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RTTP: The Dark Knight Rises, or how TDKR is my favorite Batman movie

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For the longest time, I considered The Dark Knight to be the best of the Nolan Batman films. Rewatched TDKR last night, hadn't watched it since seeing the movie in theaters, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed. In fact, I'd go as far as to see it's the best of the three.

I think the reason why I liked it so much was that it didn't feel like a superhero movie. It was such a break from the superhero formula that even Batman Begins subscribed to, that it gives the film a unique tone and atmosphere. The Dark Knight didn't feel like a superhero film either, but TDKR definitely felt even further divorced from the superhero formula. Gotham relatively crime-free. Bruce a recluse and retired. An insidious enemy working in secret, whose plans actually succeeds this time. Bane, working not only as a villain that can challenge Bruce both physically and mentally but also continuing the League of Shadows plot from Begins. The dystopian, almost apocalyptic Gotham of the middle and final act.

Heath's Joker was the more memorable villain, but in retrospect, felt less like a tangible threat and more like a force to drive the plot IMO, a Mephistopheles in a sense, a corrupting influence on the characters. Bane had a backstory, had motivations, had an imposing presence that felt ever present even when he wasn't onscreen. On a rewatch, I found the voice didn't bother me as much and it gave the character a larger-than-life aura with the cultured yet otherworldly tone.

I disliked Hathaway's Kyle on first watch, but thought her character was well done now. The subtle ways she was able to change her personality to blend in and adapt to the situation was a nice touch. Both she and Bane was interesting foils to Bruce; Bane as the ex-League of Shadows member who returned to Gotham to continue his mentor's legacy, and Kyle as the costumed individual living a double life, pretending to be one person to hide their secret persona and blend in with the social scene.

The Talia reveal felt jarring before, but with the knowledge of Miranda was, you notice the subtle hints of her motivations and true identity throughout the film

While TDK had the more memorable moments, between the Tumblr chase, snatching Lau in Hong Kong, all the Joker moments, I felt TDKR's best moments were equally memorable. The brutal brawl between Bruce and Bane in the sewers was probably the best fight in the series IMO. The opening plane scene was thrilling and the practical effects and stunts only added to the intensity. Hardy was great as Bane every time he was onscreen.

Not to say that movie was without its shortcomings. The whole notion of the attack on the stock exchange to drive Wayne Enterprises bankrupt was ridiculous. Sending all or most of the cops underground was equally ridiculous. And let's not forget this masterclass of acting:



I liked it. It had a lot of faults, but it evoke genuine emotions from me, which alsmost never happens in superhero movies.


It's this time of the week already?

Watch some more Batman movies. Some of the animated ones are great.
It's this time of the week already?

Watch some more Batman movies. Some of the animated ones are great.
Should have been more clear. Favorite among live action. Mask of the Phantasm, Return of the Joker, and Under The Red Hood are all great


*Shrug* It's not the worst Batman movie ever made but the script for TDKR feels really phoned in. It's definitely my least favorite of the Nolan trilogy.

I'm one of those people who thinks Batman Begins is also better than Dark Knight

For the sake of it, here's my rankings for live action Batman movies

1- Begins
2- Batman '89
3- Dark Knight
4- Batman Returns
5- Dark Knight Rises
6- Batman '60s
7- Batman & Robin
8- Batman Forever

Mask of the Phantasm and Return of the Joker would be really high up if I included animated
Bane was cool and I can't believe I saw a live action breaking of Batman's back.

All 3 movies were great but, for me, each installment was worse than the one before.


I liked it. I need to rewatch it anyways, so I may so that this weekend. Also here comes the hate train


Yeah I really like it too, not that it doesn't have faults, but I had a great time seeing it in the theater.

That doesn't excuse poor writing, poor editing and poor acting.

Outside of 'that' death scene, I don't recall any bad acting, Tom Hardy, Caine, Oldman, Bale, Hathaway, and the supporting cast were all great.
I liked it. I need to rewatch it anyways, so I may so that this weekend. Also here comes the hate train
It was expected.

Nolan's Batman was just so boring. Batman never really showed up. Not the Batman we've seen in the comics at least.
I really liked the realistic take on Batman. Then again my favorite comic book characters are Punisher, Daredevil, and Batman, so I prefer dark and gritty.

Wish he had been more ninja detective than high tech brawler, but I think Nolan did a fantastic job of translating Batman to the real world
I liked it much more than TDK.
TDK is just so dang dull after the first viewing because the entire movie was based around the tension of the 2nd half.

TDKR on the other hand isn't technically amazing it just so much more enjoyable all the way through.
Ending was one of my favorites of all time.
This thread makes my brain hurt.

I mean it isn't a superhero movie that's for sure Batman is in this for like 30 minutes. If that's what you want just go watch any drama with Christian Bale?


I actually rewatched TDK this week, and I have to say it just didn't feel as good as a few years ago. Ofcourse it's a very good movie. TDK too has it's weird and awkward moments, but the greatest 'shock' for me was that I wasn't really that impressed with the performance of Ledger any longer. Like the multiple explaining of how the Joker got the scars, it's just too much IMO. And the voice can get annoying at times too. Don't get me wrong, it is a great performance nevertheless. Also, the whole bullet reconstruction fingerprints thing is really weird. TDK has the best Bruce Wayne performance though from all of the movies. The whole fake death of commissioner Gordon feels somewhat forced too, in retrospect. Because ultimately it was all for nothing, seeing that the Joker had planned to have him self caught. Still a great movie though.

For me:

- BB
This thread makes my brain hurt.

I mean it isn't a superhero movie that's for sure Batman is in this for like 30 minutes. If that's what you want just go watch any drama with Christian Bale?
And that diminishes the movie how? Nolan's movies were always less about Batman and more about the man and the motivations driving him.


Haha, the more I hear GAF whine about TDKR, the more amazing the movie seems.

TDK>TDKR>BB, greatest superhero trilogy of all time, Bane is the second most iconic movie villain of the past 10 years, second only to Joker.
The last 30 minutes were so intense the first time, I think it has the best climax of the three. TDKR gets a lot of flak around here but I still prefer it to most super hero movies and consider it a good movie.
I can watch Batman Forever and Batman & Robin just for the giggles. I can't will myself to watch DKR again.

Yes, to me it is THAT bad.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
TDKR is like Spider-Man 3 in that they retroactively made the whole series worse.

They're both still watchable movies, flaws and all.
Comparisons to Spiderman 3, Forever, and B&R? Ha, wow, that's great.

You know, discussion would be more conducive with actual reasons rather than "Nope" and "That bad"

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
It doesn't feel like a superhero movie because it doesn't feel like anything. The movie is a tonal mess.

Mess is how I would describe it overall. Messy themes, messy tone, messy plotting, messy editing even


The film gets a lot of unwarranted hate on GAF.

It's a pretty damn good movie. Some folks are just hungry to find any excuse to tear the Nolan Batman down.

Get ready for a lot of reposts of that fighting gif.
I really enjoyed it but Dark Knight was just so damn amazing that it wins. Also I'm in love with the first half of batman begins, I like the second half too but all the bits before he returns to gotham as batman are just amazing.
The film gets a lot of unwarranted hate on GAF.

It's a pretty damn good movie. Some folks are just hungry to find any excuse to tear the Nolan Batman down.

Get ready for a lot of reposts of that fighting gif.

But I do like BB and DK.
DKR is unwatchable to me.

The story makes no sense, Batman doesn't act like Batman.
Bane is a paper tiger villain.
The stock market takeover scene makes no sense.
"You are Batman because your eyes".
Talia's "I'll fuck my enemy to... uh... dunno".
Dick Alfred.
No Joker reference at all.
Spine fixing punch.
Non catwoman Catwoman.
Stupid Gordon letter plot point.
Well fed and properly shaven unarmed police trapped on sewers for months.
Bane's plan was stupid and pointless.
Stupid nuclear reactor plot.
Fake Batman's sacrifice.
Batman reveal identity to Gordon in a stupid way.
Bruce Wayne, a well known millionaire somehow can pass undetected on Italy, to quote Henri Ducard on BB: The world is too small for someone like Bruce Wayne to disappear.
And somehow this mess makes for very boring 2 hours 40 minutes!


I love TDKR and usually stay quiet in the weekly threads about it, but just wanted to say it's nice to see a positive opinion on the film for once. :)
I found it to be kind of boring when I watched it with a friend. However, we were drinking and I normally don't like watching movies like this with even an ounce of booze in my system.

I'd like to watch it again, but I haven't felt like it because it's so long.

TDK>Batman Begins>>>TDKR imo
I just can't relate to this.

TDKR feels like Nolanverse fan fiction. I can't even believe it's the same cast and crew that worked on the first two.
The film gets a lot of unwarranted hate on GAF.

It's a pretty damn good movie. Some folks are just hungry to find any excuse to tear the Nolan Batman down.

Get ready for a lot of reposts of that fighting gif.

I love BB, and TDK, but TDKR is just legitimately not good. Really sloppy editing, bad writing, too many unesseccary subplots about uninteresting characters, illogical plot deciscions, a kind of goofy tone, really cheesy third act. It was just a weird movie. I applaud it for being ambitious, but it's easily Nolan's weakest film.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I felt the story of the movie redeemed and reenergized the character of Bane while simultaneously making the character of Catwoman a joke.

I felt the performances in the movie redeemed and reenergized the character of Catwoman while simultaneously making the character of Bane a joke.
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