I'm going to include "The Gathering", so there will be 23 slots in my inaugural ranking. For future telefilms, I'll have to figure out a system on where to place them. I think I'll add "Thirdspace" to the Season 4 rankings since it takes place then chronologically. But that's not for quite a while yet, so I digress!
Season One: Signs and Portents
23. 1x14
"TKO" Incredulous narrative, ill-conceived editing, and an ironically punchable guest character drown out Ivanova's decent B-plot and nuke "TKO" from orbit.
22. 1x04
"Infection" Good for a laugh, mediocre for everything else. "Infection" is schlock.
21. Pilot
"The Gathering" The story that started it all was by no means a serious contender, but the 1998 edit makes things a lot more tolerable.
20. 1x11
"Survivors" Garibaldi's a good character, but even a glimpse into his backstory can't save "Survivors" from making me feel like a gauntlet survivor for enduring it.
19. 1x02
"Soul Hunter" W. Morgan Sheppard is a class act, but there's too much early-series roughness here all-around.
18. 1x03
"Born to the Purple" I think this is an episode with artificial enjoyment gains for those familiar with its lasting repercussions. Taken on its own merits, it's somewhat below average.
17. 1x15
"Grail" This is about as high as an episode with a tentacle monster Kosh impersonator and a fellow looking for the holy grail can climb. Not without its charms.
16. 1x05
"The Parliament of Dreams" Syndicated 90s TV had a singular musical theme for all abrupt romances, and "Parliament" plays its cue boringly. G'Kar's death scare is stronger, but still not great.
15. 1x12
"By Any Means Necessary" I had a good time making fun of the bad guy. I had a less-good time elsewhere.
14. 1x07
"The War Prayer" This one takes too long to get going. Ivanova's old flame and Londo's youthful dilemma eventually go places, but the first half's a slog.
13. 1x09
"Deathwalker" Terribly cliche cackling aside, "Deathwalker" gives us an A-Plot with fun lore and world-building. Too bad about that Talia side story.
12. 1x21
"The Quality of Mercy" I liked this one more than I anticipated, but it's still merely decent. The Londo/Lennier tomfrakkery is an unexpected highlight.
11. 1x17
"Legacies" Minbari intrigue and a well-introduced Neroon makes up for some bloat and a flawed Ivanova/Talia B-Plot.
10. 1x16
"Eyes" I wrote extensively about how dreadfully-acted the villain is here, but the rest of "Eyes" is solid.
09. 1x01
"Midnight on the Firing Line" The show's first regular episode is surprisingly decent, and deftly introduces a plethora of angles.
08. 1x06
"Mind War" If "Mind War" contained a bit less clunk, it'd make a play for the top five. As it stands, it's a respectable entry that gives us our first look at Bester and the Psi Corps.
07. 1x10
"Believers" A powerful Franklin story with a vivid and memorable ending, held down by some weak acting and spotty execution in its early acts.
06. 1x18
"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part I" It's difficult to separate these two parts, and yet I have. "Part 1" takes a while to get going, and dawdles here and there, but it's still a rock-solid intriguing outing.
05. 1x08
"And the Sky Full of Stars" Somehow I even managed to sandwich an episode in-between the two-parter. "Stars" is a pretty good time, opening up Sinclair to all sorts of series-crucial questions and giving the audience our first real taste of major mystery.
04. 1x19
"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part II" I have some quibbles with Londo's development, but otherwise "Part 2" is a success. It's got a spirit of adventure I don't often identify with the show and it makes the most of it.
03. 1x22
"Chrysalis" The season finale is a sweeping affair, recovering from a middling first act and improving with each subsequent piece until it reaches an impressive crescendo toward the end. It resets the board in some ways, and sets us up for a whole new game. It opens the door for numerous arcs to truly begin, perhaps Delenn's and Londo's most of all.
02. 1x13
"Signs and Portents" The titular triumph. "Signs" would be aces were it not for a confusing prior-episode lead into the raider subplot; it's not this ep's fault, but it hurts it nevertheless. Without that, it would easily steal the first-place spotlight, because it's rich in every other way. From Morden's classic introduction to the battle and the surprise deaths of Kino and his associates, it's all golden.
01. 1x20
"Babylon Squared" A sterling sample of questions without answers, "Babylon Squared" proves that B5 is not most 90s shows. It's content to leave viewers guessing, tapping into science fiction in exciting ways.
The first season of
Babylon 5 is clearly flawed but still worth watching. Reports of its abysmal quality are greatly exaggerated; I'd call the front half of the season decent to good, and the following quarter is markedly average television. Some characters are presented far more strongly than others, and the season has a noteworthy problem with several of its guest actors. Most episodes feature worryingly rough music, too. But very little here is genuinely awful, and the series successfully establishes its lore, its premise, and its early revelations. Thanks for making this journey with me, and let's take on Season Two!
(I did get a great deal of amusement out of how one of the recurring musical ideas here is almost identical to Giacchino's Spider-Man Homecoming theme.)
I liked the Ivanova story, but complained to high heaven about the editing. It kept cutting back to WALKER SMITH while she was crying. Surreally isn't a weird, but let's be frank. It was surreally, surreally ridiculous.