I know it's hard to understand for some Americans but there are things called borders, due process and sovereignty.
There is also a thing called extradition treaties. The U.S. and France have one. France doesn't honor it. Breaking deals specifically pertaining to your sovereign borders tends to make people not give a shit about the "due process" part.
Again, the French government are aiding and abetting a U.S. fugitive, in direct violation of their own laws and agreements with the United States.
People suspect Iraq of having WMDs with literally zero proof, just a lot of truthy feels in their guts - tens of thousands of soldiers, billions of dollars, and the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians are offered up against this insult to the international community.
France obviously violates an international treaty to shield a self-confessed rapist - shoulders are shrugged and excuses are made.
White privilege I guess?
I thought you still got a trial if you plead guilty, just a shorter one.
Also, isn't that what a sentence bargain does? You do a plea bargain based on the sentence.
He needed to show up for sentencing, that was the last part to be processed. They let him plea down to lesser charges that would have had far less jail time associated than real rape. He still bailed because there was still some potential he'd see some time in jail.
He had 90% of his trial and bailed on the last 10% because even though he was handed a pro-rape culture + Hollywood celebrity sweetheart deal he wasn't willing to face a minute of real imprisonment. Because he's a piece of shit.