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Rumour : Ready at dawn had plans for a The Order 1886 sequel pre Meta acquisition


Gold Member
Of course they had a plan for it, but it’s kind of tough to convince your publisher to give you tens of millions of dollars for it when the first one gets mediocre reviews and underperforming sales.
Ken, the problem wasn't that it had dodgy, QTE ridden boss encounters, it was super short, it had very few battle scenarios, it had zero replay value, it lacked a coop mode and all of this for...60 big ones.
I personally loved it but...I only rented it for 2 days, finished it and took it back, had I spent $60 for it though I would most probably have a different opinion now.
Shame really 'cause the combat - the very little that there was - was actually good - the weapons all had some amazing "oomph" due the amazing vibration, animations and sound feedback.

G'damn man, a sequel could have easily fixed all of the above just by removing the brain dead QTE sections, adding 4-5 hours of gameplay and adding some sort of horde mode and - hey presto - there's another multi-million seller...

It's a frigging shame is what it is, instead, we got another bloated God of MCU ...Sony can be incredibly shortsighted...
I rented it from Redbox and had the Platinum before I had to pay for a second day.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Does people have dementia or something? The Order was a glorified movie masquerading as a game, where gorgeous graphics are wasted on a bland, uninspired narrative and tedious gameplay. It’s a short, linear slog that feels like paying full price to watch someone else play a mediocre game.

Sounds like a good playstation exclusive to me! I highly enjoyed the game!


4-Time GIF/Meme God
The Order was Hellblade before Hellblade was a thing. Pretty as fuck (even today is sharp as a nail), but boring in the sack. The diet coke of gaming= just has graphics, not gaming enough


Knack got a sequel because of

Lol nah, not even the actual game director in either title.


Of course they had plans for a sequel. What developer doesn’t have unused ideas leftover and thoughts for how to handle a sequel?

Sony would never have green-lit it though.

Such a shame as they’re a talented studio.
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