Heh, the free agency period is going to be absolutely nutty...there's only what, 200 players under contract? That leaves roughly 500 players that need to find jobs, and quick. It's going to be insane.
Manics said:
I heard the interview and you can take it in whatever context you want. He still said that anyone that thinks players are spoiled can kiss his ass. I think players are spoiled, and he can kiss my ass.
I think when look at the perspective of a player like him continuing to play a game despite taking two sticks and a puck to the mouth, then playing on with a wired jaw, and I believe getting a pretty serious eye injury (nevermind the concussions, the very idea that someone like that is deemed spoiled fills him with disgust. Can't say I blame him.
But hey, if you look at him as nothing but a circus performer, then I guess all those millions that'd simply go into the pockets of the billionaire owners instead does make him spoiled. It's not a perspective that holds much weight with me.