I have felt nostalgic recently, listening to old podcasts and they were talking about Killzone 2 among else so I felt the urge to replay it again as it is one of my favorite games.
Damn, this game is a real cult classic and one of the best FPS games ever created. The gunplay is just on another level and I can’t really think of any other game that depicted shooting in such a fun way. It’s like gun porn. I think it’s the result of the hit feedback of the enemies and their awesome animation, the lighting and shadow effects, with the very strong rumble effects of the Dualshock 3 when shooting a gun accompanied by crazy good sound design.
Graphics-wise I think it still holds up, thanks to the mentioned lighting and shadow effects that still shit on some modern games and the heavy post-processing that provides a CGI movie look. Honestly, at its time I already felt this game was ”nextgen” compared to the average game of that generation.
Killzone 3, while still a very good game, felt like a downgrade and Shadow Fall was a huge disappointment, so I’m still waiting for the real sequel of this game.
If you are an FPS fan you must play this. But mind you, it’s a cult classic for a reason. It’s not for everyone. It has a really heavy feel that IMO adds a lot to the immersion, but others will say it has unplayable input lag. Also, if you are one of the “60fps60fps60fps!!!444” crowd then avoid it like the plague, it’s not for you.
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Damn, this game is a real cult classic and one of the best FPS games ever created. The gunplay is just on another level and I can’t really think of any other game that depicted shooting in such a fun way. It’s like gun porn. I think it’s the result of the hit feedback of the enemies and their awesome animation, the lighting and shadow effects, with the very strong rumble effects of the Dualshock 3 when shooting a gun accompanied by crazy good sound design.
Graphics-wise I think it still holds up, thanks to the mentioned lighting and shadow effects that still shit on some modern games and the heavy post-processing that provides a CGI movie look. Honestly, at its time I already felt this game was ”nextgen” compared to the average game of that generation.
Killzone 3, while still a very good game, felt like a downgrade and Shadow Fall was a huge disappointment, so I’m still waiting for the real sequel of this game.
If you are an FPS fan you must play this. But mind you, it’s a cult classic for a reason. It’s not for everyone. It has a really heavy feel that IMO adds a lot to the immersion, but others will say it has unplayable input lag. Also, if you are one of the “60fps60fps60fps!!!444” crowd then avoid it like the plague, it’s not for you.
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