the Ford family have $10 million worth in real estate holdings
No I get that. I can read, thanks.It was under a publication ban which has now been lifted. It's literally in the quote I posted in OP.
No I get that. I can read, thanks.
But why even bother? What good does it do? Do people need to see this? What's the point.
aren't Conservatives "supposed" to be good with money?The parents die, the kids spend millions on lawyers fighting over the assets, make one or two bad business investments, money gone. It happens all the time. Lottery winners, pro athletes, movie stars, musicians. It's not unprecedented.
aren't Conservatives "supposed" to be good with money?
Given the hoopla around the video when its existence was revealed, this is in the public interest.
If anything, even though the timing is coincidental, given we are in the middle of Olympics coverage and most political reporters are on vacation, then factor in the emergence of Trump and you can argue that this story is being sent out to die.
No I get that. I can read, thanks.
But why even bother? What good does it do? Do people need to see this? What's the point.
All I can say is that I can't believe people voted for him
I agree. I don't see the point in basically humiliating a man who is dead especially when the world knows about all of his bad decisions to begin with.He's dead. this is sleazy.
No I get that. I can read, thanks.
But why even bother? What good does it do? Do people need to see this? What's the point.
I agree. I don't see the point in basically humiliating a man who is dead especially when the world knows about all of his bad decisions to begin with.
I agree. I don't see the point in basically humiliating a man who is dead especially when the world knows about all of his bad decisions to begin with.
All I can say is that I can't believe people voted for him
Toronto Star has every right to publish the video, they were hit by a ton of right-wing media for reporting on the video.
As someone who lives in Toronto I am glad the video is out, people still try to deny the fact that he did what he did, or gloss over it. In an ideal world Rob Ford would have lived long enough to turn around on his racist, homophobic, and abusive actions. It's a shame that he did not.
Toronto Star has every right to publish the video, they were hit by a ton of right-wing media for reporting on the video.
As someone who lives in Toronto I am glad the video is out, people still try to deny the fact that he did what he did, or gloss over it. In an ideal world Rob Ford would have lived long enough to turn around on his racist, homophobic, and abusive actions. It's a shame that he did not.
It's a shame the crack still gets all the headlines when his politics while in office had such a huge negative impact on the city. Ripping up transit, being against shelters, having laughable 11pm depositions for people when threatening to shut down city services, stunting growth in general. Being a regular ol' racist and homophobic bigot who beat his wife.
The quick turn that people, especially media, had when he died was staggering. He was not some warm, loving, man of the people suddenly. He hurt tens of thousands at least through his shitty policies. If you don't want people to talk shit about you when you're dead, don't be a shit person while you were alive.
I agree. I don't see the point in basically humiliating a man who is dead especially when the world knows about all of his bad decisions to begin with.
Cross posting from Toronto-Age OT
Toronto Star has every right to publish the video, they were hit by a ton of right-wing media for reporting on the video.
As someone who lives in Toronto I am glad the video is out, people still try to deny the fact that he did what he did, or gloss over it. In an ideal world Rob Ford would have lived long enough to turn around on his racist, homophobic, and abusive actions. It's a shame that he did not.
The amount of denial surrounding the existence of this video is almost hard to believe. All signed pointed to its existence, but there was this persistent undercurrent of Rob Ford being the victim of some left-wing slander campaign.
I seem to even remember some (possibly banned) poster here on gaf having an avatar with Rob Ford's face, with the caption "video or gtfo". Well... here's the video, how about you gtfo?
Yep. That's some crack.
Who should play him in the HBO movie?
The amount of denial surrounding the existence of this video is almost hard to believe. All signed pointed to its existence, but there was this persistent undercurrent of Rob Ford being the victim of some left-wing slander campaign.
I seem to even remember some (possibly banned) poster here on gaf having an avatar with Rob Ford's face, with the caption "video or gtfo". Well... here's the video, how about you gtfo?
How have I not heard about this?! If true, this man is a true piece of shit. As someone still recovering from a bedbug scare, I only got a glimpse of the paranoia and mental anguish those things can cause. They are life ruining. The fact that an elected official purposely did that is disgusting. I used to laugh at this guy like a joke. Now I know better (assuming the bed bug thing is true).Right? The man was known to have bedbugs deposited in the homes of his enemies, drive drunk and show up to work intoxicated. The man has not deserved anyone's sympathy (even in death), because while he was living, he had no regard for you.
What if Rob Ford, in one of his crack addicted, drunken stupors, ran over your child in his car?
Fuck that guy.
Willectro. He's gone to a better place, but he still has his avatar.
Toronto deserves to be screwed.
I feel sorry for TO but we in Montreal were loving the comedy show coming from your city.Toronto Star has every right to publish the video, they were hit by a ton of right-wing media for reporting on the video.
As someone who lives in Toronto I am glad the video is out, people still try to deny the fact that he did what he did, or gloss over it. In an ideal world Rob Ford would have lived long enough to turn around on his racist, homophobic, and abusive actions. It's a shame that he did not.
Toronto deserves to be screwed.
The parents die, the kids spend millions on lawyers fighting over the assets, make one or two bad business investments, money gone. It happens all the time. Lottery winners, pro athletes, movie stars, musicians. It's not unprecedented.