it is as they clearly wanted to emulate that.
Arrow was already much worse after season 2.
Y'all are snobby as fuck.

From the first time I watched the original animated films, I always wondered who Sauron was and how he managed to do what he did.

We got that, and there's no substitute for it.

Is it perfect? Nah. But the liberties they've taken with Tolkein's material are the kind that are expected with adaptations. Crying foul over things like Gandalf's arrival in the wrong age is weird.

Was it satisfying to see it play out? Yes.

As a father, the standout moment was the death of King Durin, and it wouldn't have landed without two seasons of build up.

Can't wait for season 3.
Enjoyed it quite a bit more than season 1.
There was this ominous sense of dread lingering around for the first 5/6 episodes that I liked, something that's just out of reach, like you can see it in the corner of your eye, but when you look there's nothing there, kind of feeling.
Production values were on point, the balrog's fluid dynamics were super crispy.
Also neat they actually did the tom bombadil song for one of the endings.

There were definitely some super weird moments though, like arondir just being alive for no reason, no setup, no fake out, almost like entire scene was just cut.

Also annatar revealing himself to celebrimbor like


Was both hilarious and awesome.
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The worst seasons of of GoT which everyone complained about I enjoyed and didn't complain, expect for the final few eps.

Heck even the Hobbit I thought had some merits.

But RoP I genuinely think is a real mess on so many levels. Even the music sucks. :(

Wow. Complete opposite on my side.

I hated the Hobbit and the bastardization of it into 3 films, but everything has its merits.

Similarly, I love the RoP theme.

Perspectives. Cheers.


Y'all are snobby as fuck.

From the first time I watched the original animated films, I always wondered who Sauron was and how he managed to do what he did.

We got that, and there's no substitute for it.

Is it perfect? Nah. But the liberties they've taken with Tolkein's material are the kind that are expected with adaptations. Crying foul over things like Gandalf's arrival in the wrong age is weird.

Was it satisfying to see it play out? Yes.

As a father, the standout moment was the death of King Durin, and it wouldn't have landed without two seasons of build up.

Can't wait for season 3.

Well then, I just have to say that you have incredibly shit taste and very low standards.

The show is an utter joke. It's utterly poorly written, produced, acted, and designed. There is pretty much nothing redeeming about it.
Well then, I just have to say that you have incredibly shit taste and very low standards.

The show is an utter joke. It's utterly poorly written, produced, acted, and designed. There is pretty much nothing redeeming about it.

Well look at you...

You’ve unlocked the ‘harshest critic’ perk!

Don’t worry, though — one person’s trash TV is another's guilty pleasure.

I can't stand House of the Dragon.
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