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Rumor: Jason David Frank (Green/White power ranger) reportedly dead.


There have been rumors circulating for that last hours that MMA-fighter and former actor (known as the green/white power ranger) has died.

So far there hasn't been given any official details. Let's hope it's a hoax.


Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
RIP, brudda

I was in the pocket for Power Rangers in the 90s. I remember the summer when the Green/White Ranger storyline dropped and me and all my Kindergarten/1st Grade friends were arguing over who got to be him in our recess re-enactment of it. I'm sure there are thousands if not millions of guys my age with a similar story

Edit: well, if its not true, Jason David Frank is about to hear all sorts of nice things about himself haha
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Gold Member
I've been reading similar posts all day but have yet to see official confirmation.

however, the fact that is hasn't been debunked yet is also pretty telling.
i don't like this.

he was my favourite power ranger. yeah green + white + red!


I've been reading similar posts all day but have yet to see official confirmation.

however, the fact that is hasn't been debunked yet is also pretty telling.
wikipedia confirms it...for whatever that's worth. i know anyone can edit it but nobody has changed it ...

this is the source

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Just read he was doing through a divorce

Which he was served papers for while at a comic con as a guest

That's rough
Wow...i hope it's not related...

Terrible news in an already awful morning i'm having. This plus kevin conroy within roughly a week, damn.




Wow...i hope it's not related...

Terrible news in an already awful morning i'm having. This plus kevin conroy within roughly a week, damn.

Same here but honestly it wouldn't surprise me.

He apparently cheated on her and was being cruel towards her so she filled for divorce and wanted the house and car.

The guilt of what he did would probably be enough to well ya know :(

I'm not saying this is why but depression and guilt can make any man crack.


Same here but honestly it wouldn't surprise me.

He apparently cheated on her and was being cruel towards her so she filled for divorce and wanted the house and car.

The guilt of what he did would probably be enough to well ya know :(

I'm not saying this is why but depression and guilt can make any man crack.

Not to mention all that plus the state of the world...


Walter Jones posted about it on IG now too so seems legit. Still odd nobody like TMZ in particular have reported it though :pie_diana:


The guy was still young...that can't be. Suicide, gods above... year just stop already.
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I don't know what to say :messenger_crying: I was hoping all day for this to be a hoax.

Big part of my childhood disappearing right now.


The first appearance of the Green Ranger blew my mind as a kid. And again when he returned as the White Ranger.

Sucks for his kids. It looks like they are at least grown but losing your dad at any age is very hard. Especially from suicide.


Reseterror Resettler
I know that life has a million variables, but fuck, if it isn't just leudonarrative dissonance to have all these people you looked up to as a child commit suicide. Kind of gives you pause when you think about just what lessons you've learned from these people. Role models and examples are functionally very similar, but I never thought a day would come when these same people from my childhood teach me lessons about what NOT to do. I dunno. Already gave my peace, but damn.


I am depressed by this news. What pisses me off even more, people are going to take advantage of his death, to try and make a quick buck.


Gold Member
I know that life has a million variables, but fuck, if it isn't just leudonarrative dissonance to have all these people you looked up to as a child commit suicide. Kind of gives you pause when you think about just what lessons you've learned from these people. Role models and examples are functionally very similar, but I never thought a day would come when these same people from my childhood teach me lessons about what NOT to do. I dunno. Already gave my peace, but damn.
I think back to all those lyrics Chester sang and wonder where they came from. Did he give us everything he had? Was there nothing of it left over for him? Chester suffered from being abused as a child and fought alcohol/drug addiction. I wonder sometimes if he ever truly recovered. I know nothing of JDF except he was always there for his fans. He was an iconic figure in the entertainment industry. One of my personal favorites.


RIP he was my favorite Ranger as a kid. TBH all of these iconic TV celebrities from the 90’s passing and seeing at how many cons they’ve had to attend and CAMEO vids and shit to make ends meet in their final days makes me feel like being a tv celebrity doesn’t pay nearly as much as people think? It’s cool they meet the fans but the CON scene also seems kind of like pan handling in a sense to make up for lost income when TV residuals run out. Makes me really feel like Streaming has fucked a lot of our childhood stars out of much deserved royalties they used to get from syndication and dvd sales: sad.
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