Can we have his money too?
If you can find it all.
Can we have his money too?
If you actually believe this I think we have finally found someone with less sense than Romney.
And some shouldn't have been allowed to compete in the Olympics after testing positive for banned substances. What a disgrace.
Don't worry. People butthurt by that comment will get over it. Some people have a hard time being told the truth. The first reaction is always the "kneejerk". Followed by the "be jerk". Then reality sets in.
The problem is the only one who was speaking the truth was Cameron, Romney just showed how bad his advisers are.
The security for the London Olympics is going down exactly as we planned all along....
Yeah it's pretty sad Johnson had his gold stripped and awarded to Lewis, due to Johnson's positive drug test. And then years later, when it came to light that Lewis was juicing too, Johnson said Lewis' medal should be stripped like his was, and Lewis just blew him off like, who cares if I was on steroids, everyone was ? Like he had no idea why Johnson would be pissed off after that info came out.
The security for the London Olympics is going down exactly as we planned all along....
The problem is the only one who was speaking the truth was Cameron, Romney just showed how bad his advisers are.
Plans change
"England is just a small island"
What's a wazzock?
Romney's comments were perfectly valid. It's certainly a lot harder in a place like London than Salt Lake City, but if stories were out there about 78 of 80 security guards not showing up, I'd be disconcerted too.
Yeah, but you know what he meant. It's a reflection of how inconsequential the UK has become, a shadow of its former self. The country is small. The part about not making things the rest of the world wants to buy and would have been invaded by Hitler are accurate.
but most of the spin in this thread is coming from the British govt and its wounded citizens.
A twat.
Because the Americans have a fine history of taking criticism from visiting foreign nationals on the chin and not getting a little pissy about it don't they?
Because the Americans have a fine history of taking criticism from visiting foreign nationals on the chin and not getting a little pissy about it don't they?
Yeah, but you know what he meant. It's a reflection of how inconsequential the UK has become, a shadow of its former self. The country is small. The part about not making things the rest of the world wants to buy and would have been invaded by Hitler are accurate.
But the pejorative refers to a person only? Like I couldn't refer to the female anatomy as a wazzock?
The UK will never again have a competitive manufacturing industry and it is ridiculous to try and compete with other countries on that level when people like Mitt Romney encourage outsourcing. However, our economy has vast potential if it was restructured and likely will have a resurgence given the socioeconomic shift in China and India.Yeah, but you know what he meant. It's a reflection of how inconsequential the UK has become, a shadow of its former self. The country is small. The part about not making things the rest of the world wants to buy and would have been invaded by Hitler are accurate.
Can we have his money too?
Because the Americans have a fine history of taking criticism from visiting foreign nationals on the chin and not getting a little pissy about it don't they?
He also spilled the beans on a "secret" meeting with the head of MI-6. I'm starting to think this is going to go down as the worst presidential candidate foreign policy tour in U.S. election history, I certainly can't think of one which was worse.
lolMI6 refuses to confirm #Romney meeting, fueling speculation he may have been fooled by an Austin Powers impersonator #RomneyShambles
Because the Americans have a fine history of taking criticism from visiting foreign nationals on the chin and not getting a little pissy about it don't they?
If not having an inhumane empire and turning towards socialist welfare state policies is 'a shadow of its former self' then I'm happy for the UK to be a shadow, thanks.
The part about having been invaded by Hitler if it were joined to mainland Europe is indeed accurate, but irrelevant if intended to be a slight. It's rather like saying the US would have been invaded by Germany if it were very small and between France and Germany. Well sure, it's true, but so what?
Why on Earth is Romney getting meetings with MI6 anyway.
Can we have his money too?
Why on Earth is Romney getting meetings with MI6 anyway.
You're basically admitting I'm right.
I'm sure if Cameron came to the US and made some negative remark, many Americans would react badly. But what of it ?
The comment you quoted me on was an observation. And your reply is, you guys would do the same thing too !
You're basically admitting I'm right.!
would have been invaded by Hitler are accurate.
If not having an inhumane empire and turning towards socialist welfare state policies is 'a shadow of its former self' then I'm happy for the UK to be a shadow, thanks.
The part about having been invaded by Hitler if it were joined to mainland Europe is indeed accurate, but irrelevant if intended to be a slight. It's rather like saying the US would have been invaded by Germany if it were very small and between France and Germany. Well sure, it's true, but so what?
Learn your fucking history numb nuts...the UK was never in danger of invasion after September 1940, after the RAF defeated the Luftwaffe.
The fact this took place 18mths BEFORE the US could be arsed to enter WWII has obviously escaped your somewhat limited intelligence.
Fucking Hollywood and their bullshit version of history has (un)educated 3 generations of Americans about WWII.
doesn't make things the people of the world want
Learn your fucking history numb nuts...the UK was never in danger of invasion after September 1940, after the RAF defeated the Luftwaffe.
The fact this took place 18mths BEFORE the US could be arsed to enter WWII has obviously escaped your somewhat limited intelligence.
Fucking Hollywood and their bullshit version of history has (un)educated 3 generations of Americans about WWII.
Well I thought his comments were bang on. He said the country was small, doesn't make things the people of the world want and would have been invaded by Hitler had it not been separated from Europe by water. I think some people took umbrage with that comment. The implication seems to be the UK is powerless and inconsequential.
Well I thought his comments were bang on. He said the country was small, doesn't make things the people of the world want and would have been invaded by Hitler had it not been separated from Europe by water. I think some people took umbrage with that comment. The implication seems to be the UK is powerless and inconsequential.
CHEEZMO;40332488 said:"Romney casts doubts on the capabilities of private enterprise"
I think the point is that they couldn't use blitzkrieg against the British because there's water in the way.
I mean, it's still a completely irrelevant point. Because there was water in the way Britain had a powerful navy, so Germany couldn't risk a sea attack, and Britain won the ensuing air battle, thus ensuring German would be unable to invade.
Like I said, it's like saying that 'only reason' the US wasn't invaded during WW2 is that they are huge and on the other side of the world to the rest of the fighting. Well yeah, sure, it's true. It's also completely asinine.
Well I thought his comments were bang on. He said the country was small, doesn't make things the people of the world want and would have been invaded by Hitler had it not been separated from Europe by water. I think some people took umbrage with that comment. The implication seems to be the UK is powerless and inconsequential.
in many important socio-economic metrics, behind both Europe and the USA in important factors such as social mobility and GINI
It's well documented that Hitler would have found such an 'arrangement' the best outcome for all concerned.
Well, to be fair the Battle of Britain was significant as they needed to cross the channel to get their land units here, if that wasn't the case it could have been much easier.
Fact is it's a fucking stupid argument, as I pointed out above as we are not joined to the continent.
BAE systems are one of the worlds leading arms manufacturers / dealers, we just tend not to advertise it as it's not very PC.
As far as BAE goes, he was talking about what the people of the world want, things like computers, cars, cell phones. The UK makes practically nothing people want.
Well I thought his comments were bang on. He said the country was small, doesn't make things the people of the world want and would have been invaded by Hitler had it not been separated from Europe by water. I think some people took umbrage with that comment. The implication seems to be the UK is powerless and inconsequential.
The point is had Britain been joined the Germans would have run over the top of them
The UK makes practically nothing people want.
All true, but what pisses me off is this constant retort by Americans that they saved us from Hitler and German invasion...they didn't.
We saved ourselves from that, what America did do however, was ensure mainland Europe was liberated.
Without America, the worst that would have happened is that the UK would have 'accepted' German domination of mainland Europe, while we turned the other cheek, minded our own business and kept our Empire.
It's well documented that Hitler would have found such an 'arrangement' the best outcome for all concerned.