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Rumours on Sega's Hardware Re-entry (source)


Clues of Sega's hardware aspirations (23 July 04)

There's been alot of speculation that's gone on on the internet in the last couple of months regarding Sega and if they'll ever return back to hardware. From journalists to insiders to sega otaku's on the many sega boards on the net.

Today I would like to chip in with some of my own personal thoughts regarding the matter-

I think in all honestly if you string all the clues together you would agree that if Sega did end up announcing another Sega console soon then none of use should be suprised. Why so? well let's look at all the clues shall we?

Clue 1- Yuji Naka's desire for a propriety platform

Clue 2- Sega's merger with Sammy

Clue 3- Hajime Satomi's desire for rapid expansion and willingness to invest Pachinko and Pachislot income into new businesses.

Clue 4- Sega's choice to choose PVR for their next arcade board, thus meaning it'll be custom and not based on any future next gen console when they could of easily adopted Chihiro 2 based on Xenon which is released mere months after Sega plans on debuting it's new arcade system into the arcades of Japan.

Clue 5- The size of the new Holding company to emerge on the 1st of October cannot be underestimated. Sega-Sammy on 2003-2004 fiscal year alone is only second to Nintendo and by May of next year will have supplanted the Kyoto company and by 2006 to 2007 when the re-organisation takes place the company is estimated to be bringing in a Billion dollars of net profits annually. On pure profit count alone that's not only bigger than Nintendo and EA, but also Sony.

Clue 6- The holding back of key franchises and general emptiness in the company's release schedules for the last year including the current one

Clue 7- Isn't kind of weird that Sega hyped up it's pre-e3 conference this year beyond belief, only for them to end up delivering the Matrix online?

Well I don't see it that way, I think what really happened was Sega was ready to unveil not only it's next gen console but also Yu Suzuki's Shenmue III. Why didn't it happen? Well according to some- Shenmue's trademark had expired and it was only in June when Sega got it back thus leaving Sega to think up of something else for the announcement, that something else being the Matrix online.

Clue 8- If you check Imagination Technologies upcoming year statements, when they refer to their next GPU they say that it targets arcades(sega's next board), PC desk top and also Consoles, I've heard many IMGtec guys in magazines over the last few months in PC mags saying the same thing, a few months ago one of them actually said- "this would be ideal for a next generation console" when refering to it's upcoming "high end" graphics technology.

The truth of the matter is this- we all know that both Nintendo and Microsoft have partnered with Ati to supply the GPU's for their future machines, as both companies have already announced this. So if Nintendo has Ati, Microsoft has ATi and Sony has it's own, then what machine are they "targeting" with their upcoming GPU? who else is left on the field? infinium and the Phantom 2?

Highly unlikely.

Just like you had Naomi and Dreamcast based on it, the chances for a Naomi3(or whatever it'll be called) and a home system based of it is seeming more and more likely as time goes on.

There are more clues that I'll be back to post later, untill then digest the above and realise that somethings stirring and that it's not out of the equation as some may have you believe.

-Zach Morris

Thanks to OA

Would you guys be willing to forgive Sega, and throw your bones their way again?
Uh, the dreamcast was forgiveness enough. It's scary that I've had more enjoyment out of a console that only lasted *truly* for about 2 1/2 years than the ones that have lasted 3 and soon 4.
I've come to the horrible realisation that this is never going to end. Not until every last person who ever owned a Sega console is dead, which'll decades for now. Some nut job is going to convince themselves that Sega will head back into hardware.



Well I don't see it that way, I think what really happened was Sega was ready to unveil not only it's next gen console but also Yu Suzuki's Shenmue III.

Translated from the stupidest-motherfucker-living-ese: "Hello! I am the stupidest motherfucker living!"

The post does raise one very interesting and valid point:

Why IS Sega holding back on developing most of their major franchises?

Puzzling indeed.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Sega's limping along as it is releasing the absolute shittiest games they've ever released.

They have no business even entertaining the thought of a new console.


MassiveAttack said:
The post does raise one very interesting and valid point:

Why IS Sega holding back on developing most of their major franchises?

Puzzling indeed.

Possibly because their last efforts at major franchise revival, like Shinobi, kind of tanked. Or at least they tanked in comparison to Sega's expectations, which were wretchedly irrational.



MassiveAttack said:
The post does raise one very interesting and valid point:

Why IS Sega holding back on developing most of their major franchises?

Puzzling indeed.

Because Sega is stupid.


MassiveAttack said:
The post does raise one very interesting and valid point:

Why IS Sega holding back on developing most of their major franchises?

Puzzling indeed.

what major franchises would those be?
Johnny Nighttrain said:
all those clues are nothing but wishful thinking. oh, and Zack Morris spells his name with a 'ck' not a 'ch'.

That's wonderful. Thank you.

I've passed on this information from elsewhere so i'm not entirely sure of it's validity myself, or the authors credibility.

All i know is it raises some interesting points.

Personally? I think Sega would have to wait till there were only two competitors in the Hardware arena, and that's not happening before i have to start dying my pubes. To purists, this means, NOT ANYTIME SOON.

Sega-Sammy, Sammy-Sega, will do fine. I just fear for their creative juices now that the teams are consolidating into one, mega team. Could be good. Could be bad.

We'll see.
MassiveAttack said:
The post does raise one very interesting and valid point:

Why IS Sega holding back on developing most of their major franchises?

Puzzling indeed.

I think the theory most proferred is that they are laying low in order to be regrouped to come out strong out the gate next-gen.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Ok, I really shouldn't fuel this but ...

Phantasy Star Universe never had a platform(s) announced for it at E3, which was odd. If that trailer ended up realtime on proprietary hardware, that would be interesting!



Clue 5- The size of the new Holding company to emerge on the 1st of October cannot be underestimated. Sega-Sammy on 2003-2004 fiscal year alone is only second to Nintendo and by May of next year will have supplanted the Kyoto company and by 2006 to 2007 when the re-organisation takes place the company is estimated to be bringing in a Billion dollars of net profits annually. On pure profit count alone that's not only bigger than Nintendo and EA, but also Sony.

Link to credible financial institution that agrees?

Projections do not equal what will happen. I'll believe Sega-Sammy being that large and in that relationship financially to Nintendo, EA, and Sony, when it happens.


MassiveAttack said:
The post does raise one very interesting and valid point:

Why IS Sega holding back on developing most of their major franchises?

Puzzling indeed.

we had a bit of a discussion about this in another thread. it could be that they are holding those off for the next gen of consoles, perhaps making visually stunning early entries with the brand new consoles will give them a headtsrat over other devs.

i gotta say "nay" to these rumours...sammy will never let this happen. they merged to save sega, not get themselves killed.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Sega is always the best source for speculation, and they are so shite at the moment I don't mind setting myself up for a fall. So what about this:


"Let the next generation of games begin"


Launch game? Would make a very nice one. Along with the MIA Super Monkey Ball 3, the unannounced VF4 Final Tuned ...

Maybe this was all meant to be revealed at E3, and Sega decided to wait till TGS instead?

We can but dream! :D

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Clue 6- The holding back of key franchises and general emptiness in the company's release schedules for the last year including the current one

Lets review what Sega has released in 2003-2004 shall we?

Panzer Dragoon
Virtua Fighter
Phantasy Star
Shining (remake)
Altered Beast (coming soon)
Virtua Cop

And in 2002:
Toe Jam & Earl
Crazy Taxi
Jet Set Radio
House of the Dead
Sega GT

Notable series that haven't seen re-issues:

Sega Rally
Daytona USA
Clockwork Knight

How exactly is this holding back? The only reason that Sega's schedule is sparse this year, imo, is because of all the freaking restructuring that they have been going through. They have lost several employees and the teams are all mixed up now. Of course their output would be affected by something like that.

They aren't making a new system. And if they did it would bomb. They did everything right with the DC (still my favorite 128 bit system) but in the end they ended up giving people one big "fuck you".

However, a Sega/Sammy/Capcom/SNK arcade/home console ala NeoGeo would fucking rock beyond belief. I would seriously like to see that.


A new Sega console would be a waste of time and effort. We already have three consoles, why would you want another one? And they're still making games, isn't that what you want, games?! If you're a real Sega fan, you own all three consoles + GBA already. Really, it's like people think Sega games will magically become better just because they're on Sega hardware. Technically, they may have a better understanding of their own hardware, but it would still be the same games. The only point with a new Sega console would be Sega exclusive games, but how far will that take them? As far as Sega fan service for a couple of years, then it'll face the same destiny as Dreamcast. Maybe if they co-operated with Nintendo or something, but otherwise, no. Just no.


The Amiga Brotherhood
If it did happen, I'm thinking something along the lines of an internet-enabled arcade-compatible Naomi3-in-a-box sort of thing. NeoGeo Rebirth.

Throw in PSO and VF and you have something that *might* actually do well! :O


I can 100% confirm that the E3 announcement was nothing more than Matrix Online. It was never meant to be anything else.
A new Sega Console would fail big time. This rumor is not happening. The Only reason Sega doens't look like thier they are doing alot becuase thier games are spread out on 3 systems, so many overlook the games.
DrDogg said:
I can 100% confirm that the E3 announcement was nothing more than Matrix Online. It was never meant to be anything else.

Seconded. This was always the plan.
It's called PRing a shit game.

All the other clues are basically nonsense too.
There will be no new console.

Shenmue III on the other hand... 8->

aoi tsuki

No offense meant directly at the original poster, but when a Junior Member posts something that isn't widely known or expected, and sources some no name, free host site, i don't bother to take notice.

Would i buy a Sega console? Yes, but only if its features were much more appealing than the competition. i don't have the time or money to whore myself to games as in the past.


Some BS in that...but also some valid stuff. In the back of mind, it's always been my belief that Sammy bought Sega to reorganize them and make them profitable and then sell them off to the highest bidder...wether it be a competing publisher or (more likely) a hardware manufacturer looking for an edge. Sammy giving them structure and consolidating their teams into ONE collective force is sorta proof of that. If all of Sega's games were consolidated to one platform then their sales would be more focused 'cos their fans would know which platform to get to find their games. Sega/Sammy should NOT make another seperate console where they're competing not only in software, but in hardware with more stable competitor's...they should instead align with one of them to consolidate their fanbase and give a console maker of their choice an "edge"...maybe that console maker could then cut them in on some royalties from hardware/software sales or maybe contract them with one big payoff to stay for a generation or two?

That to me would be VERY interesting and more likely then the above rumors!


Clue 6- The holding back of key franchises and general emptiness in the company's release schedules for the last year including the current one

Clue 7- Isn't kind of weird that Sega hyped up it's pre-e3 conference this year beyond belief, only for them to end up delivering the Matrix online?

Easily answered without the words "New Sega hardware" strung together.

6: It's because Sega is, historically, inept with most business decisions. If they're "holding back" for any reason, they're most likely starting to work on next generation systems.

7: Sega of America hyped up E3 only to reveal Matrix Online, and we all know that they're a bunch of clowns.


aoi tsuki said:
No offense meant directly at the original poster, but when a Junior Member posts something that isn't widely known or expected, and sources some no name, free host site, i don't bother to take notice.

otheranthony's been around for quite some time there, buddy.
I don't think this will happen.

SEGASAMMY is better off becoming exclusive to one console platform - I'd prefer PS3 or N5 next generation. All they got to do is stick to a proper console and stop making Ports.
aoi tsuki said:
No offense meant directly at the original poster, but when a Junior Member posts something that isn't widely known or expected, and sources some no name, free host site, i don't bother to take notice.

Would i buy a Sega console? Yes, but only if its features were much more appealing than the competition. i don't have the time or money to whore myself to games as in the past.

yeah, cause "Jr. member" means i've never posted on GA before. I'm a newb. Carry on dood.

it's meant to spur debate.

it has.

mission achieved.

level cleared.

game over.

whatever. :p

p.s. good memory xsarien :)
TheGreenGiant said:
I don't think this will happen.

SEGASAMMY is better off becoming exclusive to one console platform - I'd prefer PS3 or N5 next generation. All they got to do is stick to a proper console and stop making Ports.

Nah they need to go more mulit-platform, but just be smarter about what they put where (ie. anywhere but the Xbox). Just think of the sales they'd have lost if they hadn't put Sonic Heroes on PS2 as well as GC and vice versa.


JC10001 said:
They did everything right with the DC (still my favorite 128 bit system) but in the end they ended up giving people one big "fuck you".

No, everyone else gave them one big "fuck you" by either not purchasing it, or pirating the shit out of it.


Saint Cornelius said:
People claiming "pir8s" killed the system, instead of Sega's inept management, are hilarious

and fucking idiots

Excuse me, but even if Sega made some bad management decisions during the Dreamcast era the point is the system was amazing, cheap, easy to develop for, and Sega's full creative force was in high gear churning out A-grade titles on a regular basis.

There's no reason the system shouldn't have been as big as the Genesis, if not more so.

And piracy did have a big negative impact. When a company with a huge debt like Sega has their software revenues cut off by self booting games for Christ sake, that hurts. A lot. I witnessed first hand how numerous people in school stopped buying Dreamcast games and just pirated them due to the absolute ease of it. So shut the fuck up.
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