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[RUMOR] Major Pokémon Switch Details Leaked, Reveal Coming This Month

Emily is fine. You guys should manage your expectations a little better. Or, at least, take the expression "grain of salt" a little more serious.


I did a quick pass of the rumor archive... elsewhere. Emily has way more Confirmed rumors than total misses. I'd rate her as "highly reliable." So sure, I believe this. Pokémon Go was a big deal for a while and is still I think decently popular. Nintendo would be foolish not to try to draw from it for the Switch game. EZA would say it's their fiduciary duty. :)
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I feel that they will showcase this on Nintendo Direct in June rather than this May. Also an expected release date of October sounds about right.


I did a quick pass of the rumor archive... elsewhere. Emily has way more Confirmed rumors than total misses. I'd rate her as "highly reliable." So sure, I believe this. Pokémon Go was a big deal for a while and is still I think decently popular. Nintendo would be foolish not to try to draw from it for the Switch game. EZA would say it's their fiduciary duty. :)

Is the rumor archive an actual thing? Really curious whether these confirmed rumors of hers were thing like “Nintendo’s new hardware will be called the Switch and will be a tablet with a tv dock” or more along the lines of “the 3DS will get a paper MARIO game” things that anybody with two brain cells to rub together can guess.
Man, I don’t want to jump to conclusions but IF these rumors are true this seem like the first real big blunder Nintendo has made since the switch launched(I know the online stuff has caused some concern for some people). But I haven’t played a Pokémon game in like 20 years and I was actually pretty excited to try out a new one for the switch. But not like this.


Just played ultra sun and frankly i love what they did with the HM's. the HM's where always a piss poor mechanic.

However the dialogue in the game killed it for me. And no long end endgame is also what it made kinda a throwaway title for me. If they can fix this maybe i will be interested.
I seriously doubt Nintendo is going to alienate their core Pokemon fanbase by making the first Switch version some sort of bastardized version of 'GO'.

Now, I could see where there would be hooks in the Switch game to work with Go, and vice-versa, to unlock extra perks, transfer Pokemon from 'GO' to the Switch game (or vice versa) as a one-off...but to have the whole game on Switch based on the 'GO' platform...nah, I don't think Nintendo is that dumb.


Reveal doesn't seem to be far away!

I'm with VectorVictor, don't think they would make the whole game work like GO. My guess is that we will be able to use the phone like a Pokéwalker. Bring your team with you and do some training outside rather than grinding ingame.
RIP Hardcore Pokemon fans. I'm betting on that the series is going to be simplified more like GO.

If they do that but still announce that a proper Pokemon game is coming as well at some point, I'll be okay (and will skip the "Go" game). If this is real and is a new direction for the series, I'm going to be pissed.
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I loved Pokemon Go but refuse to play any game with micro transactions out of principle. If i can get a similar concept with a flat rate right, I'm totally locked in.

I originally played Red/Blue when they released in the US at 18, I've since tried to play several iterations which truly feels like the same game with less-likable pokemon and I could never get into it. With PoGo bringing back the originals it really caught my interest.

What I'm hoping for is probably the opposite of most Pokemon hardcore fans, either way we need a Pokemon game on the Switch that isn't a fighter!!!!!

Deleted member 738645

Unconfirmed Member
Don't give clicks to that SJW lunatic den.

Booohooo. Too bad for you.

Proud SJW here. Just like Captain America, both IRL and on screen.

SJW is the laziest, dumbest and most pathethic insult ever.
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I seriously doubt Nintendo is going to alienate their core Pokemon fanbase by making the first Switch version some sort of bastardized version of 'GO'.

Now, I could see where there would be hooks in the Switch game to work with Go, and vice-versa, to unlock extra perks, transfer Pokemon from 'GO' to the Switch game (or vice versa) as a one-off...but to have the whole game on Switch based on the 'GO' platform...nah, I don't think Nintendo is that dumb.

I don't even get how people think that would work. The Switch lacks the features to make anything like a Pokemon Go style game work (no internet on the go, no GPS). And not even Nintendo would make a game that depends on you going out there with your console while connecting it over hotspot to your phone


I'm hyped for Switch-Pokemon since I last played X/Y.

That said, I expect this to be the least ambitious jump that a franchise made going from one gen to the next ever.

What disappoints and frustrates me the most are so-called hardcore fans that keep defending Gamefreaks - maybe the only developer in the world where 'lazy dev' can be used unironically. That Lapras-screenshot is just so incredibly underwhelming. Yeah, 'Pokemon of the Wild' was never going to happen, but there's a gulf the size of Trump's hands between Breath of the Wild-graphics and Upscaled 3ds-game-graphics. I often read the argument 'but they'd have to animate all those Pokemon!'. Umm, have you ever played a modern jrpg? How many different characters, monsters and blades do you think Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has? How much work goes into animating all the monsters in SMT5? And there are countless other examples. Is it easy? Nah. But that's the point: STOP excusing GF from having to apply effort into their games! If that means no more yearly Pokemon-games, great. And I know that some hardcore-fans try to argue from the business-angle: you're not a shareholder! Here some people want a better Pokemon-game, and you as a so-called hardcore-fan have the gall to excuse why it's "unreasonable" to expect a great, ambitious Pokemon-game? Shame on you, you're not a fan. You're just someone who's used to something and doesn't want change.

Phew. Had to get this little rant off my chest. Despite the above, I'm quite hyped for the game. Eevee-edition for sure ;D Kanto and gen 1 always were my favorites. If speculation about the inclusion if Johto turns out true, too, it'd be fantastic.

And I hope we get a new, fancy pedometer for an accessorie.

Deleted member 738645

Unconfirmed Member
I love to trigger SJWs, you just made my day.



Felt like all of my friends who jumped on the Go craze and left it generally were complaining that it needed more of the functions of the original games to give it depth. The way this is being described sounds like it conceptually fits that role, but I feel like the window to sell to that demographic based on Go's original success has closed and trying to tie it to Go now actually risks these games being associated with Go's perceived lack of depth.


Booohooo. Too bad for you.

Proud SJW here. Just like Captain America, both IRL and on screen.

SJW is the laziest, dumbest and most pathethic insult ever.

I have bad news for you. The fact that you’re still posting here on GAF means your fellow SJWs have already officially thrown you out of the club.

Dr. Claus

Booohooo. Too bad for you.

Proud SJW here. Just like Captain America, both IRL and on screen.

SJW is the laziest, dumbest and most pathethic insult ever.

Mate, there is a rather substantiate difference between being a decent, compassionate human and being an SJW. They are person who use the fight/movement for civil rights as an excuse to be a rude and condescending child for the express purpose of relieving their frustrations or validating their "high horse" attitude. They almost always have a negative impact on the civil rights movement in question, turning away potential allies, you know: the majority of OldGaf, Waypoint, Polygon, Kotaku, ResetEra, and other kinds of their ilk. However, this is getting off topic.

Yes. Wasn't going to link it but here you go.

I would suggest using archive links to sites like that. Best not to give them clicks.

I'm hyped for Switch-Pokemon since I last played X/Y.

That said, I expect this to be the least ambitious jump that a franchise made going from one gen to the next ever.

What disappoints and frustrates me the most are so-called hardcore fans that keep defending Gamefreaks - maybe the only developer in the world where 'lazy dev' can be used unironically. That Lapras-screenshot is just so incredibly underwhelming. Yeah, 'Pokemon of the Wild' was never going to happen, but there's a gulf the size of Trump's hands between Breath of the Wild-graphics and Upscaled 3ds-game-graphics. I often read the argument 'but they'd have to animate all those Pokemon!'. Umm, have you ever played a modern jrpg? How many different characters, monsters and blades do you think Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has? How much work goes into animating all the monsters in SMT5? And there are countless other examples. Is it easy? Nah. But that's the point: STOP excusing GF from having to apply effort into their games! If that means no more yearly Pokemon-games, great. And I know that some hardcore-fans try to argue from the business-angle: you're not a shareholder! Here some people want a better Pokemon-game, and you as a so-called hardcore-fan have the gall to excuse why it's "unreasonable" to expect a great, ambitious Pokemon-game? Shame on you, you're not a fan. You're just someone who's used to something and doesn't want change.

Phew. Had to get this little rant off my chest. Despite the above, I'm quite hyped for the game. Eevee-edition for sure ;D Kanto and gen 1 always were my favorites. If speculation about the inclusion if Johto turns out true, too, it'd be fantastic.

And I hope we get a new, fancy pedometer for an accessorie.

I would argue most fans of pokemon don't care about graphics or large open areas. They just want more of the same. The series has remained popular for nearly 20 years with very little change in the overall dynamic of the series. I also would argue that they *do* put effort into their games, far more than you are giving them credit for, but admittedly less than they probably should.
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Mate, there is a rather substantiate difference between being a decent, compassionate human and being an SJW
SJWs are the most hypocrite people. which baffling is that you see them virtue signaling on that other forum every chance they get but they are the same people who committed account suicide here by posting scat and gore porn, so they already proven that they are a shit human beings, then they go there virtue signaling like nothing happened.


Could everyone please shut up talking about 'sjw' in a Pokemon-thread?

Makes me feel like taking another ban until E3. Sigh ...

C Claus :

The problem with Pokemon is that just going by sales, anything can be excused. That's why it's that much more important for hardcore-fans to speak up about stuff they want - but that never happens. GF successfully created a hardcore-anbase that has accepted incremental changes between entries - hence something trivial as 'triple battles' being treated like a big new feature. It wasn't.

The only similar fanbase I know of is Animal Crossings. If AC Switch is the same again, only with one new collection category and more pattern creation options, I'll call it out as lazy, too. Which GF is at this point in time. These games make more money than Assassin's Creed, yet GF refuses to use a proper budget so we can get more than an upscalee 3ds-game on Switch - which will never be ok. Heck, I even expect these new editions to run below native resolution. 1080p docked, 720p in handheld mode? Make me believe :/

Nah, GF is the one responsible for its reputation. I'll gladly change my mind once they put out a Pokemon-game that shows ambition. Until then: lazy dev :)


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
WTF people. If someone says something dumb or insults you with "SJW" please ignore or report. This is a pokemon discussion thread, not a SJW discssion.

Codes 208

They were never hard, you were younger.
Indeed. Ive even played a few nuzlockes in blue and never really found it that hard. The system was still young but could easily be exploited (persian + slash = crits for days for example.)

I would say gen 4 and maybe 2 were the hardest due to 2's slower battle pace and 4 just had moments where i absolutely crashed and burned during a nuzlocke.

Hell, even moon gave me a run for my money at parts due to unexpected z-moves or type advantages.


Gold Member
Whats disappointing is their basis for recapturing the GO crowd are the numbers - 750m.

Go wasnt successful because of the gameplay, it was massive because everyone owns a smartphone and wanted a free pokemon game. Once they realized it was shit people dropped it. My guess is the game wont be Go 100%, but it will implement your smartphone in some way. Im not expecting it be a full core pokemon game either though. We’ll see. 🤷‍♂️


What exactly would Pokemon Go-like features mean, exactly? Clearly the Switch can't actually run the Pokemon Go system of finding Pokemon within the real world because it lacks the requisite hardware--no camera, no gps, no mobile data. What would it look like?

I could see them asking you to direct your Pokeballs to hit a moving enemy. That doesn't seem like a major add or an issue, really. I could also see them making where and when Pokemon appear more dynamic, hunting regular Pokemon by following in-game landmarks and special events to catch special Pokemon. I could even see them adding some dynamic elements to battles, with timed dodges or QTE criticals, which, while annoying, wouldn't make a huge difference in how the game actually plays.

What I don't see is Gamefreak throwing out their carefully kludged together battle system that is, for better or for worse, the heart of the core Pokemon games in favor of Go's weird attack or dodge realtime system. It would be like Halo taking out its gunplay altogether because surveys showed that people just like driving the warthog (actually, I'd probably play a Halo Wart Racer, so bad example).

Returning to Kanto again could be either a good thing or a bad thing depending on how it's handled. If this is another route-based Pokemon, where you're traveling down linear paths with set Pokemon and levels to different towns, then I don't see what's to be gained by returning to the oldest and simplest map in the series. If, on the other hand, they're changing things up, either with a more open path structure think (Xenoblade's linear but wide-open fields) or more dynamic routes (change the layouts of routes and even Pokemon types and levels based on story events), then it might be neat to see a familiar setting made fresh again.

Anyway, I'm interested to see more, but neither sold on nor disappointed by the idea.


^^ Yeah, good point on the GPS. There are a few ways to get around that, and they're all weird.

1) Locate via wifi only. Far less accurate than GPS, but you don't need tremendous accuracy for a location game if it's designed around those limitations. Downside: it wouldn't work (or at least that mode wouldn't work) away from wifi. But wifi is prevalent enough that it could still make for an interesting addition, at least in urban areas.

2) Include a GPS dongle with the game. A GPS radio itself doesn't depend on having a data plan -- the data plan just keeps your map updated. So the game would need to include or require download of a "low-resolution" map of the earth. Again, depending on the fidelity required -- you don't need satellite imagery, you don't need points of interest, you don't even need every minor road -- it's somewhat feasible.

3) Include a cellular dongle and include a certain amount of free data. This isn't unprecedented: the original Amazon Kindle included cellular connectivity with no monthly fee. There'd be limits, of course; it'd only work in the game and might be capped in other ways. Locating would be done via cellular triangulation or with an included GPS radio as in #2.

Like I said, all weird. But who knows? (I mean, look at Labo.)
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Codes 208

If the themes are pikachu and eevee, i wonder if thatll make this a spiritual sequel/remake of yellow version.

If the gameplay is atleast similar to the mainstream titles, id be ok with that
Maybe the Go aspect is as simple as being able to open up certain aspects of gameplay by syncing up to a smartphone mobile app which will allow you to capture more/different/rare Pokémon in the real world whilst the Switch (via the Pokemon app) is using 4G/LTE/GPS functionality of your phone?
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What exactly would Pokemon Go-like features mean, exactly? ...

Here's a thought, albeit a scary one if it ends up being accurate; What if they launch a companion app for your phone that is linked through an account (club pokemon or something), and you use your phone to go out in the "wild" to catch pokemon while you use your switch to challenge gyms / other players in a stadium-like experience.

I could see nintendo going with this hybrid approach at some point given how they're planned social interaction through switch online. It doesn't seem like it would be impossible technically and would refresh the popularity of the GO app, giving an actual end game rolled into the switch.

Would I buy something like that, hell no, but it does seem like something they might do


Here's a thought, albeit a scary one if it ends up being accurate; What if they launch a companion app for your phone that is linked through an account (club pokemon or something), and you use your phone to go out in the "wild" to catch pokemon while you use your switch to challenge gyms / other players in a stadium-like experience.

As a mainline game? Nintendo is very conscious of Pokemon's younger audience, so making anything dependent on cell phones for basic functionality is a no-no. They don't mind keeping kids without phones away from voice chat, but gating the core experience? I don't see it. If you're right though and they try something like that, it would be a massive blunder for sure.


As a mainline game? Nintendo is very conscious of Pokemon's younger audience, so making anything dependent on cell phones for basic functionality is a no-no. They don't mind keeping kids without phones away from voice chat, but gating the core experience? I don't see it. If you're right though and they try something like that, it would be a massive blunder for sure.

True, unlike ODB I didn't think of the children. I still think the concept would be neat, maybe as a stadium offshoot somewhere down the line.

I'd still love to see an official PokeMMO at some point. Even in the old school 4-direction world it has such potential to keep people hooked.
Just give me an open world deal like Breath of The Wild but it's Pokemon, that shit would be tight.

Instead it's probably going to be what Pokemon Stadium was to the GB Pokemons this will be for Pokemon Go.

Still, we might get something like a Breath of The Wild Pokemon at some point, the Switch is gonna be around for a while.
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Just give me an open world deal like Breath of The Wild but it's Pokemon, that shit would be tight.

Some diehard fans hate hearing this, but I agree with you. Breath of the Wild should inspire future entries in the series, as long as they don't give up the turn-based combat. Pokemon's combat is the heart of the series IMO--approachable for kids and casual fans like me, but deep enough to host tournaments of experts year after year. You don't throw that out lightly (NOTE: that's not what I think you're asking for, but I think that's what a lot of people hear when we say, "Make it like BotW").

Pokemon doesn't need Breath of the Wild's mechanics--climbing, physics, realtime combat, etc.--but if Gamefreak took the BotW engine and used it to build a Pokemon with that sense of scale and freedom to explore? That game would be phenomenal.
If it depended on some players, every game would be BotW-style. Even Cooking Mama or Inazuma Eleven.

Just give me Pokemon. I'm... willing to tolerate this if the story is decent and it's not a "real" 8th gen game. If it's a Go-based cashgrab it might be the first one that's a hard pass for me on a while.
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