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RTTP: "Warhammer 40k: Space Marine"

Game goes to crap once the Chaos marines show up. The combat balance was obviously not designed around them, so the fun you had slaying orks goes away and you have to fight army of giant damage sponges.
It's a very good game, but I'm actually glad this didn't get the sequels that were planned. Obviously i'd like more games of it, but what was suggested as the story for the sequels sounded absolutely terrible and a bit lore-breaking. This is what they said:

“He would survive, and come back even stronger in the third game, where other Space Marines still loyal to him would rally around him and he'd return to ‘clean house,’ but as the head of a brand new Chapter that we would build around him.”


I really doubt GW would have allowed a Ultrasmurf civil war, no matter how un-canonical the games would be considered.

Edit: And speaking of past Warhammer games and a wishlist of returning elements from them, I want more Kaptin' Bluddflag.
Love Space Marine, shame it didn't sell better.

My only criticism is that Orks significantly outstay their welcome, and their replacement isn't all that fun to fight against, especially on higher difficulties.

While I'm not into competitive MP, I had some fun with it, though I consider locking perk slots behind levels to be obnoxious bullshit. You are seriously crippled for the first several levels and just hope your teammates don't mind you being dead weight.
Horde mode is also nice. Only once managed to get to the final wave, then I spent 20 minutes trying to find ammo because those fuckers eat bolter shells like I candy.
Aw man such a good game! I liked the multiplayer a fair bit too. I got the platinum on PS3. Still one of my rarest trophys due to the MP grind.

Would have loved a sequel...
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