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Rumor: Xbox E3 info (Zombie game, Battletoads, Forza Horizon, AoE, more)


New Battletoads, FH in Australia and a new Age of Empires all sound great. Those could sway me to get an Xbox One finally (or a new gaming PC).
Yes that's soon,but if Xbox Scorpio is VR capable, they need to announce this ASAP. If they don't, I will buy a PS VR instead. If they announce taht Xbox will be Oculus ready at this E3, I cancel my PSVR preorder.

I get your reasoning, but I am not sure if this works out for them.

The main reason being the price for a mandatory Scorpio XBox and the OR set, which right know sums up to a whopping €1.100 to €1.200 (depening on Scorpio's price). And that's the price w/o a dedicated VR controller.

PSVR starts at €750 (w/ vanilla PS4, camera and standard controller) resp. €900 (w/ PS4 Neo and Move controllers), so it's a lot cheaper. Not to mention the 40mn+ PS4 owners who can start their VR experience with a €450 investment, in 5 months btw.

I am not sure if the extra beef of Scorpio and the (slightly) superior OR set will make up for that price gap (yeah, I am aware OR will get cheaper at some point, but so will PSVR).

So, long story short, VR on Scorpio will be a premium prices experience, hence the mass market as well as early adopters will most likely go with PSVR instead of waiting another year.

And my point is: The damage this early announcement of VR on Scorpio resp. the Scorpio itself does to Sony's VR plans (and Nintendo NX for all we know) is obscure. Best case scenario is it will prevent current XBOX owners from switching to the Sony platform. But vice versa? I don't think so. Instead, people will think twice before they purchase an XBOX One Slim if they announce it will be superseded by a new SKU (or whatever) just a year later.

So I really doubt they officially announce Scorpio anytime soon, they'll just shoot themselves in the foot.


I kept searching all night. Again - and I really want to emphasize this - I'm just sharing the interesting tidbits, tags and pages I'm finding. As already stated above I don't know what will actually appear at E3, what will appear at Gamescom or what will never appear. As an example I'm seeing tons and tons of old Phantom Dust test play session logs. We all know that game never released and is on-hold. And no, I did not find anything new regarding this one. If it's coming back, they did it with a new ID. That said, I got some requests by you guys - so here are the results.
No relevant Banjo-Kazooie tags or connections, only older ones obviously.
References for mouse and keyboard Support found
I'm almost sure now on the new AoE game. Castle Siege has a different ID everywhere I found references.
There is a chance the zombie game is just DayZ. The exact title isn't listed (only genre tags etc) which is why I can't know it for sure.
Halo Wars 2 has tons of recent play session logs which lead me to the impression the Beta could be close.
Same for Crackdown 3.
Nothing for Crimson Skies, Project Gotham Racing, Jade Empire, Midtown Madness. Sry.
There are tons of Conker tags everywhere. The problem is: I can't find all of the connected IDs. We have Conker in Rare Replay, Young Conker by Asobo, Project Spark Conker. There is a chance there is also another Conker thing hidden here somewhere, but it's really difficult to find the correct ID. So I will just say: tons of Conker things. Doesn't have to mean anything, could be though.
Honestly, I don't get the Battletoads love. I thought it was a pretty generic game in the 90's and some of the difficulty in the game is just obnoxious. Maybe there is something I'm missing, because when I hear people say they would buy an Xbox One its like we are talking about two entirely different games.


They've announced a few 'unique' new games in the past few years, but MS is MS. If you feel like this already, they're probably not going to shock and amaze you any time soon.

Oh don't worry I've come to realise this already. As long as they keep releasing Forza games I'm ok to be honest. I'm starting to have less and less time for gaming these days so I prefer to invest my time in fewer high quality titles and Forza is very much part of that category for me.


Honestly, I don't get the Battletoads love. I thought it was a pretty generic game in the 90's and some of the difficulty in the game is just obnoxious. Maybe there is something I'm missing, because when I hear people say they would buy an Xbox One its like we are talking about two entirely different games.
Good art style, great music, nice gameplay ... only the difficulty was busted at times. But those games had personality.


You take these, add a couple huge announcements and a couple mid-tier (Zombie, Battletoads, two more), baby, you got a stew great E3 going.

For real?


Pretty accurate statement. You have like 5 new retail IPs so far released, two with any sort of budget, only two were announced and developed wholly for the Xbox One. A couple more announced, but they're hardly balls deep in new IP.

To be fair Sony and Nintendo definitely aren't doing better.

This gen has been super conservative.
You take these, add a couple huge announcements and a couple mid-tier (Zombie, Battletoads, two more), baby, you got a stew great E3 going.

Pretty accurate statement. You have like 5 new retail IPs so far released, two with any sort of budget, only two were announced and developed wholly for the Xbox One. A couple more announced, but they're hardly balls deep in new IP.

To be fair Sony and Nintendo definitely aren't doing better.

This gen has been super conservative.

Im not going to start producing lists or anything like that but if we only include 'real' games like retail ones then I suppose you are right, personally Kalimba, Ori, D4 and Powerstar Golf have been some of the most fun I ve had with any games. *Shrugs*


Im not going to start producing lists or anything like that but if we only include 'real' games like retail ones then I suppose you are right, personally Kalimba, Ori, D4 and Powerstar Golf have been some of the most fun I ve had with any games. *Shrugs*

I mean, a game can be good on literally zero budget. Indie gamejams prove this all the time. But a pretty obvious way to measure where a companies priorities are is to follow the money. Everyone is conservative in downtimes.
Honestly, I don't get the Battletoads love. I thought it was a pretty generic game in the 90's and some of the difficulty in the game is just obnoxious. Maybe there is something I'm missing, because when I hear people say they would buy an Xbox One its like we are talking about two entirely different games.

How far into the game did you get? Almost every level plays radically differently, it has great graphics for the NES, soundtrack is really good, it has heaps of polish and is frankly loads of fun. A lot of people get hung up on the difficulty, but like many games of the era you just need to practice until you memorize the entire game! Lol


Im not going to start producing lists or anything like that but if we only include 'real' games like retail ones then I suppose you are right, personally Kalimba, Ori, D4 and Powerstar Golf have been some of the most fun I ve had with any games. *Shrugs*

I will never understand the disappointment in releasing new IPs in the digital space instead of retail -- especially when releasing them digitally means a better chance for a good game to get a sequel; Digital only games are usually significantly less than $60 so more people will be willing to try it out. Ori (as you've already mentioned) is one of my favorite games this gen and the game has done really well in part due to it being digital. I'm sure that the game would have flopped if it was pushed as a $60 retail title at launch.

So yeah, I don't really care about retail vs. digital in terms of new IPs -- especially since I get games digitally anyway. Game quality is far more important, and I'm not going to complain about not spending $60 for a new IP I'm really interested in.


Australia setting for FH sounds boring.

Where's my FH Tokyo?

Hyped for a new Forza Horizon but I definitely feel similar. I would have greatly preferred a setting in Japan since it would have been more unique in comparison to the first two games in the series.


AoE is promising, I just hope they do it right and don't half-ass it.

Last year the backwards compatibility made their E3 seem better then it actually was, I wonder if this year they will pull something like that again(Scorpio?).


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I kept searching all night. Again - and I really want to emphasize this - I'm just sharing the interesting tidbits, tags and pages I'm finding. As already stated above I don't know what will actually appear at E3, what will appear at Gamescom or what will never appear. As an example I'm seeing tons and tons of old Phantom Dust test play session logs. We all know that game never released and is on-hold. And no, I did not find anything new regarding this one. If it's coming back, they did it with a new ID. That said, I got some requests by you guys - so here are the results.
No relevant Banjo-Kazooie tags or connections, only older ones obviously.
References for mouse and keyboard Support found
I'm almost sure now on the new AoE game. Castle Siege has a different ID everywhere I found references.
There is a chance the zombie game is just DayZ. The exact title isn't listed (only genre tags etc) which is why I can't know it for sure.
Halo Wars 2 has tons of recent play session logs which lead me to the impression the Beta could be close.
Same for Crackdown 3.
Nothing for Crimson Skies, Project Gotham Racing, Jade Empire, Midtown Madness. Sry.
There are tons of Conker tags everywhere. The problem is: I can't find all of the connected IDs. We have Conker in Rare Replay, Young Conker by Asobo, Project Spark Conker. There is a chance there is also another Conker thing hidden here somewhere, but it's really difficult to find the correct ID. So I will just say: tons of Conker things. Doesn't have to mean anything, could be though.



Any idea what the hell this guy is talking about? I mean tags and play session logs... what is that?


AoE is promising, I just hope they do it right and don't half-ass it.

Last year the backwards compatibility made their E3 seem better then it actually was, I wonder if this year they will pull something like that again(Scorpio?).

Compared to what?


I would love to see a new battletoads but tbh I don't think that kind of games is going to succeed in the current market. Business wise makes no sense to release a new battletoads but I hope Microsoft proves me wrong!


I would love to see a new battletoads but tbh I don't think that kind of games is going to succeed in the current market. Business wise makes no sense to release a new battletoads but I hope Microsoft proves me wrong!

I hope it's not a big budget game. Hope it's more like Shovel Knight, or better, made by Yacht Club instead of Rare !

I'm not a big fan of Battletoads, but yes, MS should release a new one : that way, we can go ahead and ask for a Banjo Kazooie or a Conker now :D


I hope it's not a big budget game. Hope it's more like Shovel Knight, or better, made by Yacht Club instead of Rare !

I'm not a big fan of Battletoads, but yes, MS should release a new one : that way, we can go ahead and ask for a Banjo Kazooie or a Conker now :D

We've been asking for Banjo for so god damn long, my disappointment at every years E3 can't be put down into words. And no, I never give up hope :/


Ya I've said from the start this just seems fishy...like someone throwing buzz words against a wall and seeing what sticks.

I think this Reddit comment from someone shows my feelings also: https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/4luugg/e3_teaser_trailer_coming_online_later_today/d3qdj2p
Not going to lie, from looking myself, you really can dig out a lot from the API. I'm not surprised if all this is true, I had my doubts and posted on the same thread. Now, I'm really believing it's true. I want to find the same info though he has.


Guys, lets be real here ... Forza is a quality annual franchise that really doesn't sell that well. Do you think Microsoft needs another first-party licensed car racing game on the Xbox One?


Guys, lets be real here ... Forza is a quality annual franchise that really doesn't sell that well. Do you think Microsoft needs another first-party licensed car racing game on the Xbox One?

Yes if they are planning for PC release too


Lmao Conker again. Watch it be some shitty VR tech demo.
I don't think I could take another shitty Conker announcement.

This gen has been super conservative.
It's not only the first parties, third parties are being as conservative with their IP's if not more. Think before Overwatch, what new third party IP this gen has been truly successful while being something different? Things like Destiny and Watch Dogs are simply combinations of other games (Halo, Borderlands and WoW and Assassin's Creed and GTA respectively) and didn't have good receptions when they launched (Watch Dogs still isn't remembered fondly).

Publishers only want to release games that they are certain will sell. Development costs have become too expensive this gen to take risks, especially given how long the cycles are. This is why having upgrades to the PS4 and Xbox One so soon worries me. Instead of developers figuring out technology and costs being driven down, allowing for more new IP's and overall risks to be done, developers have to learn new technology and costs will become even more expensive, leading to a continuation, if not expansion of the super conservative IP decisions of this gen.

Just look at Tomb Raider 2013. It needed 3-4 Million units to BREAK EVEN. How in the world did they ever expect a franchise like Tomb Raider, which had those numbers as a best case scenario over an entire gen, to sell more than that and generate a profit? And people think increasing the dev costs even further with premature hardware advancements is a good idea? It'll get worse than before and we'll see more developers close down because this method simply isn't sustainable, that's sadly why we're lacking in new IP this gen.


Tomb Raider is a bad example. Square just doesn't know how to properly manage a budget and set realistic expectations. Heck even Capcom is getting better about that than they are.

Look at Bloodborne. It sold over 2 million, less than half of Tomb Raider, and Sony said it far surpassed expectations.

Other companies like Codemasters release niche games like F1 and Dirt Rally and make enough money to actually expand their development operations (they bought Evolution).

But yes, new IPs are a bit less prevalent this generation.
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