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Rumor: RYGAR 2 for Xbox ??


can't they also port the first Rygar? I thought it was a good game. Also unlockable NES Rygar would be a nice tough. :)


Itagaki said in an interview he's involved in the project.I don't think it makes much sense to make Rygar 2 Xbox exclusive but seen Itagaki's preference for Microsoft's console I wouldn't scrap the possibility.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I've read the rumor that it's for PS2 and Xbox.

First game was pretty damn boring and uninspired, I thought. Britney looked nice, though.

Funky Papa

I have the first one, it was good fun, I just can't understand all the criticism. Sure it was derivative but no more than many other games that get much more attention. It was just a decent action game, not worth full price but a good pick at €25.


Fleming said:
Pardon,but what Britney are you talking about??!?



I thought Rygar PS2 is a fantastic game.

Too short but decent replayability.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Rygar was fun. Wrong audience on Xbox though, not that logic has stopped anyone."

... wrong audience?


DCharlie said:
... wrong audience?

*nods sagely* Didn't you get the memo? Diversifying the Xbox lineup is suicide, man.
MS needs to start pushing third-parties to forget this 'action-adventure' nonsense and pump out some more realistic war FPS's stat if they want to keep their edge. :p


And even i am moderately surprised
"*nods sagely* Didn't you get the memo? Diversifying the Xbox lineup is suicide, man.
MS needs to start pushing third-parties to forget this 'action-adventure' nonsense and pump out some more realistic war FPS's stat if they want to keep their edge. :p"

Maybe Rygar can drive a racing car for some crack commando squad or something ? ;)
does this mean the end of the line for the franchise if they put it on the EX-box?

surprised at the negative comments about the game - I've been meanign to pick this up at some point - been hearing nothing but +ves.


Itagaki will have a role in all Tecmo games developed within the Japanese Tecmo development floors.

He now oversees ALL games out of Tecmo, not just Team Ninja.
I am so desperately wanting both another Rygar and Ninja Gaiden. And damn it'd be great if Rygar was on XBOX. I'm not a ps2 hater or anything but lets face it Rygar on ps2 is going to get outshined by whatever Capcom is doing. On the other hand XBOX sorely lacks this sort of game. Plus it'd just make my xbox seem more complete, what with Bioware for RPGs, Bungie for FPS, and Tecmo and Rare for action/adventures. Microsoft better keep some of this Tecmo shit exclusive. Imo, the quality is off the charts, rygar with a few tweaks would have gone over better with a more fickly twitch gamer or a person who wanted a longer RPG type game, but as is it was one of my highlights of that year,


DCharlie said:
Maybe Rygar can drive a racing car for some crack commando squad or something ? ;)

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Itagaki needs to do Silkworm. Jeeps! Helicopters! Harnesses! Turbulence! Dear God, the possibilities for jiggling are endless.

And the world needs another Silkworm game.
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