Fallece Roberto Gómez Bolaños a los 85 años
Info in english:
http://www.kgns.tv/news/entertainment/headlines/Roberto-Gomez-Bolanos-Chespirito-dies-284167001.html (couldn't find another source in english)
RIP, even if i didn't like his more recent (i.e. not El Chavo) and known work. Or his political leanings. He was a legend. RIP again.
México, DF. El comediante Roberto Gómez Bolaños, conocido como "Chespirito" falleció la tarde de este viernes a los 85 años de edad.
El comediante, guionista y productor comenzó su carrera como creativo publicitario.
En 1970 comenzó transmisiones El Chapulín Colorado y un año después El Chavo del Ocho debutó en el canal de Televisión Independiente de México
Fue popularmente conocido por sus personajes televisivos, entre los que destacan "El Chavo del ocho", "El Chapulín Colorado" y "El doctor Chapatín", entre otros.
A pesar de sus guiones y situaciones recurrentes, sus programas alcanzaron el éxito en Latinoamérica, España y Estados Unidos.
Fuera de la televisión, encabezó, desde 1992, la puesta en escena 11 y 12 que logró 28 mil representaciones.
Hace poco más de un año, el 20 de noviembre de 2013, Gómez Bolaños recibió el Premio Ondas Iberoamericano a la trayectoria más destacada en televisión.
En unos minutos más información.
Info in english:
(Latintimes) - Roberto Gómez Bolaños has passed away at the age of 85. According to reports, the family was aware of the delicate health condition the legendary actor was in. A close source to the family told Mexican media that doctors had lost hope of a full recovery. "Mr. Roberto is very ill but stable, the doctors say, who have already informed the family that there is no hope of recovery and to brace themselves for the worst," the insider said. Bolaños' son, Roberto Gómez Fernández, revealed a couple days ago that his father was stable but has lost mobility: "My father is fine but with a greater difficulty in moving."
Roberto Gómez Bolaños is a famous Mexican writer and actor known worldwide mainly for his characters "El Chavo del 8" and "El Chapulín Colorado." He was born in Mexico City in 1929 and studied engineering but never worked in that field. He found his passion for writing screenplays and scripts for television and radio with his work being featured in shows like "Cómicos y Canciones" and "El Estudio De Pedro Vargas." It was around this same time where he gained his nickname of "Chespirito" when directorAgustín P. Delgado said he was a "Little Shakespeare" or "Shakespearito." In 1968 he signed a contract with Televisión Independiente de México where he was given a Saturday afternoon timeslot to expose his talent in sketches and comedy. This timeframe proved to be so popular the network moved him to Monday night and the legend was born.
"El Chavo del 8" has been his most recognized character where he plays a homeless kid that lives in a barrel in the middle of an apartment complex. The white humor and the hilarious neighbors like La Chilindrina, Don Ramón, Doña Florinda, Quico, Jaimito El Cartero and La Bruja Del 71 are engraved not only in Mexican culture but throughout Latin America. The show ran for 25 years but reruns are continuously broadcasted with great ratings. In recent years and to revive the "El Chavo" legacy and animated series was created that proved to be successful and has subsequently spawned a line of toys and most recently a go-kart video game.
http://www.kgns.tv/news/entertainment/headlines/Roberto-Gomez-Bolanos-Chespirito-dies-284167001.html (couldn't find another source in english)
RIP, even if i didn't like his more recent (i.e. not El Chavo) and known work. Or his political leanings. He was a legend. RIP again.