NX is so powerful, you won't believe how powerful it is. 10k will make Nintendo great again. By setting up expectations so great that no console in the world could satisfy them.
I'm still not sure if the Nintendo fanbase will be as disappointed as the Sony fanbase come E3. I'll be fun to see which side has the bigger meltdowns. It might seem easy to say that it'll be Nintendo fans, but most of us know that our expectations are high. If those expectations aren't met, we'll be disappointed but we'll know that it's because we expected too much. It's also too late to lower expectations because if it just meets those lowered expectations it might actually make things worse. Compare these attitudes:
"Damn! I was hoping for better. Well, this is still pretty good but I wish that it were more..."
"Well, that's what I expected. I knew it wouldn't be that great."
Not really a huge difference when you think about it, except that the second one enters with a negative attitude and has those feelings confirmed, which may cause the person to have negative feelings toward the console itself. It also flips if it actually meets the high "expectations" (more like hopes... more on that later), as the person with those "expectations" will be excited that the console the expected is real, while the second person is just surprised and probably not all that giddy.
What we're talking about here aren't true "expectations" though. Most people here are just really hoping that these rumors are true because these rumors exceed their expectations. The real I don't think that anybody here actually truly expects all of this to be true. Hopes drive hype more than expectations do. We all know that these hopes might not be met, even if we think those hopes have a high chance of happening. Basically, I think that high hopes + positive expectations >>>> negative expectations. And then what happens if it's even worse than you expect? Well... That'll sting to say the least. I think that most people here are just positive about the console and hoping for something really great rather than thinking, "Yes! This is what NX will be! I'm so excited that this will actually happen!"
Now the PS4k guys... Some of them are screwed. They have high hopes and high expectations of this huge difference in graphics and even 4k gaming. You're going to have a number of people wondering why it even exists when they see that they still need a DF report to fully understand what is gained. Then there's the chance that it won't even be at E3...
EDIT: That said, I do think that actual third-party expectations might be too high and a set-up for disappointment. The same goes for the shared library, actually.