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"rudy to upstage kerry"

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just what is the big deal about Rudy Guilianii? Just cause he happened to be the mayor when the WTC fell, he's treated like some kind of god?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Ninja Scooter said:
just what is the big deal about Rudy Guilianii? Just cause he happened to be the mayor when the WTC fell, he's treated like some kind of god?
You just don't understand, do you. He happened to be MAYOR when the wtc FELL. He is some kind of GOD.
God damn you guys have no clue about Rudy. It's not just the WTC. That man managed to turn New York City around. 9/11 happened at the end of his final term. For the 8 years prior to that the man fixed up New York so fucking much. Times Square is one example. Under Rudy it went from a festering shithole of smut and bums to what's possibly the most popular part of the city now. Running NYC is almost as hard as running a country, seeing as so much shit goes on there.

In summation, Rudy for President in 2008!


StrikerObi said:
God damn you guys have no clue about Rudy. It's not just the WTC. That man managed to turn New York City around. 9/11 happened at the end of his final term. For the 8 years prior to that the man fixed up New York so fucking much. Times Square is one example. Under Rudy it went from a festering shithole of smut and bums to what's possibly the most popular part of the city now. Running NYC is almost as hard as running a country, seeing as so much shit goes on there.

In summation, Rudy for President in 2008!

Damn right. Crime rates dropped. He got those windshield washing fucks off the street. He got the homeless into the shelters. He helped clean up Central Park.

I mean when he took over from that dickhole Dinkins, the city was in a real shitstorm. He created a huge surplus in the city budget. He made the Subways safer. I mean, I can go on and on. Also, his god like status was cemented when he emerged from the WTC site and was calm, cool, anc collected, and gave a very good speech to everyone, which I believe was from the hip.


RUDY FOR GOD 2008!!!



The Daily Show had a joke where, essentially, the ideal Republican ticket was McCain as president and Guiliani as vice-president. From what I know of the two, that made me hard.

Seriously, though, if Bush/Cheney can still manage to be competitive, I'd imagine a McCain/Guiliani candidacy would be a lock. (not to suggest it is simply a popularity contest)
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