England [sic]
I don't get it. What's the error?
England [sic]
I don't get it. What's the error?
I just do not appreciate the sort of social bullying to vote for President Obama or you are not "cool".
That is not the reason I am not voting for him though... The performance of the president versus what he claimed he would do as a canidate is why.
Now you are making things worse.Oh right, UK. The placement confused me.
Oh right, UK. The placement confused me.
UK is not an island, it includes Northern Ireland. Great Britain is the island.
Dear America,
Please can you charter a plane and take Romney home, he's being filling up the newspapers with utter bullshit about how security (drafted) and strikes (cancelled) are making the games seem uncertain. There has actually been a lot of effort to make this thing a good show and for some creepy, weird, American right-winger who organised a couple of ski events 20 years ago to come over and tell us that we're doing it wrong is annoying.
He also clearly doesn't know anything about anything and is really embarrassing to watch on TV.
We like Obama.
Send Obama.
P.S. Please stop chanting "USA USA USA" all the time throughout all of the events. It's really annoying.
The existence of MI6, the international arm of the British secret service, was not officially acknowledged until 1994, 82 years after it was established. But the organisation is still shrouded in secrecy, and its operations and the diary schedule of its chief are rarely acknowledged. But here comes Romney, in fully open mode: "I appreciated the insights and perspectives of the leaders of the government here and the opposition here as well as the head of MI6".
Got any pics, Mitt?
Do you mind keeping him for about 8 months? He only eats caviar and sparrow hearts.
Dear America,
Please can you charter a plane and take Romney home, he's being filling up the newspapers with utter bullshit about how security (drafted) and strikes (cancelled) are making the games seem uncertain. There has actually been a lot of effort to make this thing a good show and for some creepy, weird, American right-winger who organised a couple of ski events 20 years ago to come over and tell us that we're doing it wrong is annoying.
He also clearly doesn't know anything about anything and is really embarrassing to watch on TV.
We like Obama.
Send Obama.
P.S. Please stop chanting "USA USA USA" all the time throughout all of the events. It's really annoying.
HOT DAYM. shots fired!"Of course, it's easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere,"
Yeah if I was from Utah I'd be a little salty.
"The question is whether we're going to become a stronger nation leading the world or whether we're going to follow the path of Europe and become a second-tier military and a second-tier nation." European countries had chosen to "become a wonderful nation but not the world's power".
America's health system should remain privately rather than government run, he insisted. "I do not want to go the way of England and Canada when it comes to healthcare," he said.
He added: "For me what America should do is strengthen our military, strengthen our economy and strengthen our family structure so that we always remain the most powerful nation on earth. A world without America as the leader is a very frightening place."
"Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or John Edwards will take America in a sharp left turn towards Europe with big government, big taxes, Big Brother running your lives," he said.
I'm sorry but every time Americans say England instead of the UK I want to vomit.
I'm sorry but every time Americans say England instead of the UK I want to vomit.
I'm sorry but every time Americans say England instead of the UK I want to vomit.
... why?
Because they are not the same thing.
It'd be the same as referring to the entirety of the USA as Texas.
Or all of the Netherlands as Holland, lol
Special relationship! Nevermind I called you a second rate country, accuse you of socialism on a daily basis, and dissed the Olympics.
Special relationship! Nevermind I called you a second rate country, accuse you of socialism on a daily basis, and dissed the Olympics.
Sure, it just seems like a nutty overreaction.
Yeah advisors... Romney condemned the comments get over it.
Its unfair of you to pull guilt by association on Romney.
Also isn't President Obama half anglo-saxon (idk all the European comments). Race is pretty non existent imo and it is sad people obsess over it.
I know that President Obama went to Ireland supposedly and downed a few brews.
I do not even know Romneys ancestry but I do not get why he would even bother going to the UK. It does not matter what they think of our President... I would imagine that if the UK was in financial trouble the last thing they would want to see is their Prime Minister go pander to the US.
I actually commend President Obama on not doing this (unless he did). What matters is the United States, you are running for election here.
However I am sick of people making a big deal of racism... Yeah it exists, so does sexism, lookism,heightism, etc. Plenty of successful men and women are "black" so I do not see how it is that big of a deal.
I have only met one person who accused President Obama of being a muslim and just hated the President for illogical reasons (which is both racist and biggoted as plenty of good people follow the faith of Islam). Most the people I know are Republicans too.
I am just saying that some of you are clinging onto cliche or fringe comments and using them to portay a large segment of the population.
hahahah holy fuck you're serious
hahahah holy fuck you're serious
There is a long, complex and often fraught history between the different members of the UK. It's really not surprising that the Welsh, Scottish and Irish get a bit narked that they're treated as subservient to the English in examples such as Romney's book.
I'm sorry but every time Americans say England instead of the UK I want to vomit.
Well, not like we wanted to be part of your United Kingdom.
But yeah, why?
... why?
Obama ended race as well as racism tbh
Shit Mitt says. Which comedian can make a show out of this joker?
Not SNL, their Mitt sucks. And I love Sudekis.
Sure, it just seems like a nutty overreaction.
As a Englishman living in Utah. Fuck Cameron.
Romney is a puppet for the right. It's probably not hard to fit the hand in because there's no spine there anyway. I almost felt a shadow of respect for him when he went against his party on the penalty vs tax healthcare issue but then he went and reneged on that too. At least McCain wasn't as floppy as a fish.Romney let same sex marriage pass in Massachuessets, Romney raised taxes in MA. Romney stated that he believes in seperation of church and state and is not very religious.
I just can not justify myself to vote for President Obama sorry and I like the image he portrays of our country abroad.
Hollywood claims to be so liberal and to have this moral enlightened artist high ground yet they all cave to their beliefs apparently. Matt Damon is one of the few to express disappointment (and I am not really a fan just saying) but maybe more do I just do not hear about it on the news. The real union so many actors/actresses support the Democrats is the union. Other forms of entertainment like athletes are split.
I just do not appreciate the sort of social bullying to vote for President Obama or you are not "cool".
That is not the reason I am not voting for him though... The performance of the president versus what he claimed he would do as a canidate is why.
Also isn't President Obama half anglo-saxon (idk all the European comments). Race is pretty non existent imo and it is sad people obsess over it.
I know that President Obama went to Ireland supposedly and downed a few brews.