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Rise of the Tomb Raider OT | Feat. 20% more tombs and 75% more chastising OP's title


I'm sad that 20% more tombs just amounted to 2 more than last time. Though the ones here at least are more varied.

eh, even the simplest tomb was larger and more complex than the most complex ones in the last game, so the number of tombs isn't a valuable metric to me. Doing all of them amounted to probably 2 hours of the game's total, and I'm not easily stumped (I basically blew through all of them) so that's pretty impressive in comparison, the first game probably took less than 40 minutes for all of the tombs.


Really loving this game so far and it's absolutely gorgeous. I'm currently at the part
Where Lara grabbed Anna then blew up the floor.
How far is this into the game?


Last third is simply beautiful, even on old 360. Up to this point I thought graphics were pretty good, but here Nixxes really outdid themselves.

And there are far less collectibles which is great because I was starting to get tired of constantly going in and out of Lara's sense.


Because the radio tower stuff was a side mission from the dude in the cabin and not a challenge.

Ugh that's gonna annoy me, there's always going to be that high chance I'll waste a lot of time wandering around trying to find one thing to complete a challenge.


How many "big" areas are there in the game?

So far I've seen the Soviet installation and Geo Valley. I honestly don't think I can be bothered to try find all the collectibles for another huge area.


The input lag is really throwing me off. Feels like I'm playing the game via streaming instead of on the console itself and it's really taking my enjoyment out of the game :/ Played for about an hour and decided to wait for a patch for now. I'm really not a person who calls games "unplayable" because of framerate dips and stuff like a lot of people do nowadays but in this case I'm gonna wait to see if this issue gets fixed anytime soon so I can play it in a more enjoyable state.

Really enjoyed the first TR2013 when I got to play it thanks to Games with Gold and was pretty hyped for RotTR. Hope this gets ironed out because I really want to play it.
How pronounced is it? I just ask because although I love the series, I always felt like Uncharted had noticeable input lag largely due to its animations. If it's the same as that, that's completely tolerable. If it's not, hopefully they patch it soonish.


How pronounced is it? I just ask because although I love the series, I always felt like Uncharted had noticeable input lag largely due to its animations. If it's the same as that, that's completely tolerable. If it's not, hopefully they patch it soonish.

It was noticeable to me in this game. It's not super horrible, but you do get the feeling that something is off.


How pronounced is it? I just ask because although I love the series, I always felt like Uncharted had noticeable input lag largely due to its animations. If it's the same as that, that's completely tolerable. If it's not, hopefully they patch it soonish.

I have no idea what people are talking about. It's the same as TR DE on Xbox One.

leng jai

How pronounced is it? I just ask because although I love the series, I always felt like Uncharted had noticeable input lag largely due to its animations. If it's the same as that, that's completely tolerable. If it's not, hopefully they patch it soonish.

It's worse than the input lag Uncharted 3 had at launch, which was already pretty bad.


How many "big" areas are there in the game?

So far I've seen the Soviet installation and Geo Valley. I honestly don't think I can be bothered to try find all the collectibles for another huge area.

There is one more hubish world coming with the last tomb but it is not nearly as big. I'd say about half the size of the Soviet installation.
Loving the game more and more the further i get into it.

Think this might be my GOTY if it keeps this up
the grappling hook is fucking awesome :)


I wish this game were 100% tombs and exploration. The combat is so bad.

I don't think it's bad, but I did feel like the first game's combat was better for some reason. It might be the input lag though as I played the first one on PC.

The encounters here were a lot better than the first one. There weren't waves upon waves of enemies. Most of the time there were ever like what, 5-8 enemies on the screen at a time.

My only major complaint about combat is that you can't blind fire.


The input lag is noticeable in the sense that you can tell it's very lsightly there, but it's definitely not 'bad'. Hopefully it gets fixed but I never really had any trouble with any section of the game, headshots are cake too.
I wish this game were 100% tombs and exploration. The combat is so bad.
This. Thus game is super gorgeous and has all kinds of nooks and crannies to explore along with incredible large spaces, and most of it works damn well and feels polished. The environmental design and artists are on another level, along with Lara's design and animations. Just amazing work.

But the combat action, especially where the game just throws a bunch of enemies on your head and gives you a second or two hidden behind a small wooden box to work out what to do are really terrible encounters, and the game falls apart in those instances. Whether that's input lag or bad tuning or imprecise aiming and cover that doesn't quite cover you, the whole experience breaks down. They're clumsy encounters at best, and trial and error reload fests at worst.

Each time I get past one of those combat arenas I breathe a sigh of relief that I can get back to enjoying the game. I guess in that sense this really is reminiscent of old school Tomb Raider ;p


I think I've burnt myself out a bit trying to do all the side stuff as I go along I feel it's getting in the way now I might have to main line the story now and just ignore the side stuff for awhile. Can you go back and collect everything after you finish the game?


This is one of the few games where I'm taking my time and trying to 100% it. I've played for 12 hours and I'm only 38% done with it. The game is so good.
I think I've burnt myself out a bit trying to do all the side stuff as I go along I feel it's getting in the way now I might have to main line the story now and just ignore the side stuff for awhile. Can you go back and collect everything after you finish the game?
And along these lines, when is the best time to do challenge tombs? I figured I would clear them as I ran into them, but I started to find myself without the right equipment to even start them so I've held off on most of them until the plot sends me back to those areas - if and when that happens.

But I did just get returned to a previous area (mid-late area spoiler)
(when you return to the Geothermal valley after acquiring the atlas)
and when I attempted to do some exploration and side quests I kept getting nagged by the main characters to get back to the main objective.

So I guess I shouldn't do the side missions and tombs until after finishing the story? If not, why does the game pester me to continue forward with the story?


I think I've burnt myself out a bit trying to do all the side stuff as I go along I feel it's getting in the way now I might have to main line the story now and just ignore the side stuff for awhile. Can you go back and collect everything after you finish the game?

Yes. In fact near the end it would be VERY difficult to do everything while going through the first time.
You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.
Played till 3am last night and did not want to stop. Unless the quality falls off a cliff toward the end this is shaping up to easily be my GOTY.


I think I've burnt myself out a bit trying to do all the side stuff as I go along I feel it's getting in the way now I might have to main line the story now and just ignore the side stuff for awhile. Can you go back and collect everything after you finish the game?

Couldn't have put it better myself. Just going to concentrate on the main story from now on and I'll go back to the rest once I've finished. If I come across any side stuff on my way I'll do them, but I'm not purposely going out of my way to do it all now.
I wish this game were 100% tombs and exploration. The combat is so bad.

Eh, I like the mix. The combat isn't anything special, but it's still enjoyable. I like spearing dudes through the eye with a few arrows, then tearing the remaining few apart with the claw tool. It's a good time.

While the tombs are fun, I like them as an accent and not the main course. I felt like my playthrough was an even blend of puzzles, combat, and platforming.


The problem isn't the combat itself. It's just that...well, it's a bit boring, and I think that's primarily due to the enemies. I personally love the bow and find it very satisfying to use, especially in stealth where I am a hunter of ignorant prey.

However, the enemies make it very boring. They're essentially just guys with guns. One of my biggest complaints of the last TR is that they didn't bring out the Oni early enough, and I was also disappointed they were just bullet sponges with ancient weapons. Better it would have been if they were actual demons and the giant Oni been more of a recurring high powered enemy rather than just the climactic boss fight. And if he had been an actual ogre instead of just a giant guy.

90% of the game here is spent fighting essentially the same guys we fought in the first game, mechanically speaking. Guys with assault rifles and shotguns and knives and blah blah blah. Forget the last game, these are the enemies we spend fighting the whole time fighting in Uncharted and Gears of War and Last of Us and almost every other shooter. They're not a bad enemy, but they are the stoke enemy, so bland that you need to make an effort to differentiate them from others. The only major addition RotTR seems to have added were the Bears and Flamethrower guys, from what I can tell (and the flamethrowers are also stock). I wish they weren't the only ones, and Tomb Raider has the unique position of being able to offer truly unique enemies.

It really doesn't improve my opinion of the game that the climax is very much (end game spoilers)
a retread of the last game mechanically (Narratively too, but that's another discussion). At times, it's almost a shot for shot reproduction of storming Himiko's fortress. Explosive barrels everywhere, immortal armed guards rushing you, you climbing higher and higher to the main place where the immortal process is happening. Where is the immortal bear that has grown large and ridiculously scary with huge ass claws? Where is the pack of immortal wolves that is far faster and more vicious than the ones we've fought? What about the hogs or deer, which ran from me, now might pose a challenge because they're insane from the immortality juice?

Since magic is at play, they have a lot more options in terms of gameplay that they aren't using. Why not an enemy that is constantly on fire that you have to keep away from? Why not an enemy that destroys the environment as you play? A flying enemy? A tunneling one? Something!

A Tomb Raider where Lara goes to explore a truly strange and fantastical world where anything can come at you, like, say, a T-rex, would be a welcome change of pace from this fairly mundane combat that is just salted slightly with fantasy to have some a bullet sponge enemy here and there.


I am starting to come to the conclusion that this is my GOTY, I didn't expect it to be this good. I thought I would be playing FO4 all weekend but nope.


Question for my motion sickness bros.

I really wanted to enjoy Tomb Raider 2013, unfortunately the camera bobbing made it impossible for me to play. I would literally get a flash of heat on the back of my neck and break into a sweat. Really haven't that kind of experience with any game since Half Life 2's vehicle sequences.

Is it better in this game? Would I be able to play it? Still kind of annoyed CD didn't patch in an option to disable it after all the complaints.
How pronounced is it? I just ask because although I love the series, I always felt like Uncharted had noticeable input lag largely due to its animations. If it's the same as that, that's completely tolerable. If it's not, hopefully they patch it soonish.

It's extreme. Much worse than the Uncharted games. And its exacerbated by the poor frame rate.

leng jai

It has to be said that both the input and AI are terrible. The shotgun is the best weapon by far due to two reasons. First, it eliminates the need for precise aiming which sucks in this game due to the input lag. Second, the AI is beyond stupid in this game and will literally just walk up to your while you're behind a wall just so you can blast them in the face one by one.


I'm starting to wish the challenge tombs had some kind of weird boss in them as well, I.. Actually what I'm talking about here is that I just want to play Zelda. The tombs do kind of remind me of the temples though and how Lara can only access or solve them by using a specific item.


Junior Member
Am I crazy or does this game have some Halo 5 style aiming issues? Aiming seems sluggish in spots. Other than that I'm enjoying it just fine. The A.I is brain dead and I'm finding the narrative even more uninteresting than the first game. Constantine is sort of fun to watch, but I'm not impressed with the rest of the performances. This series needs a better director (in terms of narrative and cutscenes go, gameplay is fun!).


Knows the Score
I've got stuck in what seems to be a unsolvable bug. I just lost Jacob again after the mine and was in an area where I need to do some ropework, but somehow fell off and have respawned across from the crane, cart and water bucket and am unable to get back over to fix it.
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