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Rise of the Tomb Raider OT | Feat. 20% more tombs and 75% more chastising OP's title

Just started this today and I've been really enjoying the game so far. I thought the beginning was quite intense, the pacing is great and I cared Lara since the start. Took me a while to get used to the 360 graphics, but I must admit the game looks great considering.

leng jai

Just started this today and I've been really enjoying the game so far. I thought the beginning was quite intense, the pacing is great and I cared Lara since the start. Took me a while to get used to the 360 graphics, but I must admit the game looks great considering.

I wonder what the 360 sales are like. It just occurred to me that a few people might pick it up there if they don't own an Xbox One.


Glad I bit the bullet, loved the first game but this is on another league and way better than any of the Uncharted games. Actually wondering how Uncharted 4 can best this but we'll find out next year, as for now Crystal Dynamics are by far one of the most underrated develops out there.


I finished this a couple nights ago and have been cleaning up some of the stuff I missed. This game is awesome. I wasn’t a big fan of the reboot because 1) it wasn’t very Tomb Raider-y and 2) it wasn’t particularly good at being what it was trying to be either (a cinematic action game). Rise of the Tomb Raider is better in just about every way I can think of compared to the reboot. It still won’t be confused for a classic TR game, but it is an extremely well-made, balanced action/adventure game.

Having said that they definitely improved on the TR aspects. The tombs are a huge step up from the previous game. That comes in two major ways. For one, they feel more like tombs. There are a range of different styles from ancient structures to mines to ones with old, but advanced technology. Regardless they evoke the sort of wonder you’d expect from these sorts of places in a TR game. They also deliver more of what tombs should from a gameplay standpoint. That means more clever puzzles integrated with platforming. They aren’t exactly stumpers, but tough enough to make you feel good about besting them. I do wish they were all on the level of Baths of Kitezh (my favorite tomb) and Ancient Cistern which each had a few rooms connected together. There were also some good puzzles on the main story path as well.

They have upped the adventure aspect in general with a larger focus on exploration too which I was happy about. The hubs are fantastic particularly the game’s second major one
the Geothermal Valley
. These are fun to explore, do side missions in, and try to platform your way to different spots in. The platforming in general is improved as well even if it isn’t really challenging still. I think more traps and more sections like the Orrery would really help. They have a good moveset, but need stuff like traps to add the importance of timing and things like the Orrery would add more thought to how you move through levels.

I appreciate them bringing some other older Tomb Raider stuff back like swimming and swan diving and the grapple.

Just as important as all of this is they have improved the action component, so while there is still more combat here than the old games, it is actually really good this time so that is not really a problem. Way more options in combat with better implementation of stealth and new crafting options from poison arrows to molotovs to setting traps on dead bodies. Encounter design is much improved. More of you coming upon a group of enemies and deciding on your approach and less of them just throwing waves of enemies at you. There are still some oddities here like the lack of blind/hipfire and the input lag that has been spoken about in this thread, but as a whole the combat is vastly improved from the previous game.

Lots of other improvements here too. Better crafting system with more resources to gather. Better rewards for completing side content. Better setpieces (
the fiery arrow chase and the bit before it with the flamethrower guy lighting up the water in the Flooded Ruins area were great… that whole level is a really fantastic combo of combat, puzzle-solving, platforming and setpiece design
). Better use of gear-gating (love some of the new items like
the arrows you can put in walls
). The graphics are obviously amazing. You even have the expedition mode which is cooler than the multiplayer in the last game. If nothing else it lets me replay some of the best parts whenever I want.

Anyway, wonderful game. Really loved it. My Game of the Year at the moment. Great job on this one Crystal Dynamics!
Just finished it. What a game.

I don't even know what to say tbh. It's everything I wanted it to be. I really really hope they get to finish this trilogy.

It's crazy to think of the mediocrity the series was dwelling in 10 years ago compared to the heights it reaches now. Utterly fantastic.

When this game comes out on PC, downsampled it's probably going to look like a CG movie during cutscenes. It's definitely better looking than Ryse imo. Some of the later areas are just on a whole other level visually.

I hope the wait for the PS4 version isn't too long either, the more people that can experience this the better!


I just picked it up a few hours ago. This is what I've captured so far.





Dark Souls anyone?



I'm 25% in because my wife is all up my the xbone playing fallout 4.
I'm loving the game to be honest it's just really fun.
I think the combat crafting and exploration are all improved from tr 2013. The game overall feels more cohesive. I'm loving the exploration and the new combat options though I hope /wish you could keep a couple bombs on your person.
I wonder what the 360 sales are like. It just occurred to me that a few people might pick it up there if they don't own an Xbox One.

I was actually wondering that myself and I've seen quite a few people mention they picked up the 360 version. Hopefully will be decent sales.

Those XONE screens look stunning, the PS4 version can't come soon enough..


Just played for a few hours today. Started on the hardest difficulty and so far, I haven't had a problem with dying. Loving the game. Spent 30 minutes in the first snow area alone gathering resources, documents, exploring. My only problem with the difficulty is when you take minor damage, your screen shows blood stains and it doesn't go away since your health doesn't regenerate.

Got the lockpick for helping the guy and found the merchant and bought my first outfit, the commando one. Outfit bonus: Regenerate health quicker. And I'm playing on the hardest difficulty so this doesn't help me. I've made a huge mistake.gif.

For people who completed the game, are there any more revealing outfits? Like a bikini one or something close to it?


This is what I meant by attention to detail, snow trail slowly being covered by the snow storm. Little details like this really stand out for me, so good.

Picked it up today. Had every intention on waiting up to a year for the superior PS4 version but I caved. I've moved over to the PS4 this gen from 360 because of graphics power. Let me say that this game is blowing me away graphically. I continue to stop and look around over and over in awe.


Just got into a combat heavy section of the game and the input lag really makes it much harder than it has any right to. It wasn't noticeable before as there were fewer encounters and they were largely stealth based. But full blown combat really brings it to the forefront. Couple that with Seasoned Raider difficulty, and non-regenerating health, and it's kind of bullshit. Hopefully it's patchable and not a result of all those post processing effects going on, ala Killzone 2.
Wanted to just use bow which Im pretty much doing but there are times when you have to use guns in seasoned raider difficulty, wish no guns were in this.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I just realised there's a 360 version, so it's now downloading. Excellent.

Any 360 version impressions?
I only got the first line of outfits. Ah well - skins aren't important.

Has anyone been able to max out a language skill? It's taking forever to do so with Greek. I'm at level 7.
Just got into a combat heavy section of the game and the input lag really makes it much harder than it has any right to. It wasn't noticeable before as there were fewer encounters and they were largely stealth based. But full blown combat really brings it to the forefront. Couple that with Seasoned Raider difficulty, and non-regenerating health, and it's kind of bullshit. Hopefully it's patchable and not a result of all those post processing effects going on, ala Killzone 2.

Yeah, the first time a fought a pack of wolves I couldn't hit anything because there was so much lag.


I really like how they made each tomb visibly distinct. The catacombs in particular. Freaking wow man.

The game mechanics continue to be very enjoyable. I think CD really carved out a nice niche' for them with these more open hub areas.

Couple things:
-(weapon spoiler) Getting the
was awesome.
- The Huntress outfit is awesome.
- Picking up chickens ala Rocky was funny.
-Story isn't the greatest, but its a big step over TR2013's crappy characters. No more SAMMMMMMM!!!???
Input lag, bad frame rate, jaggies everywhere, and too much contrast in the lighting (although that's subjective) are combining to make this game a terrible experience for me. I think this game is worse than the original in every way.


Junior Member
Input lag, bad frame rate, jaggies everywhere, and too much contrast in the lighting (although that's subjective) are combining to make this game a terrible experience for me. I think this game is worse than the original in every way.

You must be playing the 360 version.
Just started my second playthrough. Picking this up on PC for a 1440p 60FPS run too. Fucking love this game. Best action game I've played since Uncharted 2.


So I played 2013 Tomb Raider when it became free with gold, and wasn't planning to buy Rise of the Tomb Raider, until I played the 2013 version. (also wasn't a big old school Tomb Raider fan)

I quickly feel in love with the 2013 version and couldn't put it down. Became super excited for Rise of the Tomb Raider, and decided to put Fallout 4 on hold as I don't have the budget, nor the time for both. I finished the new game the other night and once again could not put it down!

While I'm sure I would have been able to get more time out of Fallout 4, I really love that this game is just packed full of fun the whole time. I never felt like I was doing something that had to be done to progress. I wanted to explore, find the hidden tombs, and not just to progress Lara's abilities, but to solve the puzzle or just discover something new.

While I have about 90% of the game complete already, and originally feared I would have regret of buying this over Fallout, I'm glad I made the choice to hold off on Fallout. Its a shame though. I feel that its release on Xbox only is going to hurt it for awards, as its going to be overlooked by a lot of people who don't play console or Xbox.

Also what an amazing Fall/Winter this has been for games. I think 2015 is going to be one of those years we look back and talk about the great games we had. Here is hoping 2016 can top it!


As someone who thought TR2013 was a piss poor game with some of the worst set pieces and voice acting I had to experience in a game not named COD does this version actually correct those wrongs or is it more for fans of the original who did not have the same problems?
As someone who thought TR2013 was a piss poor game with some of the worst set pieces and voice acting I had to experience in a game not named COD does this version actually correct those wrongs or is it more for fans of the original who did not have the same problems?

Sorry, this game is not for you.


Terrific game and this is coming from someone who really enjoyed the previous effort. I think it's a bit misguided to say this isn't a classic TR game. This is what the original TR games wish they could have been.
As someone who thought TR2013 was a piss poor game with some of the worst set pieces and voice acting I had to experience in a game not named COD does this version actually correct those wrongs or is it more for fans of the original who did not have the same problems?

The trailers already show that it is very much a Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider game. Nothing would change that.


The trailers already show that it is very much a Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider game. Nothing would change that.

True which is why I was harsh on this game based on the demos and trailers. Just wanted to confirm if the final product was any different and there was more to it. Turns out that is not the case.


The trailers already show that it is very much a Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider game. Nothing would change that.

Crystal Dynamics also gave us the previous Tomb Raider games known as Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld though which I think featured the best version of Lara. Now they gave us whimpering and bad voice acted Lara.


Looking good. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I get the feeling I'll enjoy this much more than the original.
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