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Russia's fires pose nuclear threat

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If things weren't bad enough... :(

The Russian government warned on Thursday that the country's deadliest wildfires in nearly four decades posed a nuclear threat if they are not contained, as the death toll rose to 50 and the blazes continued to spread.

The worst heat wave in more than a century is set to intensify on Friday, with record temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) expected and to continue into the next week, weather forecasters said. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced a ban on exports of grain and grain products from Aug. 15 until December, and his spokesman said it would apply also to contracts already signed.

Emergencies Minister Sergei Shoigu said heat from fires in the Bryansk region, which already has nuclear contamination from the Chernobyl disaster more than 20 years ago, could release harmful radioactive particles into the atmosphere.

“In the event of a fire there, radionuclides could rise [into the air] together with combustion particles, resulting in a new pollution zone,” he said on state television, without going into detail.

Shoigu added two fires had already broken out in the Bryansk region, some 400 kilometers (250 miles) southwest of Moscow, but they were quickly contained.

Forest and peat bog fires have burned hundreds of homes, leaving thousands homeless in the hottest summer since records began 130 years ago, prompting leaders to declare a state of emergency in seven of the worst-hit regions.

The territory covered by wild fires increased to 756 square miles on Thursday from 730 square miles a day ago, according to the Emergencies Ministry website.

Health Minister Tatyana Golikova told a government meeting that 44 people across the country had died in the fires themselves, while six had died in hospitals, taking the death toll to 50, two more than the day before.

Temperatures in Moscow topped 36 degrees Celsius but a change of wind direction provided some respite in the capital by blowing away oppressive and toxic smoke that had blanketed the city.

Health officials said on Thursday that Moscow’s air had become relatively clean again, Interfax reported.

The temperature may beat last week’s 38 Celsius absolute record on Friday, topping 40 Celsius, and remain at 35-38 Celsius throughout next week, the deputy director of Rosgidromet meteorological service, Gennady Eliseev, told Itar-Tass news agency.

The military prosecutor for the Moscow region gave orders to protect military sites in the Moscow region after there were widespread reports that a communications centre belonging to the country’s General Staff was burned down in the Moscow region.

The Ministry of Defense denied the reports. However, it also denied last week that fire had ravaged a naval base. President Dmitry Medvedev sacked several senior navy officers on Wednesday after it was revealed that the blaze had indeed occurred.
Worst smog yet hits Moscow, seeps into homes

The city of Moscow was shrouded Friday by a dense smog that grounded flights at international airports and seeped into homes and offices, as wildfires that have killed 50 people nationwide continued to burn.

Planes were diverted from Moscow airports on Friday after huge peat and forest fires blanketed the capital in acrid smoke, forcing some businesses to close and office workers to wear surgical masks at their desks.

Pollution surged to five times normal levels in the city of 10.5 million, the highest sustained contamination since Russia’s worst heat wave in more than a century began a month ago. Officials urged Muscovites to not venture outdoors.

The fires have torn through forests and villages over the last two weeks with lightning speed, also decimating a military base and threatening an animal shelter with hundreds of inhabitants.

On Friday, visibility in parts of the capital was down to a few dozen yards (meters) due to the smog caused by the fires, which carries a strong burning smell and causes coughing. Airborne pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, were four times higher than average readings -- the worst seen to date in the Russian capital. Dozens of forest and peat bog fires around the city are fanned by southeasterly winds and exacerbated by the country’s most intense heat wave in 130 years of record-keeping.

More than 500 separate blazes were active nationwide Friday, mainly across Russia’s European territory, according to the Emergencies Ministry.

Up to 2,000 homes have been destroyed in the blazes. Officials have suggested the 10,000 firefighters battling them aren’t enough. Officials are also scrambling to minimize any further damage, evacuating explosives from other military facilities and sending planes, helicopters and even robots to help control blazes around the country’s top nuclear research facility in Sarov, 300 miles (480 kilometers) east of Moscow.

Source: http://www.todayszaman.com/tz-web/n...s-pose-nuclear-threat-death-toll-hits-50.html


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
fuck that radioactive shit, it's hard to breath now in Moscow



I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
i_am_ben said:
Poor Russia :(

How many of the bush fires have been caused by arsonists?

Much less than by drunk people making campfires. Also 35-40C heat doesn't help.
nytimes article


Russia’s Response to Fires Does Little to Calm
OREKHOVO-ZUYEVO, Russia — The flames, bright orange and menacing, advanced steadily through a field of dried-out reeds, sending up coils of smoke and heading in the general direction of a village that, with its log homes, picket fences and gigantic haystacks, seemed to have been laid out by an arsonist.

With calamity perhaps only a few minutes away, all that stood between the flames and the village, Zaprudino, was 58-year-old Vladimir M. Ulyonov, equipped with a shovel and a lot of anger at his government for failing to provide even the most minimal assistance.

In this summer of extreme heat, drought, crop failures and, now, a nationwide eruption of wildfires, the Russian government is facing a rare upwelling of popular anger. More than 3,000 people have been left homeless because of the fires, the government has said, and 52 have been killed.

And as the acres burn and the damage mounts, the government is being tested at all levels and, quite often, found wanting. After decades of institutional inertia and official corruption, opposition figures here say, the government’s capacity to respond to crises has been severely eroded, a fact that has emerged starkly in recent days.

When the wildfires broke out, stoked by the hottest weather here since record-keeping began, more than 130 years, ago, officials and the Russian news media reported that firefighters had discovered access roads to the forests were overgrown and in poor repair, ponds intended to provide water for refilling their tanks were filled with sludge and their fire trucks were frequently broken down.

Local officials also blame a revised 2006 forest code that allowed logging companies to contract out firefighting operations. When the fires broke out, the contractors were woefully unprepared and inadequately equipped, said Viktor N. Sorokhin, a deputy head of administration for the Orekhovo-Zuyevo district, about 50 miles east of Moscow.

The new code also cut the number of foresters in the district by half, he added, to 150 from 300.

As the fire damage mounts, critics have noted that Ilim Pulp, a timber company half owned by International Paper, where President Dmitiri A. Medvedev worked as a corporate lawyer in the 1990s, had lobbied hard for the legislation easing logging regulation.

Whatever the reasons, a recent tour found the Orekhovo-Zoyevo district in dire need of more equipment and personnel. Beside the M-108 highway, a two-lane ribbon of asphalt carved through a towering birch forest, a fire burned without a single firefighter in sight, smoke wafting onto the road as trucks zoomed past through the haze.

To deflect mounting criticism, Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin has met fire victims and given generous aid to those who lost homes. On Thursday, he banned grain exports to ease concern of shortages or rising prices.

Russia’s leaders have also made daily announcements critical of lower-level officials. On Friday, Mr. Medvedev said he would hold mayors accountable for negligence. On Thursday, he cut short a vacation in Sochi, on the Black Sea, to return to Moscow and dismiss five military officials for failing to protect a base in the Moscow region that burned.

“If something similar happens in other places, in other agencies, I’ll do exactly the same thing, with no sympathy,” he said.

Dmitri S. Peskov, a spokesman for Mr. Putin, said the criticism of governors and other local officials merely reflected the division of responsibility for firefighting in Russia, as most fire brigades come under regional authorities.

Whoever is ultimately responsible, the fires have done extensive damage, and many continue to burn out of control. The Russian government had had to remove artillery shells from one military base and to remove radioactive material from a huge nuclear research complex in central Russia.

On Saturday, Moscow was choked with smoke, which seemed more like a smelly fog, thick enough to leave an aftertaste and a sensation of cement dust in the mouth. Residents wandered in the milky haze, many wearing surgical masks and dazed looks.

Dozens of flights were delayed Saturday as visibility dropped to about 350 yards at the city’s airports, after 140 flights were delayed the day before. The State Department has cautioned Americans against travel to Moscow.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations has called for volunteers to help fight the fires, acknowledging that the 10,000 or so firefighters deployed are overwhelmed and unable to attend to every fire — something residents of fire-stricken areas have been saying for days.

By Saturday, the village of Zaprudino was still standing, said Yulia A. Gavrikova, a spokeswoman for the ministry, though residents said a graveyard on the outskirts went up in smoke.

Mr. Medvedev, meanwhile, said he had established a private charitable fund for wildfire victims with an initial donation of 350,000 rubles, or about $11,740, of his own money.

Russians typically suffer far more from fires than people in most developed countries. In 2006, more than 17,000 people died in fires, nearly 13 for every 100,000 people — more than 10 times the rates in Western Europe and the United States.

This year’s wildfires are not extraordinary by Russian standards, having burned 1.8 million acres of land, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. By this time last year, the ministry said, fires had burned 2.3 million acres (compared with 2.05 million acres in the United States, according to the National Interagency Fire Center, in Idaho).

In a typical year, however, fires consume large tracts of remote Siberian forests, with little impact elsewhere. This year, by contrast, with the intense heat and drought in the Western regions, a larger number of relatively small fires are burning in densely occupied areas, like those in and around Moscow.

The hotter weather left the forest more prone to burn with a casually flicked cigarette or cinders from a tipped barbeque, while the number of fire sources in remote areas was no greater than in previous years.

Mr. Putin, who rarely responds to criticism, felt compelled to answer a posting on the Web site of the Echo of Moscow radio station. In it, a resident of a village in the Tver region wrote that under the Communists, “there were three fire ponds in the village, a bell that tolled when a fire began, and — guess what — a fire truck.”

Mr. Putin, visiting a village in the Nizhny Novgorod region where 11 people had died in a fire, got a firsthand view of the rising anger over the fire response. When he waded into a crowd to discuss a plan for monetary compensation, a woman yelled in anger.

“You didn’t do anything, everything is burning, don’t make promises,” the woman said, according to a video of the encounter posted on the Internet. Mr. Putin said he could do nothing now, as the village had already burned. “We asked for help. We trusted you. Why didn’t anybody do anything?” the woman said.

Mr. Putin responded by again describing the compensation plan. “We will spend 100,000 rubles for every person, every member of the family,” he said, and said local authorities would match that sum, about $3,300.

At this village, though hardly at every fire-damaged site, crews had already arrived to clear the rubble and begin reconstruction.
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