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Row over Kidman's film romp with youngster

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Nicole Kidman has been caught up in a row over a new film which features her kissing a ten-year-old boy while naked.

In the movie, called Birth, Kidman plays a widow who believes the boy to be a reincarnation of her husband.

Two scenes in particular have come under fire; in both, Kidman and the boy - Canadian child actor Cameron Bright - are "completely naked and caressing each other." In one of them, there is a close-up of " a very passionate kiss" as they sit in the bathtub together.

"The last thing on earth Nicole needs is a movie which is going to be jumped on by sickos and used in some perverse way to promote paedophilia," a source told the Daily Star Sunday today. "But truth is, the publicity department is already describing the movie as a nightmare. The producers, director and Nicole herself are likely to face a lot of flack."

It will cost film studo New Line around $50 million if they decide to axe the movie altoegther.

Erm... what the fuck?


Count of Concision
I don't give a shit if it's for a movie and you're an actor, but "passionately kissing" a boy of ten years (which I assume means tongue?) is disgusting-- "artistic vision" be damned. She should be hung out to dry for it. What was she thinking?


Hollywood Square
I applaud this movie.

Really, how many ten-year-old boys get to makeout with Nicole Kidman? Naked?

That's awesome! Go 10-year-old boy, go!


Bob White said:
What's a row?

A flap, a hubbub, a broohaha, controversy.

As for the movie? Um..Huh. Things tend to get blown out of proportion, and I've noticed that UK journalists tend to use more colorful language, either just to keep readers' interests or for slight hyperbole. I'd like to know how "passionate" this kiss really is. If they're treating each others uvulas like punching bags, then yeah, it goes to far.

I'm more put off by the fact that they're both naked on top of the kissing, to be honest.
Loki said:
I don't give a shit if it's for a movie and you're an actor, but "passionately kissing" a boy of ten years (which I assume means tongue?) is disgusting-- "artistic vision" be damned. She should be hung out to dry for it. What was she thinking?

It's a fucking movie, chill out. She was thinking it was part of the script and needed to act it out.


The kid.


I bet the film will go straight to video or something.


Count of Concision
HalfPastNoon said:
It's a fucking movie, chill out. She was thinking it was part of the script and needed to act it out.

Read my post again. My post clearly stated that I didn't care if the film called for it as part of its supposed "artistic vision"-- that she could put her conscience, common sense and logic aside for the sake of a FILM, of all things, is indefensible.

"Movies" such as this shouldn't even be created, much less receive millions of dollars in funding. A 40+ year-old woman sitting there naked, tonguing some 10 year old kid, is not my idea of something that should be defended in ANY context. It cannot be rationalized, and is prima facie disgusting.


shitting in the alley outside your window
Ripclawe said:
Roman polanski directing?

Jonathan Glazer, who directed the excellent Sexy Beast a few years back and a few Radiohead videos. He's also working on a remake of the Hideo Nakata movie, Chaos.


GAF's Bob Woodward
It prob isn't anywhere near as bad as this report makes out. At *worst* I bet it's a kiss on the lips, no tounge. I bet the scene is probably something like the two of them in a bath, mother-son like. The "weirdness" is prob only implicit in that we know her character believes the boy to be her reincarnated husband - I doubt it's explicitly expressed, or manifests itself very physically at all.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>Luckiest 10 year old kid ever? Yes.

Perhaps, but the original actor who was meant to play that role turned it down due to the nature of the scenes.<<<

It likely had more to do with being filmed taking a bath than making out with Nicole Kidman...


Right. It was the nudity. His mother and him felt like it was too much, so they had to hire another actor. This was all in pre-production, so no time was lost.


Count of Concision
TAJ said:
>>>Luckiest 10 year old kid ever? Yes.

Perhaps, but the original actor who was meant to play that role turned it down due to the nature of the scenes.<<<

It likely had more to do with being filmed taking a bath than making out with Nicole Kidman...

Considering that it was likely his parents who made the decision, that may or may not be true. I don't know of any parent who would want their ten year old child to be "making out" with anyone, no matter how pretty-- and especially not somebody who's 40+ years old.

EDIT: Guess I was mistaken. :p Seems like those parents have no qualms with their child "making out" with an adult (assuming the kiss is as juicy as the article makes it sound, which may or may not be the case). Which is just disgusting conduct on the part of the parents, imo, if the kiss is indeed more than a peck on the lips.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I wonder what the reaction would be if the situation was Tom Cruise making out with a naked ten-year-old girl...

Regardless, I don't think it's that big of a deal. People underestimate the maturity of kids today. Plus, I will pretty much defend artistic freedom as far as I need to.


Count of Concision
Minotauro said:
I wonder what the reaction would be if the situation was Tom Cruise making out with a naked ten-year-old girl...

Regardless, I don't think it's that big of a deal. People underestimate the maturity of kids today. Plus, I will pretty much defend artistic freedom as far as I need to.


Anyone defending an adult making out with a ten year old child while sitting naked (in ANY context, including film) is a disgusting human being. "Underestimate the maturity of kids today"? Wtf? Nice to see that "artistic freedom" trumps decency and common sense for you. Ridiculous.

And personally, my reaction would have been exactly the same if the sexes were reversed.

Ten years from now: "What's wrong with a 6 year old making out with a middle aged man? People underestimate the maturity of kids nowadays."

What a goddamn joke. But hey, at least you'll have your cherished "artistic freedom", even if we, as a people, are no longer free.

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." -- Benjamin Franklin

You think about that.
If you want controversial, watch "Ken Park". It has real sex scenes that show everything. It's directed by the same guy who did "Kids".


tree fiddy said:
If you want controversial, watch "Ken Park". It has real sex scenes that show everything. It's directed by the same guy who did "Kids".

Yeah, except Ken Park didn't have actual kids in it. Still.....Ken Park was a fucking terrible movie, that relied on some pretty sad shock tactics to gain buzz.

P.S Fifty and tree fiddy.....we should become the best of friends.
Fifty said:
Yeah, except Ken Park didn't have actual kids in it. Still.....Ken Park was a fucking terrible movie, that relied on some pretty sad shock tactics to gain buzz.

P.S Fifty and tree fiddy.....we should become the best of friends.
I was wondering how he could get away with that stuff but whatever. People should stop crying about the content of certain films.

p.s. Is there any greater word than 50? ;)


Loki seems to have a very bizarre definition of freedom.

So censuring the movie, with zero idea of context of the scene in question (or any interesting in finding out before judging) - this is freedom to you?

I'm not defending pedophilia, I can't help but feel that 100 years ago you would have been one of the kind applauding gays being sent to jail to rot, no questions asked.


Reminds me of that movie with Monica Bellucci


I agree, context should be known before jumping to conclusions....BUT the context is already known in this case!

this movie deals with her thinking this kid is her reincarnated husband. There is a definite portrayal of romance and lust involved here that shouldn't be allowed. The context is known, her character loves this kid romatically and these scenes with her and the kid are supposed to be erotic.

That is just wrong.

It's one thing to be suggestive....it's another thing to have a butt-naked ten-year old and a grown woman going at it on screen.

Edit: I'm not saying "throw that bitch in jail". I just think those few scenes are just going overboard.


Loki said:
I don't give a shit if it's for a movie and you're an actor, but "passionately kissing" a boy of ten years (which I assume means tongue?) is disgusting-- "artistic vision" be damned. She should be hung out to dry for it. What was she thinking?

It's called "doing your job." Plus, unlike you, Kidman can likely discern reality from what happens in the movies, so pretending to kiss a kid doesn't make her a pedophile.


Count of Concision
Vibri said:
Loki seems to have a very bizarre definition of freedom.

So censuring the movie, with zero idea of context of the scene in question (or any interesting in finding out before judging) - this is freedom to you?

I'm not defending pedophilia, I can't help but feel that 100 years ago you would have been one of the kind applauding gays being sent to jail to rot, no questions asked.

What the hell does this have to do with anything?

Look, if she is making out (i.e. tonguing) with a ten year old kid while they sit naked in a tub, then that is not acceptable to me in ANY context. Period. I don't care about its artistic merits or its use as a plot device. Understand?

And "you can't help but feel" that I want gays to rot based upon my statements in THIS thread? Whatever dude-- I'm not even going to dignify that with a response. If you want to believe that, then fine; I'll continue to be over here, on the side of sanity, where people do not condone adults making out with children in any context.

Who told you he doesn't now? :p

You know what? Go fuck yourself. Don't ever call my character into question when I've never been anything but good to you, the other gays on this board, and every single gay person I've ever come across in real life (as I try to be to everybody). I harbor no ill-will towards ANYONE (except child molestors and murderers). Unfortunately, it seems that mere intellectual disagreement vis-a-vis homosexuality has been enough for you to conclude that I'd like you and "your kind" (to be as ignorant as you seem to think I am) to rot in jail. Yeah, that's really what I'd like to see happen. :rolleyes Whatever dude. Don't speak to me ever again.

And don't even try to say that "it was a joke", and that the smiley indicates that. Bullshit. Certain things shouldn't be joked about.

When you posted "IAWTP" earlier in this very thread, in reference to someone "applauding" this movie, did I say "Sure-- you would", or something of that nature, given your predilections? No, I didn't. And that's because A) I realize that certain things should not be joked about, and have tact and decorum (unlike yourself), and B) I'm a better human being than you are.

And if you think I'm overreacting, maybe you should think a bit about how you'd like to be equated with someone who would partake of such monstrous conduct, even jokingly. I don't care if I'm banned for this, frankly, so long as you realize that you should not say certain things, even in jest (and I know that your comment was only half in jest, so don't try it).

It's called "doing your job." Plus, unlike you, Kidman can likely discern reality from what happens in the movies, so pretending to kiss a kid doesn't make her a pedophile.

See above. No, it doesn't make her a pedophile, as she did not perform the act of her own accord; neither, however, does it make her right. "Art" should not be an umbrella which shields the most reprehensible acts and thoughts from criticism, which is what folks such as yourself and Minotauro seem to believe.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>Is there any greater word than 50? <<<



Count of Concision
Funny how you didn't prescribe a pill that named "decency" to Adelgary. Whatever.

Yeah, I got heated, but I don't take kindly to people painting me as some sort of monster, jokingly or not (and it was NOT entirely in jest, I can assure you, or else I wouldn't have reacted the way I did). It'd be the equivalent of me coming in here and calling him a "dirty *ag"-- in both instances, it is unwarranted, wrong and indecorous. I would never do so, nor does the thought (or those words) ever even cross my mind. The same courtesy should be extended to me. It's not like he just met me and may have made a snap judgment-- I've conversed with Adelgary on numerous occasions; he should know better. The fact that he doesn't says more about him than it does about me. I know myself.


Loki said:
Funny how you didn't prescribe a pill that named "decency" to Adelgary. Whatever.

Yeah, I got heated, but I don't take kindly to people painting me as some sort of monster, jokingly or not (and it was NOT entirely in jest, I can assure you, or else I wouldn't have reacted the way I did). It'd be the equivalent of me coming in here and calling him a "dirty *ag"-- in both instances, it is unwarranted, wrong and indecorous. I would never do so, nor does the thought (or those words) ever even cross my mind. The same courtesy should be extended to me. It's not like he just met me and may have made a snap judgment-- I've conversed with Adelgary on numerous occasions; he should know better. The fact that he doesn't says more about him than it does about me. I know myself.

Meh, this thread seems to have struck a nerve, but you shouldn't get so worked up, it's only a forum, you know what GAF is like...
This thread needs some common sense; I'll bring it.

a close-up of " a very passionate kiss"

Guess what: it's her kissing someone else, then the camera pulls back and shows her withdrawing her lips away from the kid. Guarantee it.

Bathtub scene: They're supposedly naked, but really wearing bathing suits.


Drunky McMurder
Damn, it's been a while since I've seen people on both sides of an argument overreact so wildly in opposite directions.

Sure, this can easily be a scene that shouldn't have been filmed. If it is intended as erotic and is an innaprorpriate kiss, then it may have been in bad taste.

However, if taken with no context of the film's story, if the kiss is no less innocent than a mother kissing a son (for example), then there may be nothing wrong with it.

We also don't know that the scene is intended to be erotic. We know that one of the characters is romantically in love with the other. We don't know if the boy even knows this, or if he wants to participate. The intent of the scene could be to make you uncomfortable, or to show another aspect of the relationship that is developing.

That some people can't see both sides of this argument as reasonable without knowing anything more than this article, though, troubles me.
See, the only thing to be upset about is if she was making out and rolling around naked with this kid, which I've already expressed my view that they used visual trickery to make sure the kid did not actually have to be in any adult situations. Otherwise, they should be allowed to make a movie about whatever they want. Consider how many movies glorify murder without a fuss being made. A story can be told about anything, no matter how twisted it might seem to some.
"Haha. Yeah everybody -- if you disapprove of something just pretend it doesn't exist! Great way to deal with problems."

Actually it is. Just because you disapprove of something, don't tell me I can't watch it.


Zilch said:
Haha. Yeah everybody -- if you disapprove of something just pretend it doesn't exist! Great way to deal with problems.

How is this now a personal problem for people? It's a movie. If you find it shocking, don't watch it.


Besides, I doubt any of you will remember this news story a month later, anyway. :p
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