Also, what the passer does after making the pass is a huge factor. If they immediately turn tail and head back on D then maybe I will go for a 50/50 with the goalie on a not so great pass. If they immediately head to demo / bump the goalie I might push in a little more than I normally would on a so-so pass.
On flipside, if it's a great pass but I seem teammate stuck / flopping around somewhere, or just hanging out on back wall -- if they aren't rotating back to cover while I go for the pass -- then I might not go for a really good pass. Which will piss them off. But if I hit the cross bar and the ball bounces out to mid it's a breakaway for the other team.
And then there is my favorite. Teammate makes a shitty pass you simply can't go for. Defender whiffs / barely touches the ball and it is just sitting in front of the net with no one to tap it in, and they give you shit about not being there. Hindsight is always 20/20
ADDING: in defense of OP bringing up poor assists to centered balls ratio -- there are a TON of easy goals on great passes that are missed, especially at lower levels where people can't shoot and then at higher levels when people can actually defend. But at end of day it's still a flawed stat comparison for reasons already mentioned.