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Rockman.EXE5 details! + Some X8 details


Courtesy of Planet Megaman.

Get pictures/corocoro pics here!


edit: the Capcom update w/ possibly new theme song (remix of 4's?)

Well, this has been a long anticipated CoroCoro update. And hopefully the website will stay up so you can all enjoy it. Due to restraints on my time current, I can only present part of the report now, so the best will come here and the rest tomorrow. And now, EXE 5!

We all know by know that there are two confirmed versions of Rockman EXE 5; Team of Blues and Team of Colonel. The first is slated to release December 9th of this year while the second is slated some time for February the next. Team is a very good word to use in the titles, because these games are all about teamwork.

Page one gives us some pointers in gameplay features. Point one covers the ability to manage your own team of Navis. According to the situation in abttle you can play as other Navis on your team aside from Rockman. If an enemy draws near you can slice it in two with Blues, or if an enemy goes into hiding you can sharpshoot it with Searchman. This allows for much more colorful strategy. It is claimed that you can switch between your various Navis during battle, and that Soul Unisons should be something to keep an eye out for.

Point two states that you can pass obstacles using team cooperation. In the scenario shown, large cannons stand in the way of the group. Using Magnetman's great defensive capabilities (more on this later), he attracts the fire of the cannons, so Blues is able to sweep in and wipe them out. Because it appears you can also change what Navi you control on the field, it may be stand that changing your Navi may change the solution to an obstacle.

Point three discusses the new feature in using teams, "Liberate Missions." Throughout the cyber world in EXE 5 are areas which are controlled by Darkloids. In these areas you fight and liberate them; this is the Liberate Mission. Namely in Navi vs. Virus battles, you battle in order to gain the ground on which they occupy. This area is the purple panels shown in the image. As you defeat viruses, you clear away this area. When you clear away all the panels you then face the virus boss which is occupying there. It would also appear you can receive items from Liberate Missions, and the battlefield area changes depending on where you attack from, including having enemy area behind you.

Page two gives us a look at the Navi teams you will be joining, depending on which version of the game you get. The report claims the difference in teams being the major difference of both games, as they bring out both different battle styles and different ways of advancing the story. Aside from yourself, each team is made up of six Navis, each with a specific purpose in the team. There's the leader Navi, support Navi, brain (info) Navi, defense Navi, attack Navi and reconnaisance Navi.

In Team of Blues, Blues (naturally) is the leader. He of course battles skillfully with his sword, though it may be his only special attribute. Medi, an all new recovery-type Navi, is the support Navi. When someone in the team is hurt you can turn to Medi. In battle she can also confuse enemies and use support attacks. Searchman from the recent EXE 4 is the brain Navi. He of course still retains the power of his sniping gun arm, and he can also hidden enemies and traps. Magnetman takes the role of defense Navi. he has magnetic powers and he can protect anything with his powerful body. Napalmman is the attack Navi, and aptly so. Being able to fire missiles from all over his bodies, he can turn the field into a sea of flames. Finally, another all new Navi, Gyroman, is the reconnaisance Navi. He is the first Navi in history to be able to transform into something else. Naturally this transformation is of a helicopter, which is useful in times of reconnaisance duty.

The later to release Team of Colonel puts entirely different Navis behind the team roles. Saying he is the same as Blues might be correct, as this team leader is said to have other abilities. Toadman acts as support Navi. Despite his apperance he can trifle with enemies with his fast movements. Numberman of course is top choice for brain Navi. He can inspect thigns with his powerful brain, and he may have new attacks this time around. The large Knightman is the defense Navi. He is an intense and strong Navi who can fiercely swing around his wrecking ball. The attack Navi is the all new Tomahawkman. Not only can he tear apart enemies with his large axe, but obstacles as well. Finally, Shadowman takes role as reconnaisance Navi. An assassin of the cyber world; just like a ninja he will approach and obliterate enemies.

The report promises to dive into the competition battles and story in the next issue.

Well if that weren't enough for you, or EXE just isn't your thing, then how about a little bit of X8 too? This page features a small report on Rockman X8, showing off a couple new elements. The first is an all new Ride Chaser, the Varius (bariusu), which lets you traverse through dangerous areas. Interesting, while X8 boasts 2D style gameplay, it appears Ride Chaser segments will be in 3D. Still this may add to the gameplay fun. You'll have to make your way through snow fields and cliffs with unstable footholds in the Varius.

Probably the most interesting feature of the Varius is its capabilities and weapons change depend on who's operating it. When on the Varius, X can still charge up and release his powerful Charge Shot. Axl still has his ability of firing rapidly. He is also devoted to handling the Varius. Zero attacks on the Varius with a wide range attack known as the Wide Shot, capable of clearing out enemies easily.

The game also has a new system set in place when fighting enemies, the Combo Counter. As you defeat many enemies contiuously the Combo Counter will raise. The higher you raise the counter, the greater the amount of "Metals" you can produce. Metals will become the game's form of powerup material.

There is also expected to be a Rockman X8 conference held at the Tokyo Game Show on the 26th of this month. With luck, our own Fireman will actually be heading to Japan and attending the event to bring us a first hand report, as well as with all Rockman activities there.

Whee! I'm all over team of Blues (Yay for all these new gameplay changes). I think souls are back too. And wow to see X series' Colonel gone .exe! Will we see Iris.EXE as well?! Finally other .EXE bits is that as Rockman. EXE Axess ends in japan, the third season "Rockman.EXE Stream" will be airing right after. Hot Hot!

edit: removed my server image links, playing RO now! get the pics from PMM
Hah wow, and here I thought Capcom wasjust going to whore it death. I haven't tried four though, is it any different from 3?

This is nice to see though, I like the team idea very much, gives it a nice new twist on things. Rather than just having to be Rockman and limited yourself to Navi chips or those fusion things in 4. I'm curious as to what they're doing wiith the DS game though, this gives me some hope that they may actually put some work into it. ;)


.EXE basicly being a joke aside, is X-8 going to at least be tolorable, unlike the last 3 X games?

For as much as I used to love Megaman, and how well I took to .EXE at first, it's amazing how much hatred I have for the Blue guy these days. It'd make me pretty happy just to have them do a follow up AC compilation with Megaman X 1-4, then retire the thing already, the onslaught of D-grade Megaman games over the last few years is simply headache inducing.


Alex said:
.EXE basicly being a joke aside, is X-8 going to at least be tolorable, unlike the last 3 X games?

For as much as I used to love Megaman, and how well I took to .EXE at first, it's amazing how much hatred I have for the Blue guy these days. It'd make me pretty happy just to have them do a follow up AC compilation with Megaman X 1-4, then retire the thing already, the onslaught of D-grade Megaman games over the last few years is simply headache inducing.

.EXE rocks! Inafune is behind it after all! Though I skipped 2-3 and went to 4 so its fine for me! and now .EXE 5 willl be a huge change! :D Meanwhile X5 wasn't that bad, not to mention the last X game where Inafune had some input in. (He went on to do .EXE and Zero series which is what X series was always meant to be) However, Minami (the curse of the X series since then) was already producer by then.


Sounds like it might be the first .EXE game I will buy since the second one. The changes seem quite interesting!
milk milk milk. The only really exciting Megaman development in the past 10 years is the command mission game but from the sounds of it; they fucked it up

damn it. Megaman is an AWESOME franchise but they're really killing it.


TheGreenGiant said:
milk milk milk. The only really exciting Megaman development in the past 10 years is the command mission game but from the sounds of it; they fucked it up

damn it. Megaman is an AWESOME franchise but they're really killing it.

Did you even read it? How is it milk when they're totally overhauling it? :p Hell we finally have surprise encounters! :p
I really hope EXE5 is good. The changes do sound interesting. But will it avoid what I like to call, "the curse of part 5"? Thus far, every single Mega Man series has falled apart by chapter 5.


FortNinety said:
I really hope EXE5 is good. The changes do sound interesting. But will it avoid what I like to call, "the curse of part 5"? Thus far, every single Mega Man series has falled apart by chapter 5.
GB MM5 ruled. :p
jarrod said:
GB MM5 ruled. :p

Well you are the handheld emperor, so I'll take your word for it. :)

M3wThr33 said:
Wow. So you just insulted MM&B and MM7. Prepare for a flack attack.

And also Mega Man 8, which I actually liked. But MM1-4 had a certain quality that I couldn't find in the others. 5-7 are devoid of charm and just "there" if you get my drift. I'd go on, but I don't want to come off as some drooling Mega Man fanboy.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
jarrod said:
GB MM5 ruled. :p

Yes, it rocked. Too damn slow and unplayable now though. :(

But at the same time, MM5 was the only ORIGINAL Mega Man GB game anyway....so you could say it was the first. :D
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