No, that's what he started out saying. But then in the last paragraph drives the car off a cliff by going into a personal opinion "I'm not saying his tragedy overrides the rape but........."
Might want to get your own comprehension recalibrated.
I'm not sure how you took it to mean it that way, but it's other way around: the rape shouldn't override those tragedies, but I don't think the rape should be the only thing that defines him at this point. He's a complicated human being that in spite of the horrible things that happened to him managed to commit an atrocity himself, and he is unquestionably, indisputably and beyond the shadow of a doubt a terrible man for what he did and how he's conducted himself regarding that matter in the years since.
I do not hold it against anyone that likes his films as much as I do and I do not hold it against anyone in the film industry that wishes to continue to work with him. I will also defend to the death anyone who refuses to even entertain the idea of someone watching one of his films and also defend their extreme disappointment in the filmmakers that continue to give him a pass, especially now that the information regarding the trial and especially the testimony is out there for people to educate themselves about to find out that hey, it actually wasn't quite the snow job against Polanski that had been claimed previously. He is indefensible, and that's OK.