TMZ says it was suicideNo know cause yet. Wiki says he got divorced this year. I'll take a guess and say he committed suicide.
Not sure how streaming has much to do with this. Doubt they had great contracts from the original run, streaming might have been a good opportunity for them to maybe renegotiate.RIP he was my favorite Ranger as a kid. TBH all of these iconic TV celebrities from the 90’s passing and seeing at how many cons they’ve had to attend and CAMEO vids and shit to make ends meet in their final days makes me feel like being a tv celebrity doesn’t pay nearly as much as people think? It’s cool they meet the fans but the CON scene also seems kind of like pan handling in a sense to make up for lost income when TV residuals run out. Makes me really feel like Streaming has fucked a lot of our childhood stars out of much deserved royalties they used to get from syndication and dvd sales: sad.
I remember people laughing at this slogan but that shit probably really helped him get through dark shit at times.Weird, considering he was a religious guy that had a brand of MMA gear called "Jesus Didn't Tap"
I think back to all those lyrics Chester sang and wonder where they came from. Did he give us everything he had? Was there nothing of it left over for him? Chester suffered from being abused as a child and fought alcohol/drug addiction. I wonder sometimes if he ever truly recovered. I know nothing of JDF except he was always there for his fans. He was an iconic figure in the entertainment industry. One of my personal favorites.
God, don't tell me Michael Keaton is dead.First Batman, now the Green Ranger
Man, this unlocked a memory for me of playing Power Rangers out on the playground in 1st grade. The show actually aired before school so we’d all watch it and then come in and discuss it. Hilarious that we were like 6 years old having “water cooler talk” about our favorite show.I didn't want to comment until it was finally confirmed.
Tragic that he took his own life. Like many others, dude was iconic in my childhood. Almost every boy wanted to be the white ranger or the green ranger, everyone wanted to be Tommy.
lol yea that was kind of funny when you think about it.Hilarious that we were like 6 years old having “water cooler talk” about our favorite show.
I got my parents to buy me an actual flute lol. It was just a bamboo one but for a moment there I had a musical future. Although 90's water cooler talk in my school is who gets to stick 3 pencils in their fist to be Wolverine from the animated series.Man, this unlocked a memory for me of playing Power Rangers out on the playground in 1st grade. The show actually aired before school so we’d all watch it and then come in and discuss it. Hilarious that we were like 6 years old having “water cooler talk” about our favorite show.
4 kids.
RIP Tommy from the original power rangers.
wtf not meg f the big c manDidn't really watch Power Rangers as I was a bit older when it came out so I have no knowledge of his work but I knew of him.
But this and Nicki Aycox (Meg from Supernatural)
on the same day is depressing and both still young.![]()
Supernatural actor Nicki Aycox has died, aged 47
The actress was best known for portraying Meg
Yeah l was shocked toowtf not meg f the big c man