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Row over Kidman's film romp with youngster

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"I knew that you were somewhat joking, but I also felt that there was a kernel of true sentiment there on your part due to your sexual orientation and my stated disagreement with it."

You "disagree" with his sexual orientation? How's that work?

"He's gay!"

"I disagree!"

I'll save you a post, I'm just joking, and I assume you were referring to the fact that you don't agree with what gay people do.

" personally have never had a racist, anti-semitic, or child pornish thought, ever."

No, you're just "in disagreement". Which is fine, if you drop the holier than thou attitude. Everyone is bigoted to some extent. You are too.


Count of Concision
HalfPastNoon said:
Is that you, Jesus?


It's nice that that's all you can take from my post, but anyway...

No, I didn't intend for it to come off like that-- I do a HELL of a lot of wrong; it just has never fallen within those areas, owing mostly to my upbringing, which I am thankful for, and also the fact that I am intelligent enough to think of things (such as race) beyond mere generalities. Sorry if that comment was too "condescending" for you, but it's the truth.

I do a LOT of wrong. Look in this very thread at how I snapped at Adelgary without having full possession of the facts (i.e. asking him to clarify what he meant). I'm somewhat ashamed of it now.


Count of Concision
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
"I knew that you were somewhat joking, but I also felt that there was a kernel of true sentiment there on your part due to your sexual orientation and my stated disagreement with it."

You "disagree" with his sexual orientation? How's that work?

"He's gay!"

"I disagree!"

I'll save you a post, I'm just joking, and I assume you were referring to the fact that you don't agree with what gay people do.

" personally have never had a racist, anti-semitic, or child pornish thought, ever."

No, you're just "in disagreement". Which is fine, if you drop the holier than thou attitude. Everyone is bigoted to some extent. You are too.

Ok, I'm not understanding what part you didn't get and why everyone keeps thinking that I believe myself to be "holier than thou". First, this comment:

personally have never had a racist, anti-semitic, or child pornish thought, ever.

...was one that was made SOLELY to illustrate the reason why I judge people who are beholden to those thoughts; to recap, it is because these are BLATANTLY wrong thoughts and acts which I, and many others, tend to take "mental shortcuts" with (a form of heuristic, if you will, as we simply CANNOT evaluate all assumptions/situations). I used those particular examples (racism, child porn etc.) to show that I only take such "shortcuts" when it concerns the most self-evidently wrong actions or thoughts, which is the best I can do, since we all have to take shortcuts sometimes, and it's best to limit them to those issues which don't deserve scrutiny.

And I've NEVER said that I am not bigoted to some extent; as you quite correctly point out, we all are to some degree. Understand why I said these things before you paint me as some sort of egomaniac.

You people are weird. ;) :p




That article says nothing about tounge. Why don't you just relax until you actually see the movie. Save your outrage for real victims.


Count of Concision
Levious, I can only comment on that which is before me. Also, read my posts for my opinion on the distinction between a 15 or 16 year old and a 10 year old; also at issue is whether they actually had a 15 year old actor involved in graphic scenes with the older women, or if this was just a plot element and something which was implicitly understood.

But anyway, I've already dawdled too long here. :p

Btw, I was 9 years old in '87-- I was smart, but not smart enough to be making social commentary of any significance. ;)


That article says nothing about tounge. Why don't you just relax until you actually see the movie. Save your outrage for real victims

What does "passionately kissed" mean 9 times out of 10? I'll tell you that it doesn't mean a peck on the lips. Besides which, the reactions of the people involved in screening the film seem to point to it as well. If it didn't happen, then great-- you're free to disregard my comments, as I'm sure you did anyway. ;) :p


I say the kid caught a lucky break if he was old enough to enjoy it. He if he wasn't old enough to enjoy it no harm no foul. There is a big difference between young boy older women and young boy/girl older man. That's just life.


What does "passionately kissed" mean 9 times out of 10? I'll tell you that it doesn't mean a peck on the lips. Besides which, the reactions of the people involved in screening the film seem to point to it as well. If it didn't happen, then great-- you're free to disregard my comments, as I'm sure you did anyway. :p

So it could be a long kiss on the lips, or the forehead, or anything. That doesn't mean it involves tounge. Take it in context, remember they're referring to an adult woman and a ten year old boy, it probably doesn't mean tounge. The outrage probably stems from the fact that they're naked.


Count of Concision
Well if that's the case, then great-- but understand that that's how I interpreted it (which seems to be logical imo) and that's what my posts have been based upon. If there's no tongue, and the nudity is handled tastefully (i.e. a mother bathing her son-- though ten years old is a tad old for that ;)), then I don't have a problem.
"I say the kid caught a lucky break if he was old enough to enjoy it. He if he wasn't old enough to enjoy it no harm no foul. There is a big difference between young boy older women and young boy/girl older man. That's just life."

That is absolutely retarded.
Loki said:
Read my post again. My post clearly stated that I didn't care if the film called for it as part of its supposed "artistic vision"-- that she could put her conscience, common sense and logic aside for the sake of a FILM, of all things, is indefensible.

"Movies" such as this shouldn't even be created, much less receive millions of dollars in funding. A 40+ year-old woman sitting there naked, tonguing some 10 year old kid, is not my idea of something that should be defended in ANY context. It cannot be rationalized, and is prima facie disgusting.

I agree. She should know better.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Loki said:
Umm, the phrase was only there because Adelgary was calling into question my conduct towards, and feelings about, gays. Nothing more or less. If somebody (explicitly or implicitly) had called me a racist, then I would have said "and the other blacks/hispanics on the board". See?

We the other blacks of this board appreciate the explanation.


Count of Concision
DarienA said:
We the other blacks of this board appreciate the explanation.

lol I never could get a read on your tone on the boards, Darien, so I'm going to assume that you were just joking and that you understand why I said what I did. If not, feel free to clarify, because I know I didn't say anything wrong. :)


Console Market Analyst
My earlier post was completely ignored by Loki. Either I made a point that couldn't be contested, or what I've contributed was deemed to have no value. :(

So I'll try again.

I personally have never had a racist, anti-semitic, or child pornish thought, ever.

So, using your imagination to interpret "a passionate kiss" as a full blown makeout session, wasn't child pornish at all?

And maybe you can give the kid's parents, who are required to be on-set at all times and are seemingly okay with this, some friggin credit.

This has been a message from the gay community.


Count of Concision
Goreomedy said:
My earlier post was completely ignored by Loki. Either I made a point that couldn't be contested, or what I've contributed was deemed to have no value. :(

So I'll try again.

So, using your imagination to interpret "a passionate kiss" as a full blown makeout session, wasn't child pornish at all?

And maybe you can give the kid's parents, who are required to be on-set at all times and are seemingly okay with this, some friggin credit.

This has been a message from the gay community.

Sorry, I must have missed your post.

If you want to get that technical about it (as people here seem so fond of doing), then allow me to rephrase my statement and say that I've "never had such a thought of my own accord, having its genesis in my own mind and not resultant from reflection upon outside acts and circumstances". Is that better? Sounds too much like legalese to my ears... ;)

As for "giving the parents credit" (in terms of them being caring and good parents looking out for the welfare of their child), meh-- I could just as easily assume that they have a child whom they realize is talented and is going to make millions and want to jumpstart his career; what better way to do so than to star in a provocative movie alongside one of Hollywood's A-list actors? Parents exploit their kids all the time, and for far less pressing reasons. I'm not saying that this IS the case, I'm just saying that as much as you'd like to believe otherwise, it very well could have been the case. It's just speculation either way, though, which is why I didn't take into account the parents' decision necessarily.

Beyond that, I also do not give parents the final say as to what constitutes "correct" or "appropriate" behavior regarding their child-- that's what the law and social consensus is for. Though a parent's wishes for a child are legally binding, they are only so to the point where those wishes intersect with established law and social practice. If it weren't so, we wouldn't have a Bureau of Child Welfare, now, would we? Moreover, the moral conceptions of some parents are horribly malformed, and a child should not necessarily have to be subjected to their consequences where situations can be deemed to be either avoidable, detrimental (to the child), or corrosive (to society).

But these ancillary concerns would take much too long to speak to in depth; so I hope you'll forgive me for not doing so. :)
Loki said:
Sorry, I must have missed your post.

If you want to get that technical about it (as people here seem so fond of doing), then allow me to rephrase my statement and say that I've "never had such a thought of my own accord, having its genesis in my own mind and not resultant from reflection upon outside acts and circumstances". Is that better? Sounds too much like legalese to my ears... ;)

As for "giving the parents credit" (in terms of them being caring and good parents looking out for the welfare of their child), meh-- I could just as easily assume that they have a child whom they realize is talented and is going to make millions and want to jumpstart his career; what better way to do so than to star in a provocative movie alongside one of Hollywood's A-list actors? Parents exploit their kids all the time, and for far less pressing reasons. I'm not saying that this IS the case, I'm just saying that as much as you'd like to believe otherwise, it very well could have been the case. It's just speculation either way, though, which is why I didn't take into account the parents' decision necessarily.

Beyond that, I also do not give parents the final say as to what constitutes "correct" or "appropriate" behavior regarding their child-- that's what the law and social consensus is for. Though a parent's wishes for a child are legally binding, they are only so to the point where those wishes intersect with established law and social practice. If it weren't so, we wouldn't have a Bureau of Child Welfare, now, would we? Moreover, the moral conceptions of some parents are horribly malformed, and a child should not necessarily have to be subjected to their consequences where situations can be deemed to be either avoidable, detrimental (to the child), or corrosive (to society).

But these ancillary concerns would take much too long to speak to in depth; so I hope you'll forgive me for not doing so. :)

I think I see the problem here. Loki is merely jealous that he wasn't cast for the role of the 10 year old boy. Just get naked, get in the bath with a picture of Nicole, and go to town!


Count of Concision
Felidae_Khrall said:
I think I see the problem here. Loki is merely jealous that he wasn't cast for the role of the 10 year old boy. Just get naked, get in the bath with a picture of Nicole, and go to town!

Who's to say I haven't already? ;) :D

Heh, seriously though, I've actually never found her super-hot to begin with. Too pasty-white for my tastes, and I'm somewhat pasty myself lol. :p
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