Rockstar pretty much has critic armor at this point, right? The utterly basic shortcoming of their games are never mentioned. Over the last week I've been playing RDR and May Payne 3(they were $5 each at PSN), joining with the other three Rockstar games I've played this gen: LA Noire, GTA4 and...
1- Cluncky and unresponsive controls, mashing X was acceptable in the PS2 era but it’s passe by today's standards.
2- missions that can only be done one way which is unacceptable when you call want your game to be an open world sand box.
3-missions where it's just ride to see a cutscene.
4- shooting is unfun and it's a huge issue when it's a central mechanic of the games and you are the company that made the awesome shooting of Max Payne 3!
I could go on and on but the point is Ubisoft has LONG since surpassed R* in the open world space, and R* writing and satire isn't anything special by today's standards, really how many times did Rockstar used the same character archtypes in their games? I first noticed all of this back in 2010 when RDR cameout and i wasn't having any fun with this game the came in and won all these awards and i was scratching my head thinking there are much better games released in 2010 with better gameplay and stories!