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Rumour: Soul Calibur on DS


PS1 pushes more like 180,000 polygons/sec with texture mapping, gouraud shading and lighting. I don't know were the 240,000 polys/sec comes from <---that's about what the older and much more powerful System 22 board does, at high resolution.

PS1 pushes 360,000 flat shaded polys and 180,000 with PS1 graphic features on.

System 11 which ran Soul Edge is about the same, although it has more VRAM ( 2 MB)

I disbelieve System 12 pushing 500,000 polys, unless those are flat shaded figures, like PS1's 360,000 flat shaded polys/sec.

here is how the various systems relavent to this thread rank.

*Dreamcast: 10~20 million polys/sec transformed, 3-5 million polys/sec displayed with most of everything on
*System 22: ???? polys/sec transformed, 240,000 polygons/sec displayed with everything
(Ridge Racer)
*System 12: ??? more than System 11, less than System 22. (even if more polys than System 22, System 12 has no z-buffer or other highend feature System22 has)
*System 11: 500,000 polys/sec transformed, 360,000 flat shaded polys/sec displayed,
180,000 textured polys/sec displayed with everything
*Playstation1: 500,000 polys/sec transformed, 360,000 flat shaded polys/sec displayed,
180,000 textured polys/sec displayed with everything (same as System 11)
*Nintendo 64: ~600,000 polys/sec flat shaded (or just transformed), 160,000 polys/sec displayed with everything
*Nintendo DS: 4 million polys/sec transformed, 120,000 polys/sec displayed with everything.

the DS isnt going to do Soul Calibur unless its scaled back.
doncale said:
PS1 pushes more like 180,000 polygons/sec with texture mapping, gouraud shading and lighting. I don't know were the 240,000 polys/sec comes from <---that's about what the older and much more powerful System 22 board does, at high resolution.

PS1 pushes 360,000 flat shaded polys and 180,000 with PS1 graphic features on.

System 11 which ran Soul Edge is about the same, although it has more VRAM ( 2 MB)

I disbelieve System 12 pushing 500,000 polys, unless those are flat shaded figures, like PS1's 360,000 flat shaded polys/sec.

here is how the various systems relavent to this thread rank.

*Dreamcast: 10~20 million polys/sec transformed, 3-5 million polys/sec displayed with most of everything on
*System 22: ???? polys/sec transformed, 240,000 polygons/sec displayed with everything
(Ridge Racer)
*System 12: ??? more than System 11, less than System 22. (even if more polys than System 22, System 12 has no z-buffer or other highend feature System22 has)
*System 11: 500,000 polys/sec transformed, 360,000 flat shaded polys/sec displayed,
180,000 textured polys/sec displayed with everything
*Playstation1: 500,000 polys/sec transformed, 360,000 flat shaded polys/sec displayed,
180,000 textured polys/sec displayed with everything (same as System 11)
*Nintendo 64: ~600,000 polys/sec flat shaded (or just transformed), 160,000 polys/sec displayed with everything
*Nintendo DS: 4 million polys/sec transformed, 120,000 polys/sec displayed with everything.

the DS isnt going to do Soul Calibur unless its scaled back.

DS doesn't transform 4M polys. It's 4M vertices. Big diff.


true. true. my bad.

anyway, Soul Calibur would be MUCH MUCH better suited on PSP. concidering PSP's power and that its a fairly conventional portable, unlike DS. there's nothing about Soul Calibur that makes it suited toward DS, IMO.


Nintendo themselves quoted N64 at 100k pps with all effects on (not 160k)... which means DS would be capable of more geometry than N64 according to Nintendo themselves.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Shogmaster said:
DS doesn't transform 4M polys. It's 4M vertices. Big diff.

I think that number is not for full transforms (no perspective division for starters) and does not include lighting.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
jarrod said:
Nintendo themselves quoted N64 at 100k pps with all effects on (not 160k)... which means DS would be capable of more geometry than N64 according to Nintendo themselves.

I have it on good word that at least at the RSP level the N64 can do more than that and that is true at the RDP level too (rasterizer)... the problem is the absolutely sucky RAM solution Nintendo went with the N64.


Panajev2001a said:
I have it on good word that at least at the RSP level the N64 can do more than that and that is true at the RDP level too (rasterizer)... the problem is the absolutely sucky RAM solution Nintendo went with the N64.
I don't doubt that, but if we're using what Nintendo themselves have said...

N64~ 100k pps with all effects
NDS~ 120k pps with all effects
GCN~ 6-12M pps with all effects

...people are clinging to this 120k figure like it's some peak theoretical maximum, ignoring the fact Nintendo has a history of giving nothing but conservative in game figures. :/


(more a nerd than a geek)
I think folks are missing something here...

While the DS would be unlikely to be able to handle a game ported from the Dreamcast or arcades as a -straight- code port (same number of polygons, framerate, etc..), the DS should very well be able to create a game identical in gameplay and seemingly identical in appearance to those games.

Wouldn't a Soul Calibur game featuring all the characters from SCII, all the moves from SCII, and similar looking characters be "a port"? I can't see how that would be impossible on the DS. You might not have anywhere near the same number of polygons, but lower poly versions of the characters (on a smaller screen) should look quite good and very similar to the original game (when scaled down to such a size).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
jarrod said:
I don't doubt that, but if we're using what Nintendo themselves have said...

N64~ 100k pps with all effects
NDS~ 120k pps with all effects
GCN~ 6-12M pps with all effects

...people are clinging to this 120k figure like it's some peak theoretical maximum, ignoring the fact Nintendo has a history of giving nothing but conservative in game figures. :/

The DS figure seems to be without perspective correction, bi-linear filtering and so far the special effects the N64 could do with its color combiner did not fully pass to the DS.

Yes,, some early Nintendo titles like Super Mario 64 did not push too much geometry, but they had quite nice draw distance most of the time and nice visual effects.

The Ds version shown so far pushes more polygons and runs at a higher frame-rate, those are advantages, but so far (until Nintendo changes my opinion :)) I still prefer Super Mario 64 to Super Mario 64x4 (although I cannot wait for a proper Super Mario 64 in portable form).


DS has some advantages over N64 (drawing to a smaller screen resolution, and memory latency i think)

and N64 has some advantages over DS (more polygons displayed on screen, filtering, anti-aliasing)

much like the PS2-PSP comparison.
Panajev2001a said:
Not needed if you had 8 MB of 1-T SRAM ;).

Wow, 1-T SRAM was available in 1997?!? You really make me miss the rolleyes, Pana.

Besides, no amount of low latency RAM would compensate for the fact that the audio processing robbed CPU cycles away from geometry, physics and other such important processing duties.
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